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Second Prediction Correct?

TimNow this is getting creepy. This article is pretty similar to what we thought might happen. It appears the 360 didn’t crash, but the need for a backup just goes to show the depth of the problem we’re joking about. Luckily, our third prediction is so far out there it’s really impossible for us to be completely right. But anyway, is everyone enjoying the E3 news so far? Impressed? Let down?

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  1. Noodle_93 says:

    Hmm.. The third might happen. And hopefully will!

  2. JoeTrumpet says:

    All I was really looking forward to at this E3 were more Mario Galaxy impressions, and I got them. Everyone loves it, so I’m happy. Metroid Prime 3’s controls being so great is also a good thing, and having those plus Smash Bros before 2008 is great. Most people seem disappointed with the show, but I got all I wanted anyway.

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