Déjà Vu
Ray and I were both lucky. We both own ‘launch day’ Wii’s and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad worried that Super Smash Bros. Brawl wouldn’t work on my Wii. Ray had his Wii repaired last year when things started going haywire playing Mario Strikers Charged, so his Wii was probably cleaned and looked over then. Mine did have an unfortunate accident a couple months ago (involving lots of shattered glass and a poorly made TV stand), but it’s a trooper and hasn’t so much as hiccuped in my time with the game. I played a few online matches with Ray last night and afterwards told him that I’m definitely now a fan. I always appreciated the Smash Bros. series and knew that Brawl would be a quality game, but I worried that maybe it just wasn’t for me. I’m glad I was wrong because I’ve already had a blast playing against some of you out there and we’re only a few days in!
I figured the comic this week would be a wooden plaque hammered to the front door saying “Out Brawlin, Check Back Next Week”. Nice job. My Smash Bros works great, it’s just me that isn’t very good at it.
The only issue I’ve encountered with Brawl is that the disk reads are pretty loud (especially when the music cuts out when loading), but apparently, as far as I can tell from google, this is normal and due to the dual layer disk — anyone else finding this?
Yeah, the disc is kinda loud during loading, especially during Subspace Emissary. But anyway, NCG, and woo-hoo at chibi Tim and Ray
! And what’s that thingy on the top corner of the TV?
Web cam?
That was hilarious!
I still have my SNES hooked up and know the pain of having to blow until you’re dizzy on a cartidge, even today. Mine is a launch day Wii also and I had no problems.
NCG and I woldent be spried if blowing in the slot did work
People said that the Wii was so quiet, but mine has really loud disc reads on every game. Smash bros seems to work ok though.
I remember fixing the dreaded disc read errors on gamecubes by turning a potentiometer a tiny amount.
The best part of blowing on NES/SNES games was once you start, you can’t stop. [spoiler]Your salty spit initially creates a better contact between the metal plates by filling in around corroded areas, but will ultimately just make the contacts corrode more. Really, you should clean the contacts with alcohol and/or give them a light sanding with super-fine sandpaper. I don’t know if the Wii will ever have an effective lens cleaning disc that can be inserted through the magic blue slot.[/spoiler]
ray eyes scare me a bit
that not normal for a 5 year old to have big blue eyes
Notice the nubby elbows on the young versions are almost bigger that the adults. This made me smile because I have nubby elbows myself.
Just noticed the Teevee was a DS and Dj changed his avatar.
Uh, huh! So that’s why Brawl takes so darn long to load everything!! It has to search through data on two layers!! Has anyone else noticed how exceedingly long it takes Zelda/Sheik and Samus/ZSS to transform?! “Transform Time” has gone up at least five-fold! And ANY character switches in the Subspace Emissary take at least ten seconds to do! Sheesh!!
Oh, and my Wii makes a lot of noise just spinning the disc. Reads don’t make much sound, especially compared to the constant whirring of the disc drive. My Wii is not quiet. Is this normal?
you didn’t notice my avatar
AWESOME strip guys. The comics have been stepping up more and more since that crappy “uh writers?” one. Not that the ones prior were bad though, just not even near as funny as these newer ones. I also loved the Patapon one. Btw, this strip was ingenius. I didn’t even think of doing that! I’m glad you guys actually come up with funny jokes though. I know how hard it can be to do especially even if just once a week since you have to think up something funny about the latest and greatest news. Maybe you should have a section or something in your podcast that tells the readers about HOW you come up with the jokes and such. I know you do that somewhat, but how’s the thought process and stuff and– I guess I don’t quite know what I’m asking about.
And BECAUSE I just looked for it, I saw the elbows thing. Yeah… Change it up man! I can’t believe I haven’t noticed until now but crap man! You should tone it down a bit in one of the comics to see if anyone notices :P.
Ah yes… Those were the simpler days.
Good times had by all, nice comic!
