2P START! Live!: Sneaky Snake Edition
June 16th, 2008
We have surprisingly little to say about MGS4 (maybe not too surprising), but every topic does segue into a Smash Bros. Brawl discussion, so this podcast will be fun nonetheless, right Ray? RAY? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
What?! You haven’t played any of the metal gear games? Go buy a copy of Twin snakes (GC) and play it on your WII. NOW. Seriously, move it fatso. đ
Early this time guys. I thought the podcast’s were on tuesdays. I guess not, anymore.
Also, it’s pretty long.
Ha, double entandres (I can’t spell)
Also, it’s pronounced A-non, like Anonymous.
And yes, you have had the same comment before.
And, I know, I’m fanboy-ish.
Also, Captain Falcon’s anus, it’s still less detailed then Fox’s. His is like, enlarged (in the game). Yet the Captain’s , he had sparkle’s flying out of it. >_> <_<
Also that commercial, it scares me.
I heard GH4 is going to have DC. for wii but thay need a place to put it so that makes me think a hard drive is in the works
Disaster: Day of Crisis is one that I’m still waiting for. Other than that, there’s not much I’m looking forward to for the remaining of the year.
You guys can say that you have the best podcast evar, though. As it stands now, this is the only podcast I listen to. I got bored of IGN’s and Joystiq’s podcast long ago.
Giving up an opportunity to use a Falcon Punch is like choosing Vin Diesel over Chuck Norris. Although Chuck Norris is always better than a Falcon Punch, so maybe Chuck Norris roundhouse kicking Snake would have been better.
The marketing fiasco reminds me of the tavern scene in Tatooine in Star Wars IV. “Hey! Your geeks and otaku, we don’t serve their kind here.”
**Metal_Link is wildly wagglin his white wiimote with war waging weeners.
Oh and lets go nuke the Zwinky place…
BWaHHahh!!!! Call me out. I too have been lurking the proverbial shadows since um I think the first or second comic. I suppose now I must summon the courage to join you “commenting folk”
Well, I actually sort of get where Ray is coming from.
the Knee provides a lot more movement and action to the page over a punch.
What about a punch with a flaming falcon around his fist?
Also, FINALLY! You guys FINALLY said something about Sony and Microsoft’s Wiimote rip-offs since I said something about it a few weeks ago. It’s kinda pointless to even try to get the casual gamers though since not only is the Wii cheaper but it comes with a Wiimote.
Off topic: Has anyone here ever played Sin and Punishment, IMO it’s awesome.
I purchased it on the Wii’s Virtual Console based on all of the positive reviews. It’s a very interesting piece of gaming that has left some very cool memories in my mind. I just wish the main character’s hips weren’t so gigantic…. I can’t think of any man’s hips being that ridiculous.
Regardless, it’s a fun game that’s great for beating hi-scores.
Ray, you should like this.
Why are you looking at his hips when you should be paying attention to killing giant mutant bugs? And giant mutant animals…
Holy crap. It doesn’t look like holy crap!
Better not buy a Sonic game ever again, I gave up all hope a long time ago. The fans banding together and making a new game is a better bet. At least the fans know what the fans want… I hope…
Good podcast. Nice and long. Yours is the only podcast I look forward to listening to every week. Okay yours and The Video Game Show.
I actually knew the Remix song this week. I rather like that one. Get some from someplace other than OCRemix, I already have most of the ones I like from there : P
I can’t believe Tim said the DB word.
What’s with that man? Kids could be listening to that podcast and parents have to deal with it. D<
I was so shocked when I heard it, I gasped, then made sure I wasn’t listening to the Penny Arcade podcast.
Now that Anon is here we should make up a joke for him/her. With Blakjack. And Hookers.
I haven’t played any of the MSG’s either(with the exception of Portable Ops). I do know the background story and all, but I know that if I play 4 I’ll miss out on those subtle cameos/details that only people who played the previous games would understand. So I’ll probably pass considering that I’d have to go out of my way to play it on a friends PS3 anyway.
I don’t think that the PS3 is failing, It’s obviously not gonna win the console war, but I would equate it to the PSP vs DS. Because the PSP is by no means failing, but it still pales in comparison.
