2P START! Live!: Virus Edition
June 2nd, 2008
In this episode, Tim and Ray discuss the new Dr. Mario game available on WiiWare and the merits of shareable demos. Plus all the regular segments!
I think this podcast turned out really well, so don’t miss it!
Yay first! Man I gotta stop this >_< ……..I guess you could say I’m just enthusiastic
. Hey, did you guys use the Rubik’s cube cause of Guilherme?
arrgh it was posted when i got to work…
I feel so special if that’s the case, dj75728 🙂
Wow! Great podcast guys. (as usual) I can’t believe I was mentioned :D, didn’t even expect it. Anyways, I just got a 1GB SD card, so I listen in the Photo Channel now :P. (No need for those headphones now ^_^)
P.S Any chance of “Trivia for Two” coming back? That was a great segment. Also, have either of you guys played a game called “Tales of Symphonia”? It was for the Gamecube, and if you have, are you excited for the sequal? Goodluck on all future Comics and Podcasts. 😀
I’ve played Tales of Symphonia. I got bored half-way through, though… I liked Tales of the Abyss much more.
I’m gonna listen to this podcast on my walk to and from school! Walking is fun with 2P Start! ;D
I loved Symphonia, and I really like Tales of the Abyss too.
I frickin L-O-V-E-D Symphonia, it’s one of my top 10 favorite games of all time! Can’t wait for the Wiiquel(does that work?) and the new 360 Tales game. Tales is the only RPG series I’ve ever liked honestly.
WOW Guilherme, that’s amazing!
Ooh! I wanna play Where’s Waldo with Dragons!
Tails Doll, eh? Can you feel the Sunshine Ray?
Also, I’m not a kid. I’m 13. Psh, I said my age online, who cares, it’s not like you can track someone through their age. Who cares.
Tales of Symphonia owns btw.
And always remember, to be cool you must blame Rioluke. Or dj. Although Rioluke is the default person to blame.
Chris Crocker ‘leave Mario Kart Wii alone!’
Chris Crocker: ‘leave Mario Kart Wii alone!’
whoops double post well
Leave Mario Kart Wii alone again! or something
For the previous Trivia maybe it’s Wii chess.
I’m goin to take a stab at the Trivia for You. Its Wiiplay, when you are trying to find the matching mii game.
The best thing about Dr. Mario was always the music. And even in that it was overshadowed by Tetris.
Speaking of friends, Ray and Tim still need to add me in Mario Kart.
Dr. Mario HD, now with another color!!!
Oh good, I at least got mentioned this week. After not getting friended by Ray and Tim, and not getting comment of the week while I was gone, I was starting to think I had fallen out of favor with the 2PStart crowd.
Ok, Ray. You have the worst Black Doom awards. You argument essentially comes down to the idea that things become obsolete. Yes, having content on the disc that is unlockable for a limited time does kinda suck, but how can you possibly do time sensitive tournaments otherwise? I would give you credit for it if you only cared about re-locking the tournaments after they are over, but throwing in the future loss of online servers just ruins it. You might as well say that WiiFit will suck once we live on the moon with 1/6th gravity, or that all your appliances and entertainment equipment are going to be ruined when 120 V AC is no longer available. We get it, relying on outside parties kinda sucks cause at some point they might not exist, or they might not do exactly what you want all the time. Still, I would rather make that trade now if it ensures that goods and services continue to be made.
But I really do hope that they allow this content to be unlocked permanently sometime in the future.
Tune is from Animal Crossing: Wild World on the DS; The hair salon.
I are phail at Dr, Mario. 🙁
Yo, Ray. Send me an email and I’ll send you the Wii Font.
It’s some font that starts with a C, like Cordova or something but I have it so, yeah. Just offering to share the wealth for future ease.
The font is called Continuum.
The same happened to be as far as demos go.
I had heard plenty about Worms: Open Warfare 2 around it’s release last year, but I really didn’t care about it until this week when the demo came out on the Ninty Channel, it’s actually somewhat better than I thought it was, and rather fun.
WiiQuit Too? Nubs…
As someone who owns Samba De Amigo for Dreamcast, I can say your attack on Rays Black Doom has grounding in pure fantasy. Reason? When Samba De Amigo was released, once every two weeks, players could go onto Seganet and download a new song. They were often from established Sega series such as Sonic or Jet Grind Radio. Regardless, this was a cool feature. But it was locked on the disc. It was physically on the disc, you only downloaded an unlock sector on your game save with 12 lines of hex code for each song… wonder why I know all this… ah yes, the point.
