Wii Fit Parody

TimRay found this and I thought it was too good not to share. It really shows you how much the presentation of something will influence what you think of it. This guy makes the Wii Balance Board seem like a really stupid idea. Plus he sounds like Peter from Office Space which makes it even better.

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  1. John says:

    Price point is going to be key. More than 30 bucks and this board is going to be a hard sell. The mini-games look really bad.

  2. Tim says:

    Agreed, John, except I can’t see them selling it that cheap. I think it’ll sell for $50 with Wii Fit bundled. Any more than that would really be tough unless there were more compatible games for the board that sold at the same time.

  3. Brian says:

    …i still think it looks fuji (not really… maybe just a little)

    The only part I laughed was the Ikea comment 😀

  4. CharlieBlix says:

    I loved that. You can see more at Sarcasticgamer.com Check out “How To Kill Your Brand” Fun song.

  5. Tim says:

    CharlieBlix, yeah I saw the PS3 video/song. Great stuff!

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