I can’t wait for Guitar Hero Aerosmith, they have Run-DMC!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!! There is supposed to be some Deep Purple too! And Guitar Hero IV is gonna be cool too, especially with the addition of 5 extra touch pad frets on the guitar control for sliding. Oh and, GH > Rock Band
You guys have had the same comment a million times, but I was the first
. But anyway, 2PSTART > Every other Web-comic.
Guitar Hero is NOT Better than Rock Band. They took my favorite character, Judy Nails, and transformed her from a punk rock chick to a cracked out disease ridden Red Haired Courtney Love. I will NEVER FORGIVE! Not to mention in the race to up the difficulty, they pulled a DDR. Shrinking your fanbase by accomidating only your hardest core and forgetting fun overrides difficulty factor in ANY rhythm game. I can do many a song on expert on GHIII, but only the Easy to Medium stepcharts are fun to play.
Anywho… good podcast, guys. Couple comments though.
First is the GTA impact in comparison to MGS4 and console sales. Basically, GTA didn’t move hardware. Shocking, I know. Seems while the software sales was definately there, a vast majority of the people buying HAD the hardware already. MGS4, meanwhile, IS moving hardware. Also, MGS4 is exclusive simply because of BluRay. Kojima has stated this several times and whether Konami wanted it to go multiplat or not is irrelevant considering Kojima Productions contract with Konami specifically states Konami, as a company, cannot interfere with the direction or intentions of Kojima Productions. Konami acts as a publisher. Hideo Kojima is one of the truly untethered madmen of the industry. Which is why he managed to fill the 50GB BluRay. Also bringing the very much doom and gloom fact that It wouldn’t be possible on 360. I know, I know, you’ve heard this before but allow me to explain. The problem isn’t the gameplay but rather the audio. The gameplay, as evidenced by the install times, takes up a fairly small amount of space (4.5GBs roughly freeing up the drive to stream the badass audio). But a dual layer DVD on 360 holds, at most, 6.7GB of information. Now, gameplay data HAS to be on each disc at it’s core as well as the audio for all of those cutscenes and in the gameplay itself. At a minimum, with Audio Compression (which Kojima said was a boundary he would not cross), it would be, at a minimum, 5 discs with a seperate disc for MGS Online. Of course this entire arguement becomes moot once Microsoft opens the hard drive up for installs for games (and, incidently, removing the most common glitches in their games like texture pop-in experienced in Mass Effect). In which case, it could be a 3-4 disc game, with compression. I’m sure it’s coming eventually but the PS3 will still remain the definitive edition.
Also, completely agree with Tim’s Black Doom. I won’t get into the Sixaxis debate but I will say this. IF the new controller peripherals have a specific purpose (read: EyeToy, Buzz controllers, Beatmania Turntables, Singstar Mics) with specifically targetted games, could be fun. But it shouldn’t be the focus. Let’s put it this way…
Rumble: Aside from possibly 1% of the industry, shake STILL equals damage. That’s right. The foundation of rumble introduced in Starfox 64 still remains it’s tethered flaw. I say it’s a gimmick because most developers still have NO CLUE how to use this technology. When Psycho Mantis’s display of power still remains one of the most memorable rumble implimentations, there IS a problem.
Tilt: Once again, very few developers have figured this out and even Nintendo seems to struggle with this (functionally, Excitetruck works the same as Mariokart. A year and a half and no improvements have been made?). I use tilt very rarely. In fact, I think the only two games I enjoyed it in was Warioware Twisted and Warhawk.
Wii Controls: We are STILL seeing shake = attack. Seriously? Nintendo is definately leading the charge here but even then, this is hardly the revolution promised. And I sure as hell don’t expect Microsoft or Sony to somehow accomplish what Nintendo is struggling with.
Seriously, stay with your focus. Perfect the controllers at hand before making more or if you DO insist on making more, make them VERY game specific (like Beatmania or Buzz).