When Samba De Amigo was announced for Wii, I yanked out my copies of Samba De Amigo and Samba De Amigo 2000. Only since my black VMU ran batteryless for a while, all my game saves were gone. I took the DC online to snag the codes again but the server was down. In fact, the middleware online service was down completely. Upset, I shuffled through ye old closet and thankfully found my Dex Drive and hooked it up to my computer. After writing a couple drivers for Vista for the Dex Drive, I found my old game saves and transferred them back onto the VMU with fresh bats.
Now, because I knew what I was doing, this entire process was a little over five hours (and truthfully would have been abandoned if my previous attempt to write a Vista driver for Guncon 3 hadn’t been a discouraging disaster) and I knew what I was doing and had something to fall back on (my paranoia driving my backing up of gamesaves thanks to a third party mem card on N64 losing my 100% complete Blast Corp file).
Nowadays? Let’s put it this way. If I want to replay Layton in 2017, I would be incapable of accessing those bonus content puzzles. There lies the danger and the rightful awarding of the Black Doom.
I just listened to it.. wow. I was the comment of the week! yay!
Just some clarifications:
-Yes, my cube is lubed, but not like it’s all gross and stuff, it just feels fast 🙂
-You can just use it until it gets loose.. lots of cubers do that, instead of instantly lubing it.
-There are some brands other than rubik’s that make awesome cubes, but I prefer regular, “store-bought” (not for sale here, so internet-bought) rubik’s cubes 🙂
But yeah, one of the greatest podcasts so far (maybe because I WAS IN IT!) 🙂
I also like the podcast beeter than the comics the cast is how I found this site and I olny started reading the comics one day when I was sick and bord but i’m gald that heppened of course
Now I’m curious… Exactly how did you start listening to our podcasts without seeing our comics first?
As I said, I would accept the black doom award for re-locking the tournaments. However, by throwing in the fact that in games, like in Samba De Amigo, future players may not have access to the servers to get content is not a legitimate complaint.
There is no way that I know of where you could have content that is time sensitive without relying on outside servers. And I think that there is a benefit to having time sensitive content, since it encourages people who are on the fence to buy the game new, rather than waiting for it to hit the bargain bin. More people buying the game means better online play, and better chances of good games in the future.
You might as well complain about the Nintendo letters in Animal Crossing or the Pokemon giveaways that you need to play at the right time, or the right time and place, to get.
So, I agree that, if the tournaments are not going to be reused, Nintendo is dumb to re-lock them, but I think that a generic, “Having content on the disc that is only unlockable by outside servers is dumb,” is not a very good Black Doom award.
I have a story about online-obsolete-ness:
I had a computer peripheral call a “smart-pad” which allowed you plugged into your usb port and it allowed you to have links to your favorite sites and things with a press of a button on the pad. The thing was neat: it was like a mouse pad with buttons and it had a smart card to remember who you were and everything.
The only problem is that it accessed an online server to work – all the settings were stored online (so you had the possibility of taking out the smart card and putting it elsewhere and still have all your settings). Now the company is gone, out of business, and that smart pad is a very cool-looking paperweight. Sad really. (I tried to reverse engineer the thing once, but didn’t get very far because my programming skill then were terrible – plus I was using VB).
But what happens if you lose your game save? What happens if/when your Wii breaks 10 years down the road? As much as I want to agree with you that online server based unlocks on the disc is a good thing, being a Dreamcast fan and owner gives me a preview of the dark road ahead.
Fact of the matter is, the way this kind of DLC is being handled is all wrong. Take, for example, Layton. I finally got my mother into gaming (took her 20+ years of watching me do it) and she loves Layton. She beat it, it’s on a shelf right now. I asked if she downloaded the new content. Her wireless router needs to be configured in just the right way and so I download the unlock bits at my house once a week and hand it back to her. She likes this feature. Her exact words? “Well this is just beyond stupid. The puzzles are right there on the disc, why can’t they be time released after you beat the game?”
There are only two ways I support DLC. The first is if the DLC itself ADDS content to the game. In other words, you’re downloading the content you’re using, not unlocking it. The second is if it’s seasonal or special events which modify the game for free. Those are the only two occassions. Using outside servers to unlock internal content is lame. And if EA catches trouble for this, why can’t Nintendo? Makes me wonder something, quite honestly.
What if this content wasn’t locked? Would we actually have a mission mode like on Mario Kart DS?
I think that the tournaments are “special events which modify the game for free,” but how would you do free special events so that they couldn’t be easily accessed by reseting the Wii clock? Or would you just make the tournaments competitions between everybody with the clock set to certain dates?
