Guitar Hero DS: DS Really Does Print Money Now
What do you guys think? Is this merely intriguing or is it a must-buy? I have no doubt Guitar Hero: On Tour will sell millions, and that attachment looks pretty cool, but for me, Guitar Hero is about holding a Guitar, blaring high quality sound through your home entertainment system, and rocking out with your friends. I can’t imagine you’d feel like a rock star holding a DS, with mediocre sound, by yourself. If you watch the little commercial on the IGN page, I think you’ll know what I’m talking about. When they show the kids playing the DS with the touch screen strumming, it just looks a little weak. That’s not to say it won’t be fun, and I know it’ll be much better than the hot-selling cell phone version of the game, but it still won’t be the same. It does look like there will be some extra features like blowing out fires from pyrotechnics gone wrong by blowing into the DS mic, or signing autographs on the touch screen for raving fans. We’ll see if those add to the fun or take away from the action. And there will be some nice multiplayer action too, which is a must. I will say that this is a no-brainer for Activision and I’m glad to see they’re putting the effort in to make this a quality release.
All I can say is wow. I’m go hard on Guitar Hero, but I don’t know about this, I’ll try it and get back to you.
I love the idea of a strap for your hand. The DS needs that.
But will it fit my DS Phat?
guitar hero to me is a console game I still don’t think the PC version was a good thing and this is proably going to be a let down just like mario party advansed becuse of multi player wi fi works but downlode play does’nt bucuse all the players need a DS and the game if you think about it local DS mulit player just wont work the range is bad and all your firnds need the game it’s not pracal
I don’t think so it’s opsleet
Perhaps it’s because I don’t have a DS and have never used one, but until I saw the video, I could not figure out how someone would comfortably hold the DS and play the frets at the same time. Even after seeing it, it looks like it’d be impossible to do if you wanted to hold it in your right hand.
Also, I’m not sure how intuitive strumming by tapping a touch screen rather than actually moving a strum bar. I think I’ll stick with my Wii version instead 😉
My family plays mario party on the DS a lot on car rides or just sitting around the house. I would love it if every game had single-card download play, but multi-card play typically works really well and my family gets multiple copies of games routinely just for the multi-card play.
In short, I can’t help it if all your friends are broke moochers.
Jesus lives
@Andrew: If your family has that many DS’s then you should invest in a couple of “TopToy’s”, or “R4’s”. Look them up, got one for my DS and been loving it
@Andrew: Forget the R4’s, they’re illegal(sorry forgot), get some TopToy’s and I’ll run you through how to use them etc.
I have a “Games n’ Music” card that I use for video watching and music listening and internet accessing (with homebrew).
That might maybe work. Send me an email and I can send you some files and instructions/info to get that “games n’ music” card up and running the way it should
. My email is
Ok, done!
No one said this yet? Guitar Hero DS = DDR. Wow… Let’s rip off of Konami more, lol! I mean, ripping is great if you can pull it off better. I dunno if I’d agree with Harmonix’s approach, but the game does a LOT better to me when you put it in the Rock Band aspect. Instead of starting a flame war, I just wanna see if anyone agrees w/ me on the DDR comment. Heh.
Oh crud. It’s got a strumming thing. I missed that sentence in the post. Well NOW it makes sense. I think this’ll be far more fun to be bc it’s harder to hurt you hand this way, lol.
Incorrect. R4DS are not illegal, only running commercial games are.
DSTT is as illegal as R4 if you’re using pirated games.
Don’t you live in australia? But regardless you’re probably right, it’s just what I’ve been told(that R4’s are illegal in US). Not like anyone can find R4’s either way.
Nope, R4’s are NOT illegal. Essentially it’s like this.
Despite what many companies are trying to pass through congress (most notably RIAA although Nintendo has offered support), what you buy is YOUR property. So Nintendo can sell you a DS, they just can’t tell you what to do with it. Likewise, devices like mod-chips and R4s cannot be truly made illegal. The legality of devices such as these is always tied to what the user does, not the purpose of the device.
But then again, these are the same shady bastards trying to say that ripping a CD you bought from Best Buy to your hard drive is music theft. DMCA was supposed to be a shield for consumers, not the club used to knock them out while greedy publishers violate their comatose body….
@Sheppy: I knew that, but someone mentioned to me that R4’s were illegal, and I wasn’t 100% sure, so I took the safe bet until someone said otherwise(cause I didn’t want to get Andrew or anyone else in trouble), but thanks for the confirm. I only bought a Toptoy cause there’s an R4 shortage(not because of legality) and you can’t find them for jack-crap. And the spring loaded Micro-SD slot is nice