I have to disagree. But before I start I do want to clarify that Drums are Bad A%%, and anything I say degrading towards Rock Band doesn’t count for the drums(except that they are incredibly difficult). First, Judy Nails argument is moot, that has nothing to do with gameplay. Anyway, GH’s expert is plenty fun, however, Rock Band’s note charts are all incredibly boring and monotonous. When I started out on GH I started on Medium on GH and worked my way up(now I’m Expert, with only 5 songs I have yet to beat, 2 in the normal setlist and 3 of the additional songs). When I reached Hard on GH I bought Rock Band(really just to play Coheed and Cambria and some other choice songs) and started playing the Guitar tour on Expert, 5-starred nearly every song and got through it in a matter of days. It was boring because every song was so easy(exception being Green Grass and High Tides) that I hardly had to try, while GH on the other hand keeps me on my toes and challenges me. Your difficulty argument is also moot because……there’s more than one difficulty. You can’t say that they are “Shrinking their fanbase by accomidating only their hardest core” if there is more than one difficulty. No one is making you play Expert, play what’s fun. When I could play some Expert songs but liked Hard better I played Hard until I got better, and now I play Expert because that’s what I find fun. But I do have to complain when I can pull Rock Band out of the box, beat it on Expert in a couple of days, and not even have fun with it.
Oh, and BTW GHIII/Rock Band were the first two guitar games I’ve owned, I had only lightly played GH2 on medium before that.
P.S. They’re note charts, not step charts, but I’m sure that was a typo.
You said moot đ
And Dragonforce rocks!
Infact, scr*w the blackjack, and the hookers.
Isn’t Bender just…Awsome!
I’m used to calling them step charts because I used to be REALLY heavy into Pump It Up. And it’s basically the same thing.
I see where you are coming from but my perspective comes from having seen this road travelled before by other established rhythmn games. I referenced DDR above because that series had the same problem. You CAN argue that it has many difficulty settings to accomidate everyone, but you ignore internet culture or even the displays set up in Best Buy. If you aren’t playng on Expert, you aren’t playing at all is the general theme. Associate this with how the DDR scene got with constant emphasis on Perfect Attacking 10s or higher and new players were often booed or snickered off the machines. If Activision follows this path, they WILL see a decline. DDR did, as did Beatmania.
As for fun, well my roots come from this, Pump It Up. I got hardcore at it, pulling off many incredible things like beating lv16 nightmare difficulty. One day I realized the challenge wasn’t fun for me anymore. It was just challenge, not fun. So I cranked back the lv6-8s and started doing things like Matrix Walks and other freestyle moves. Suddenly I found fun again. I’m that way with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I refuse to burn out with “better, stronger, faster” routines. I mean, when you play on your highest difficulty, is there a smile on your face? I hang out with plenty of diehards and all of them play stonefaced. Now take those same people, bring the difficulty down to where they don’t need undivided attention, ad you see them suddenly start swaying with the music, leaning into each other, pulling off tricks like playing behind their backs, smiling the entire time. That’s where my perspective comes from. Dragonforce is a challenge, but does the rush come while you play it or from what you just did? It’s a fine line but also the one which makes Wii so popular.
Also, art style arguement is moot? Dude, you get PUMPED as the lights go down and the noise filter comes one right before the stage lights focus on the guitarist. Rock Band has a style to it which is fun and unique. Guitar Hero looks like Tony Hawk. Rock Band is enjoyable to watch for people who aren’t playing right then and there. Guitar Hero features a singer which looks like he was genetically designed to swallow a cat whole.
I should really start prefacing all my postings with
Warning: Loves to Debate and has the Summon Materia “Dreaded Wall ‘O Text.”
I see what you’re saying. Dragonforce has to be the worst song on GH because it’s no fun what so ever. Which is why I don’t play it. And I know the whole stone-faced thing too, because when I’m trying to beat certain songs for the first time that’s how I am too, but it’s because I’m trying to beat a song that was difficult to me and I have yet to beat, I usually don’t play that handful of songs often. But the majority of songs[on expert] are fun for me. I’ve played behind my back before, my head is always bobbing, and occasionally I do sway with the song I’m playing. I really have fun playing on expert. And my attention is never undivided, maybe focused, but not to the point where I ignore my surroundings. Yes I see the potential road that GH may be going down, and that would be a shame, but there’s a difference between GH and DDR in that they aren’t any GH arcade machines and there aren’t people huddled around watching others play. And I have never seen anyone play above hard at a demo kiosk(except for me), usually I see people playing on medium.
