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Evolution Wallpaper Now Available


TimI know it’s been awhile since our last wallpaper (about 4 months!), but there was some interest in seeing our last comic Theory of Evolution turned into a wallpaper. Ray has obliged so feel free to grab it in the Extras! section of the site. Have a great weekend everyone!

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  1. Employer says:

    This is nice and all… but is the wheel from sonic coming? PLEASE? An extra two slices might be hard… but what if for the pokemon one you have sonic on a pokedex? or…. a pokeball with sonic coming out? I really loved that comic and i’ll really like to have a full wheel as my wallpaper.. Please?

  2. Lilguitarist says:

    I know this isn’t relevant to the section but it was the newest thing on the blog, so, what the hey…

    Since the beginning of this week I have read all the comics and listened to all the podcasts from the first to last. Sad? Probably. A little bit creepy? Maybe. However, you guys are awesome and I couldn’t think of any two personalities that would work in the podcast together so well and the comics are always rib ticklingly funny.

    Keep up the good work!

    Now all I have to do is wait ’til next week for the next podcast and comic *sigh*.

    Oh well, back to playing Smash Bros. Melee seeing as us English folk aren’t privileged enough to have Brawl yet *weeps into his Wavebird controller*

  3. dr. game says:

    new suff try to put more suff more offen

  4. ObscureLarry says:

    Lilguitarist, a river of tear drops may short circuit your controller.

  5. Lilguitarist says:

    Lilguitarist, a river of tear drops may short circuit your controller.

    Which only upsets me further as without a Gamecube controller I could not play melee and I STILL wouldn’t have Brawl! : (

  6. Fierce Deity says:

    cheers for uplaoding it requested it a lil while back (as name firebelly but have an actual account) now 😀

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