Replacement Brawl Box Art by Ray! [Update]


TimRay sent me this pretty awesome replacement cover for Super Smash Bros. Brawl to share with you all. Ray’s Mario Kart Wii replacement covers were a necessity since the official box art isn’t very good. Brawl’s box art is fine as is, but I must admit, I dig the sideways box art and the way Ray fit in every character! Keep in mind that he physically placed each and every one of the characters himself using ripped character art from the game, no small feat. The spine art is optional of course, so if you don’t like it you can just cut it off and use the front. One more shot of the box art plus the download after the break!

[Update]: Ray made a version without the ESRB logo for non-U.S. gamers.


Click on one of the images below to download the full resolution artwork to print out!


(with ESRB Teen rating logo)


(without ESRB Teen rating logo)

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  1. J man says:

    lol thanks for the spoiler guys since you know some countries still dont have brawl.

  2. Dryk says:

    Would it be possible to get a version without the ESRB rating or message on it?… I’d like to print this out but seeing as I won’t have a US copy of Brawl I don’t want the T rating on it.

  3. Pascal says:

    un-friggin-believable… this is sooo AWESOME… Don’t care for the spoiler, knew all the charas anyway even though i live in switzerland, i just kept the unlocking way a secret for myself, so i have to guess it by myself 😉

    But the cover is just amazing… R-E-S-P-E-C-T to Ray ^^ can’t believe the patience he’s got.
    just one question, … how do i have to edit it, so the spine is cut off properly?

  4. DemonHub says:

    Really, finally someone putting every character together. Ray that’s a masterpiece.

  5. J man says:

    yeah i agree to remove the rating logo please?

  6. Ray says:

    Would it be possible to get a version without the ESRB rating or message on it?

    It’s on its way….

  7. tustin says:

    Hmm…. the drop shadow on the characters makes them look like cutouts… If you shift the drop shadow (global light) so that the shadow is under their feet, then it might be more believable…

    Sorry, Photoshop user here. Anyway, the cover is unbelievable Ray (and in more than just misplaced shadows)! How the heck did you get all those characters with just the right lighting on them?! Awesome!

  8. brian says:

    i hate the sideways box art

  9. dj75728 says:

    i hate the sideways box art


  10. Gewurztraminer says:

    I was never particularly fond of the real Brawl artwork from the moment it was released and scrutinized as a fake on the internet.

    Pro: landscape format is a unique idea – i like it

    Con: Snake’s derrière =P

  11. Dryk says:

    Thanks a bunch for the new version.

  12. dj75728 says:

    I was never particularly fond of the real Brawl artwork from the moment it was released and scrutinized as a fake on the internet.
    Pro: landscape format is a unique idea – i like it
    Con: Snake’s derrière =P

    Heh, LOL……butt……..

  13. Jeg says:

    make one without the Wii and WiFi logo
    a poster intead of a Box Cover

  14. fierce deity says:

    :O amazing job
    i dont suppose you could take the wii white bit off and upload it as a wallpaper 😀 maybe
    also i cant remember my password so i requested a reset email, clicked on the email link and it said “sorry, that key does not appear to be valid”

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