And my problem with Rock Band is that the majority of every song seems copied and pasted multiple times(with the exception of the solo section), and GH’s note charts are more varied. Although that could be because the songs in RB are supposed to span across three instruments, and GH’s songs are all primarily focused on just the guitar. Another reason that I find GH more fun than Rock Band is because the window to hit notes is a lot larger, meaning that your chances of hitting a note on GH is a lot greater than on RB even if your timing is off a little. RB just seems like it’s trying to to copy the guitar exactly, instead of keeping it loose. Performing hammer-ons and pull-offs is much harder in RB than in GH, and I don’t find it fun when I’m strumming even on hammer-ons and pull-offs because I’m worried that my timing won’t be perfect like RB demands. GH may have a higher difficulty, but the note charts and large window notes make it easier to play songs that would be incredibly difficult in RB. And RB has a lower difficulty, but also has mundane note charts, and very small windows for their notes. Look, when I play Paranoid in GH and RB I without a doubt enjoy GH’s version a lot more.
*Edit* I never said art style is moot. I said that the fact that they changed your favorite character has nothing to do with gameplay. Besides, they plain trashed my fav character. R.I.P. Clive Winston Y_Y
P.S. Green smiley pwns your wall of text
If you love me you will go download the new version of Firefox(3.0) today in order to help Mozilla get into the Guiness book of world records. You don’t have to install it, just download and delete. I’d really appreciate it
It’s too bad for you, then, that I tap two Green Mana and throw out my Deep Forest card, thus negating all damage dealth this round…
Well I summon…..THE BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGONBLADER1!!!! Although he is very weak because he wields an axe >.< .
What’s this, Anon is evolving.
Da Da Da Da!
*quickly presses B and cancels
Now I need to find the seven chaos emeralds and rescue the princess from the wrong castle.
Then I’ve got a deal for you, I have an Cheating device and with the word I can hack up my infamous level 99 Floatzel that Knows Fly, Thunderbolt, Aqua pulse and hardboiled. pwn all the noobs as long as Nintendo doesn’t find out my secret operations, as a bonus, she’s holding a Master Ball. Just give me your
Credit Card numberfriend code and the word is on đHere here…besides the extremely occasional Penny Arcade and Retronauts one, the 2P Start podcast is the only one I tune in to. Keep it up T&R!
Oh yeah, to anyone on here still doing Brawl, I’ve finally added everyone on the 2P Start list, and I’m on there now under Adam, so please add me if you’d be so kind. Thanks!
Actually, usually in video games axe users are stronger but slower…
…No. Well… sure if it’ll keep my RSS stuff and the URLs in the URL box from my current version. If not, I’ll just keep my current version until it randomly deletes all of my URLs. Like it does every month.
Can you give me a ‘M'(symbols)? I’d really like that. With
blakjaSolarbeam, and Master Ball. In exchange I give you this. D3vin got Heart PieceYou mean an Unknown? And I’ll trade you one(lv.8) for a lv.9,856,874,655 Mewtwo(shiny of course). Or for a lv.9,456,389,153 Surfing Pikachu that knows fly and doesn’t know surf. I’ll give you a lv.3 magikarp too if you get me both of them đ . And I know I’m taking a loss here, but what can I say? Bros before Ho-oh’s
Tim has never seen the commercials for Zwinky?! How is this possible?! “Get Zwinky! Get Zwinky!” Ahhh! I have a TiVo and yet that song still gets stuck in my head.
Can you give me a âMâ(symbols)? Iâd really like that. With
blakjaSolarbeam, and Master Ball. In exchange I give you this. D3vin got Heart Piecehttp://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/%27M
Hmmmm, MissingNo’s Illegitimate little brother eh? He corrupts your game file but he gives you over 100 of your sixth item. But then again I do need that heart peice… Meet me in the back of the PokeMart on 5th and Main street at midnight, If you bring the cops with you, You can kiss that Hi-score goodbye…
Curses! Foiled again! (not proper spelling i guess)
Neither have I. I’ve only seen the internet ads.
Decent Podcast!
Wait, aren’t you guys on the edge of your seat for “Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People”
Wow, it’s been a long time since I got a comment of the week. I must be losing it.
You should totally be able to play MGS4 as a Mii. I would be the sneakiest Chuck Norris EVER!!
For your after show banter in a month or so, you should just list the hidden brawl characters, completely out of context. (of course, you should probably wait till the whole world has had a chance to play the game)
What if you could replace all the characters with Miis! Snake as Chuck Norris! Metal Gears in to Stormtroopers! Liquid Ocelot into George Clooney! Raiden into Michael Jackson! Wait, that wouldn’t be a change at all…….very girly persona, body made of fake parts, both unaffected by girly magazines. Never mind đ ……………..
I would put Snake as Snake.