Am I the only one who finds the results of this question just a LITTLE sad? Where are your priorities, people?!? Can someone please explain to me why, if given a choice to do one or the other, you would choose to help an animal over a person? What if the question was more like, “Would you rather: feed a starving child or neuter a stray dog?” or “If you could only save one from a burning building, would you: save the baby or save the puppy?” I know those are extreme examples, but I still can’t imagine being more fulfilled or feeling better about helping an animal over a human. I guess Wii owners have played a little too much Nintendogs…
Oh wow…
You’re right: Screwed up priorities.
I’d totally save animals. People suck. Animals genuinely care.
Please tell me you’re kidding. They care for food. They care for the people who feed them as long as they continue to feed them.
Tim, is that your wife?
She’s cute!
Yes it is! She’s even cuter when she’s not a Mii.
Wow. The human race’s brain is more flawed than I thought. Caring more about animals than other humans? People are idiots. Insane even.
Well, I’m one of those, who’d rather save a puppy than a baby. Animals cause so much less trouble than humans and that’s enough for me. Also Earth can’t support too many humans and the problems are already showing, so I ain’t gonna do anything to worsen that problem (not even going to make babies meself).
And now there’s a picture of Tim on the internet! Though it is only a sideshot, and we can’t see your face… But yea, when I think of how to predict my votes, I consider the kind of people who probably own a Wii. Most of them (unfortunately) are probably little kids. To little kids, kitties and puppies and ostriches are cuter than people, so there you go. That’s how I’d rationalize it, anyway.
Yeah, I’m surprised by the results too.
After some report had found that Nintendo wasn’t a very green company, I’d figured that the players weren’t all that green either and would choose to save a human.
I had also gotten my hopes up for Wii players when in a past poll they had chosen something else over cell-phones. *Metal_Link shakes his fist at cell-phone junkies*
Truth be told, animals consume less. So in a way, I’m thinking of a Mad Max dystopian future where, after the fall of society, food becomes sparse. So now I have to think, this guy I save today, will he raid my compound in the night and kill my Blaster Master leaving me powerless to be savaged by his tire wearing hordes? Or do I secure my future by eliminating the competition before the fall of society and possibly have some meat to snack on under the mushroom clouds?
Decisions, decisions….
Dude she’s hot!!! Good job 😉 . Does she have a younger sister
But anyway, I think it all depends on the situation. If we’re talking people’s or animal’s lives hanging in the balance, then duh, people. But if we’re talking helping homeless people(especially drugees), or helping stray animals, then I’d pick animals. I think it’s all relevant to what exactly I’d be helping, but then again I also really love animals.
How do you know that stray animal isn’t a meth head?
People can help themselves, sometimes. They didn’t really specify what you were helping them do.
@Tim: You never answered my original question in my first comment………
. We could be brother in-laws! Wouldn’t that be a hoot!? 😀
Sorry, no younger sister, I guess it wasn’t meant to be…
And I like your new avatar, now where have I seen that before? Oh yes, I saw it those 500 times I was making Ray’s Brawl albums, first with a WordPress plugin, then in Flickr, then in Flash…
Am I the only one who finds the results of this picture just a LITTLE sad? Where are your priorities, Tim?!? Can someone please explain to me why, if given an choice to play Mario Kart Wii or use the Everybody Votes Channel, you would choose the vote channel over an actual game? What if the situation was more like, “Would you rather: play a fun game or answer a stupid poll?” or “If you only had one thing to do on your Wii, would you: Play Mario Kart Wii or look at insipid polls” I know those are extreme examples, but I still can’t imagine being more fulfilled or feeling better about answering polls over playing a good game. I guess Tim has played a little too much Statistician Tycoon…
it like on an air plain you have to put the oxagen mask on yourself befor you put it on your dog
oh and you uesed an worg it shold have been if given a choice
Everybody votes channel is full of this things… I remember lots of questions and answers like this..
Because the votes channel only takes about ten minutes to do – You vote, look at results, then go back and play Brawl (I don’t have MKWii, at least not yet). Granted, I haven’t stayed up to date with EbVC because I haven’t been on a reliable internet connection for a while… and I don’t have a place to put my Wii without my mom yelling at me for playing it. *sigh…*
(BTW, what’s with the random image reference in your comment,lwelyk, that I picked up when quoting?)
I was parodying Tim’s post. But I seriously got sick of that channel in a week. Maybe if they asked better questions. And the image code I wanted an image to show up. Guess it didn’t work right.
This isn’t really new, but it underlines the issue quite well: people have messed up priorities. Consider everything PETA’s said:
“We’d be against a cure for AIDS if animal testing was involved.” (ignoring that this would cure AIDS for animals too)
They’ve said other such things since the above became widespread; this isn’t just a one-time deal. These are actually people who hate people. Many of the comments above mine prove this.
Animals can’t actually care the way people care.
Metal_Link: Clearly the fact that Nintendo makes great games is ALL of the decision process. Who cares how green they are?
Also, narvis, the Earth can and does support a lot of people. China. And adog is only less trouble when you’ve trained it to not pee on your carpet. And would you let a dog drive? Shoot a gun? Perform surgery? Think rationally?
How Much?..
But seriously, how much?
The Everybody Votes Channel is skewed because of the community that uses it is only certain people so I wouldn’t take these statistics seriously.
@Tim: Darn….And what can I say, I love Sonic, and I love Star Fox, not a lot of crossover pics with the two of them honestly.
@Lwelyk: I deleted the EBVChannel yesterday, haven’t used it since it came out.
OMFG i can’t believe the ignorance of human mankind.
I think the worst are the comments here that try to justify this horrible result. I mean, woah -.- i’m sorry, this poll shows that, if i was in a lethal accident, more than half of mankind would rather safe the animal next to me than me.
Then next, animals care genuinely??? WTF??? Could you please tell me how much the stupid deer out in the woods would care for you, if you were lost, starvin, and smelling like raw flesh??? would it call an ambulance to safe you? NO!
To Narvis -.- sure, a rottweiler causes SOOOO much less problems than my 11 year old brother, same for a shark, man, i’m lucky i’m still living in the same house as my brother. Animals have just instinct, to judge upon right and wrong, no feelings, get that into your stupid mind.
And btw: Thanks for deciding, not to pollute earth with your descendants -.-
well at least one thing is true, if i could safe an animal or one of those people who voted for “help animals” it would definitely be the animal.