In regards to EA, I think people didn’t like the idea that they had already bought the on disc content and were being told to buy it again if they wanted to use it.
I still think that time-sensitive, remote-server unlockable, on-disc content (especially when free) rewards early adoption in a way that benefits the game’s community (by increasing the number of players) and the game’s producers (by converting some used game purchases to new game purchases)
I don’t know if you were being sarcastic when you said, “But what happens if you lose your game save? What happens if/when your Wii breaks 10 years down the road?”
If you were not, then you are again just complaining that things can become obsolete (and even less convincing, that things can break). You might as well complain that Tennis is less fun when you are 85 years old with severe arthritis.
Sure, we could imagine a world where every product is supported indefinitely. Where everything has a lifetime guarantee and servers are maintained forever. Where companies were legally obligated not to cut off support and the government took over product care for companies that went out of business.
In such a world, I believe that the costs of maintaining the old products, for a shrinking group of people who no longer provided income to the companies, would decrease the quality and frequency of new products. Companies support their products for a reasonable amount of time (in general), but cut off their support when it is no longer cost effective.
I can’t believe I’m barely listening to this Podcast, I feel late. But I was super sick yesterday and couldn’t do anything 😕 .
I’m not a fan of Dr. Mario either, never really liked it. I’m a Super Puzzle Fighter fan myself. Tim, you should play the demo for “Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix” on Xbox Live Arcade, good puzzle game.
I kinda liked Sonic and the Secret Rings T_T ………..
Yo Ray, if you ever start to run out of random sonic characters to use in the Black Doom opening here
“Chaos Emeralds!” That was cool how Ray busted that out with that level of enthusiasm/quickness.
WTF!? How in the world did you come up with that? And BTW, I could’ve sworn that I was the default person to blame >_>.
Don’t worry DJx|x=75728, I ALWAYS blame you.
Thanks for the kind words Andew, you mispelled your name BTW
. And what is x|x? Cause I know that |x| is absolute value, but what does x|x mean?
I think he meant x / x, which means “x, being x..”
Wow, I didn’t even notice.
I must have entered it wrong the other day when I installed Firefox and then every comment from this computer was wrong.It was probably your fault though.Guilherme the Rubik’s master had it right. The single vertical bar is commonly used in math to indicate the value of a variable for which to evaluate an equation. Similarly when working with sets it is the set of allowed values.
shift key + \(backslash) key = |
That’s more like it
Andrew, I understand where you are coming from but the whole “Why complain when things become obsolete” arguement is a bit, well… non gamerish. I could understand if Nintendo didn’t have a product line out there that directly fed off nostalgia and retro but the Virtual Console channels exists. Time for another truth.
I regularly bust out my systems all the way back to NES (my 2600 is broken and all I really miss on it is Moon Patrol, DK Junior, and Joust). I know you look at it from the perspective of “why does it matter when the system is so old” but from my perspective, I’m JUST as able to whip out Warsong on my Sega CDX as I am Fire Emblem on my GBA. Whether this content is around for me in 10 years does matter. Last weekend I played through Castlevania Bloodlines. I want the console to last a lifetime because I’m fairly certain I will be playing Heavenly Sword in 10 years. I’m like that, weird. So locking out features on the disc/cartridge just so you can say you have “special events” is rather deceptive since it’s an artificial game lengthening practice.
And what I meant by special events on DLC isn’t these tournament packs that are there, just unaccessable, but rather events like the Darkmoon Fair in WOW. Admit it, booting up SSBB and having Halloween themed items and powerups, even alternative costumes, is an untapped goldmine. And it’s sad because the technology is in place to do this. It just won’t be done. I don’t consider a DLC special event to just be unlocked on the disc… for a limited time only.
I know, but here in Brazil we use / for that, instead of | 🙂
Oh wow, Brazil, cool. I’m a Texan, that’s boring T_T
Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that I don’t wish that everything lasted forever or that tons of content was freely given out. I just understand that the realities of business mean that we are better off the way things are.
Unless there is an alternative way to do time sensitive content that I don’t know about, we are really arguing whether time sensitive content is itself negative. To which I say that all things are to some extent time sensitive.
The virtual console is a perfect example of using the time sensitive nature of video game content (in this case the fact that old consoles break/are sold/are thrown away) to allow people to enjoy the content they want in a way that makes economic sense to the company. If I had to choose between my NES never breaking down and Nintendo surviving to release the next console, I choose the latter.
That explains a lot…
Well where are you from >_> ?
I know, I know, you could tell.
Colorado? Man, that’s boring. Should’ve known >_>
Dude South Park is in Colorado. That is the coolest (next to living in Springfield)