More Site Updates!
Ray will be back just in time to make this week’s comic, so one final push to update the site before he returns. The code I wrote for custom logos to display with all of our archived comics is now FULLY functional, so feel free to browse the archives and see the matching logos with the comics. On that note, wouldn’t it be really cool if Ray made custom logos for ALL our old comics? We only started doing that about 6 months ago, but it would be great to have the older comics with matching logos too. Anyway, I’ve also updated Ray’s Brawl Album on the Brawl page to link to a cool flash-based polaroid album. It’s just another fun way to check out Ray’s Brawl snapshots, so enjoy!
Coolie cool, and about time
Found a mistake, on the Polaroid album the picture captions for “Lyn sneaks up from behind” and “Bonk” are on the wrong picture.
“Sonic vs. Fox” and “Sonic Rush tribute” are also on the wrong pictures…
Thanks Brawler08, fixed those and a couple other mixups!