The Makeover
This was probably one of the strangest comics we’ve done. Not only does it have nothing to do with video-games, but it’s been one of the most difficult for us to script. In the end, I told Tim to just sit this one out as I tried to understand what “the joke” of my idea was. The last panel was surprisingly frustrating. Don’t try copy/pasting with a right-click…it’s all a lie! Well, at least on a Mac…
Yeah, it was weird for me to do a comic that didn’t revolve around videogames. I got so nervous about it that I even made my own comic as a backup in case the pitchforks came out in protest. But in the end, Ray did a great job and I think we have enough 2P START! fans that won’t mind seeing more Tim & Ray interaction (some have requested it), even if it’s not directly related to games. Hope you guys enjoy it and give Ray a virtual pat on the back for ‘getting off his butt to work on the comic’!
Of course, you might miss out on joystiq this time…
NOOOOO!!! Not the baby blues!
Also, I love the tetris comic.
it wold have been cool to see tim in a new look but ray looks good this gos along with the podcat ray said he does’ent do them selfs from srach I was thinking of a weak were tim and ray swich but now tim shold do the art
I did’ent get it
That’s frickin hilarious guys! NCG
I like how you tied the podcast with the comic, its beautiful. also
Sorry about the mac thing, but me and macs arent exactly the best of friends
@tim notice that in your tetris thing on the bottom row of blocks they make a line so technically they would have dissapeared..right? also NCT
NCT, was as funny as the comic ya’ll used. And a virtual pat for Ray
! And personally, I liked the “baby blues”, nice to see them back.
HOLY CRAP DR. Pepper!!!
the best
(sorry for all the quadruple-post but theres just too many good things to say about this epic comic.)
Dr. Pepper is all I drink, so it’s never going away, kind of like Ray’s shoes. And good call on the BOTCHED Tetris gag, I’ll fix that line at some point.
I always liked behind the scenes things! I liked the podcast a lot, and the comic is priceless. The last panel with Illustrator on the computer screen is great! (is it a screen shot, or are those all vectors?!) Great Comic Ray (Virtual Pat on back, which can be likened to Assist Trophy Isaac’s attack with the glowing hand that pushes enemies off stage đ )
PS. I hate Macs; they’re too user-friendly. đ
BTW Ray, Do you used Flash or Dreamweaver often? Tim does all the site design, doesn’t he?
BOOOO!!! Macs. Not a big fan either. Although I love my Iphone
LOL. Your comics are pretty funny I found this place by accident and I have it bookmarked ever since.
Tetris comic ruled, main comic ruled also đ
Btw, what the hell is NCT/NCG? |:
NC=”Nice Comic”
NCT= “Nice Comic Tim”
NCG= “Nice Comic Guys”
NCRBYASALSOB” = “Nice Comic Ray But You Are Still A Lazy SOB”
That last one isn’t really used very often.
Yay for acronyms
I’m using Flash nearly everyday trying to get my online portfolio done. It’s a love/hate relationship. I also use Dreamweaver quite often, but neither of which I use for 2P START!
I wouldn’t say I do the site ‘design’, just the architecture. When we did the site redesign, Ray did the graphics and I got it all to work together. Anything with WordPress, ComicPress, php, html, editing posts, etc. is probably me. Anything graphic-related is Ray.
Sorry guys. I like the new tweaks but this comic has been the only comic you’ve done in a while that didn’t make laugh.
NCG, even if without videogames (no Joystiq mention this week though). Let’s call it character development.
And it’s always nice to be reminded that we live in world where Sonic shoes are as standart as knubby elbows.
What he means is that: “This comic used to be funny about 2 or 3 issues ago.”
Of course, I disagree. This comic was a potent reminder of the dangers of a post-modern world. A world where truth is in the eye of the beholder. Eyes with rounded off edges, except on the eyebrow. Eyes that we can only hope never become baby blues.
Heh, “standart”. it’s like standard and art put together, or standard-art
I now want to see a panel of Tim with those eyes. Do it.
I just noticed… you guys have no ears.
Will those be added in the next make-over comic?
Gah, a forum would be nice…
Ray: Have you seen Sonic Unleashed yet? If so, what do you think of it?
It looks good, but there’s not enough info yet for me to decide anything.
hey I wonder what tim’s hair looks like well thanks to ray I have to wait another year to find out
why too me thats a good thing
great comic! very ‘meta’
That’s my line I say when anyone is promoting Macs in any way. In some ways its true, because I’m a programmer and a Windows guy and as such, I like to be able to get down to the nitty gritty of the operating system if the situation calls for it. Macs don’t allow me to do that. Neither does Vista. I hate Vista and I’m downgrading the next time I get a chance.
Well, that depends. Who drew up the sketches of the new site? Drawing sketches is site design. Yes, I understand the programming Vs. graphics relationship you guys have. Me, I do mostly programming, but I can do some graphics as well (as long as it doesn’t involve having to draw any type of animal or human, which I suck at).
BTW, since Ray started showing off his “Vector” picture of some of the more complicated panels, I’ve been dabbling in Illustrator. I was think about making a comic about college dorm life… (again, the human drawing will be a challenge…) đ
Ooh! I found a mistake! The comic your pulling from on the last panel is actually Comic #57. The file name shown is “”.
Sorry, just thought I’d point that out… đ
its Monday 12:55 AM, Wheres the podcast?
get out of bed and gimme a podcast
i have a surprise for you
Not bad, not bad. Has potential, but I’m not holding my breathe. Nice to see the platforming, and some more 2-D gameplay.
Yeah, a forum would be nice..
Great comic, I like ones that involve you guys. I was able to suspend my hatred of breaking the fourth, and enjoyed the comic a lot.
Sonic Unleashed has potential, and I’ll be a happy camper if it turns out good, but I’m not going to get my hopes up quite yet.
I have high hopes for this. This could bring back sonic games if its good.
P.S. its monday 12:04 PM get off your butts and give me podcast!
Holy crap.. as Tetris nerd I looooved “Tipsy Tetris”
hehe… And hey! Your dock is almost like mine was!!! O_O
Complain and you get child eyes. This is law.