Site Updated – Check out the Contest Page!
Well, we’ve made a few more incremental changes here at 2P START! Nothing as drastic as our last change, but we hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Most of it isn’t too noticeable, so I’ll list all the changes for you.
The contest page should be fun for everyone. It lists the winners of past Trivia for You! contests and allows 2P START! fans who DON’T listen to the podcast (shame on you!) to have a little fun too. The audio clips for all the contests will be listed and the corresponding answers are hidden so you can guess the song without having the answer right in front of you. There will be more changes coming including an archive for the 2P START! header images we’re changing each week, so keep an eye out for them!
I assume the fact that the contest button links back to the homepage is not a mistake? >.>
Hmm, I’m not seeing that, can you check again?
Sorry, It’s fixed now. Sometimes I see things that no one else can (no, I’m not referring to my mental state). It looks like the Contest page was still in draft mode, so only I could see it, but now, it’s all yours.
Admit it. You see dead people.
Very nice. How about with the header, it randomly selects a header from an archive?