Just to clarify, I wouldn’t really rather do taxes, I just have to get them done one of these days. Also, if you don’t get this comic then you’re either not as big of a Smash Bros.
nerd fan as Ray, or you haven’t been following the spoilerific forums out there on GameFAQs or NeoGAF or anywhere else where gamers assemble. Anyway, hope you enjoy the comic and apologies to the non-Smash fans out there who are groaning at the sight of another Smash comic. Also, I’ve added a spoiler tag option in the comments section, so any Smash Bros. comments that could be deemed spoilers should be put inside the spoiler tag. Thanks!
I hear the sound of a T-shirt design in the making…
I may have gone a little out of control with those last two frames.
this is a test.
[spoiler]Ray is stupid, shh![/spoiler]
This is a test.
I liked the Landmaster breaking through the frame. Nice touch.
I liked the part in the writing that was like: “In frame three, Ray should simply say ‘landmaster’ in all caps, with multiple exclamation points”
this it the funnest comic you made in awhile
i’m LMAO right now
I got Patapwn’d
Its ok Ray, I’ll wait with you.
I can’t stop laughing at this one, loving every frame of it!
[spoiler]Too bad there will be three Landmasters. Would have rather seen more different Final Smashes for the other Star Fox cast.[/spoiler]
NCG brawl comes out sunday. i cant wait. i wish i could wait in line but i dont have a ride so i have to wait til morning. that sucks.
I agree, what it should be is
[spoiler]Fox has the Landmaster
Falco gets to fly around in an arwing and shoot
Team Wolf bombs the field (for Wolf’s FS)[/spoiler]
Woo! Midnight launch!
Woo! Less than 80 hours to go!
By far one of the bests, even though I have to agree with certain people that landmaster is getting a bit stale.
But whew!, the comic made it funny again xD
Thanks Ray/Tim, I had been complaining about the Landmasters enough as it is(No credit guys?
). Now a comic too!? It’s funny, but saddens me too T_T .
@Metal_link: Woo-hoo!!! I’ll be there midnight
!!! You going to enter the tournament too?
[spoiler]Oh well, I’m happy enough that Wolf’s even in there.[/spoiler]
I hope I’m not the only one who noticed Ray’s shoes, wish I could get my hands on a pair of those
(do they really make those Ray?)
tim you don’t need to apolagize to non smash fans becuse this game is SO ASWSOM that every one that owns a wii that consiters themself a gamer is going to get this game and ray saying edit dos’end make the words magicly disaper hiting the alarm button will
The offical Light Speed Shoes? I wish…..
NCG :3
Also I never got a reply to my comment in your last comic.
Heck, with as many as there are in Brawl we should all have one too. Seems like Nintendo is able to mass produce these things anyway. HA!
NCG! Sawesome! (super awesome)
No apologies Tim! Do you know how many Halo comics there are out there!? I think Smash can afford to have a few more comics about it. (Eh, just an example… life must suck if you hate BOTH games.)
The last two frames are sweet of course. Also, I was kind of thinking the other day or week that it would be cool to see more comics with both of you guys in them just hanging out together, and that it would be like old times… and here you go fulfilling my unspoken request! Nice job. And a Smash comic to boot! 🙂
That was awesome! Great comic, guys! Extremely funny!
[spoiler]Wolf really isn’t a clone of Fox either, right? I mean, Ganondorf and Captain Falcon each have their own Final Smash… Why do Wolf & Fox share one? Ah, well. I guess it could be worse…[/spoiler]
Awesome; just plain awesome 🙂
and here I thought it was going to be a “rolling 20s” Dungeons & Dragons reference
This is the BEST COMIC YET!!! 🙂 🙂
I love the Landmaster Smashing through Frame and Roof!! This is defiantly background worthy!! HILARIOUS!!!
[spoiler]There’s 3 landmasters? Does that mean there’s 3 Star Fox characters? Fox, Falco, and …? [/spoiler]
I really lol’d at this one. The last two panels were unexpected and hilarious, so great job.
I agree with Tustin(best comic yet), and with Lava about how there should be more comics with the two of you chilling.
Wow, I knew you guys kept vector shapes but had to clue it was actual vectors… damn. I’d question the issue but I don’t have a comic.
Maybe I should actually get on that one of these days….
hahahaha i laughed out loud as usual
dammit you americans are so lucky getting brawl soon
uk hasnt even got a release date 🙁
Meh, it’s another Smash Bros, how different can it be from the previous two? I’ll buy it for the group fun, but I don’t expect too much except more polish.
tim should had said :WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed.
Why does the comic have a leak?
It’s right by the front of the landmaster in the last panel.
2P Start episode 6: Return of the knoby elbows.
I love the fact that Tim is just sitting there staring in shock; as opposed to running for cover!
Well, at least your currency is sound. (compared to ours) Heh, sorry, just me being depressing again. WOO BRAWL! And yeah, we’re privileged. Japan and the U.S. have an interesting relationship so that’s why. Ha, no, it’s just cause we’re a gigantic, mostly one language market, so it makes money sense. And… like you said, we’re lucky.
Well, hopefully Mario Kart Wii will console you.
Well, Sonic’s SA2 shoes were based on real Soap brand grinding shoes, but the model is long out of production now. I looked for them back in 2003, and they were nowhere to be found.
The real question is: Is Ray a clone?
And 2-D (Don’t know how to quote),
there isn’t a LEAK it’s just that the landmaster is breaking through the frame…
Well if it means anything, datel(makers of the Action Replay) have made a Wii freeloader so you and I can play import games. It’ll cost a little more but you’ll get to play Brawl now
. You can order the UK version of the freeloader here
Yeah, I’ve talked to a few poor souls in Europe. They all said they’re importing. I really feel for Australia. They’ll get it in 2011 probably.
Heh, Why not make wallpaper or a poster out of the last panel?
For the Landmaster breaking the frame it reminds me about the SEGA game Comix Zone (who remembers that game?). Good touch, I plan to pick up a Wii for the new Smash Bros game cause I love the series and who they have been adding that I forgot about.
what? not sonic’s final smash?
ZOMG, that’s how I get to school every day.
really though ray, why not just fly there with sonic’s final smash? be a big streak of yellow in the sky…. wheee!
Actually, I made a pair of sonic shoes for my friend. It was rather simple, and the look great! I fear they may need paint refurbishing soon.
wolf’s landmaster is more powerful all round, but stays on the screen less, falco’s flies better than fox’s and fox’s gun is better than falco’s.
I’ll be using this and/or the Super Mario Galaxy comic as a good example of work done with Adobe Illustrator for my Illustrator class. 😀
Thanks, Metal_Link.
And in case anyone asks, Photoshop wasn’t used.
Wow that was nice! LOL
Has the Raybob logo ALWAYS been on the shirt? 0_o
Totally awesome. Can’t believe this was made before you actually had the game. Doesn’t seem possible. Brawl in the Family did something simalar about Fox using Landmaster on the Pirate Ship and unintentionally sinking it in the process, but that was after he had had the game for a while.