Thanks 😀 , Lucario and Luxray were my favs in Pearl, and in Brawl he’s fantastic! Him and Pit are tied for my second main character, behind my main man Fox
@Hyper: What is your avi? It reminds me of another Pokemon.
😯 Tim’s blowing into the Wii while it’s still on! What if it’s trying to read Brawl and your scratching it all up!?!? O_o
I loved that one. Mostly because it was true.
Sonic Rush Adventure’s script was soooooo B-O-R-I-N-G! I personally skipped all the cutscenes/text
Didn’t you change that a while back?
LOL yes that is furret!
You mean ferret?
I think Tim and Ray should make that logo into a shirt. Gray or black perhaps
Didn’t you change that a while back?LOL yes that is furret!
You mean ferret?No its Furret, you gotta know pokemon man c’mon! Also having that cartridge logo on a t-shirt thats color scheme is based off of the NES is brilliant. Good Idea. You win.
My quotation failed. 🙁
@Rioluke: I thought it was a pokemon at first, but the color seemed off. And he was wearing a hat. My bad, took the wrong guess
. And yes, your qoute failed. And you should know…….I always win……except for when I do that other thing that’s not winning.
@Tim/Ray: You know what, you could make the shirt gray, put the NES logo on the front, and put a small red 2pstart logo on the back of the shirt right underneath the collar(where companies usually put thier logos); and maybe some little black stripes(like on the cartridge) kind of on the side(i prefer the left) of the shirt near the bottom, going up from about an inch or two from the bottom, and stopping about 6-9 inches up. Or if the shirt is black make the stripes gray. Yessss
2pstart merchandise FTW!
@Tim/Ray: Or! you could put the stripes on one of the sleeves(i still prefer left) instead of on the bottom of the shirt.
Did anyone notice younger Ray’s shoes, in the NES game era? We’ve all been assuming Ray wears Sonic shoes, but maybe it’s backwards… Maybe Sonic just wears Ray shoes? 😯
Not necessarily…. most NES games worked in their own era… it was the days of SEGA and SNES when regular Nintendo games required a bit of… persuasion, to start working.
Hey Guys.
Love the comic. I check it every day.
Today’s comic, though, I think could have been better with only the first two panels. I think explaining the joke took the edge off of it.
Well, just my two cents. You guys are really funny. Keep up the good work!
Lucario>Sonic…you fail
I don’t know what’s been going on with my avatar, I set it to that Lucario picture but for some reason it keeps using the sonic one. I think I’m just going to delete that sonic one, maybe it’ll work then. And Sonic is cooler than Lucario, sorry man.
“I really don’t think that’s going to help.”
But how about this then…
The worst part about those cartridges? The save battery broke on Dragon Warrior, forcing me to play DW4. Good in its own right, but I like the original.
The NES and its games were the best hand-me-downs I ever got.
Oh no! I hope that never happens to my copy of Dragon Warrior!
I wonder if those batteries can be replaced easily.
Hey guys, my code is 369497154756. My Name should Be Alpah. I’m not amazing, but if any of you guys are on, I might drop in
Man, it didn’t even occur to me the old dust issue we had in the old days. But it’s true. Hell, I even used a mini-vacuum-cleaner on a really used Genesis game once (it was Vectorman if I remember correctly). And yeah, it didn’t help…
Well, I can say that I was really nervous when I bought the game, but it’s working incredibly non-stop. Been playing like crazy, and training with Sonic (Sega fanboy mode ON). I didn’t have such a good time with Sonic since the 16 bits days.
Ok, see ya next. And a Falcon Punch to you all.
Forgot one thing: Is it just me, or the iMac monitor on the comic looks like a giant DS?
mini-ray scares me
Sorry, I’m not into pokemon.
Hahaha… loved how the hat ‘fit’ on the last one 😛
Hehehe… so true… awesome!
Am I the only 1 who ever realized that they ridiculously sped up Brawl? I mean, Bowser on Brawl goes faster than Link on Melee. That was 1 of 2 glaring mistakes. Number 2: WTF happened to Roy? He was 10 times better than Ike!!! 10!!!!!!