Catching Up on Friend Codes
Tim and I have both made our friend codes available for a small number of games, and I have done everything I can to make sure I have added everybody who has posted their codes. However, I still have seven Mario Kart Wii friends “awaiting registration” and even more than that in Brawl. So I’m writing this message to help clear up any confusion.
If you still have me listed as “awaiting registration,” then leave a comment and remind me of your code. I will double-check if I have added you yet and leave comments regarding the follow-up. Remember, this is only for me. So don’t bother leaving comments for Tim unless he joins in on this.
Ray you’re the ONLY one I have on Brawl who isn’t “awaiting registration” so thanks
I posted my friend codes back in the Dr. Mario request, but I think I was a little late. Anyway, here are my FCs.
Brawl: 0860-2922-7215
Mario Kart Wii: 4253-3915-1464
Dr. Mario: 1949-3994-7180
I already added you and Tim for Brawl and Mario Kart, but I don’t think I’ve added you guys for Dr. Mario yet. I’ll check later.
MetaRidleyR27, I already had you added for all three. We’re connected on Kart, but still awaiting registration with Brawl. Double-check that you’ve added my number correctly sometime.
I added both you and Tim to Dr. Mario now. As for Brawl, I don’t know what the deal is. Your FC is 4081-5167-3527, right? It put you on the list but it still says that it’s registering or something. My internet works on and off so that could be the reason.
I haven’t posted my code originally, but if you still have room, I’m up for challenges š 0602-6034-9227. If anyone else is up for eventual matches, just say so here and I’ll add you too. I prefer mostly 1v1, but more players are welcome too. Also, I’m happy with most stages and items on/off, no big deal about that.
MetaRidleyR27: That’s correct.
Daniel: I added you.
Oh well. Hopefully it will fix itself later. Do you want to play Mario Kart Wii or Dr. Mario later (if my internet still works)? It’s about 8 pm here.
I should have said it was a Brawl code… hope that was clear by the rest of my comment. As for Dr. Mario, it’s 2218-7399-6421, but I’m quite a newbie on it yet.
You haven’t added me in Brawl yet. 4553-9648-0099
Also, if I see you online in Brawl adding me…
I’ll be expecting a battle
Hey Hikarusa, I’ll add you if you want. Just be warned,
I think my internet connection messes up BrawlI am The Lagmaster!Hey, you two up to some Brawl games too? š
To anyone on here still doing Brawl, Iāve added everyone on the 2P Start list, and Iām on there now under Adam (3866-7756-3894), so please add me if youād be so kind. Sometime here I’ll move on and add all the Mario Kart ones…but thanks again everybody!
Daniel: I added you to Dr. Mario.
Hikarusa: I added you to Brawl.
I’m gonna add all three of you when I get home.
Ray, I don’t have you in Mario Kart(at least not last time I checked). I’ll check when I get home(me at work) and post again.
Hey there Ray. Long time lurker, first time poster. Really enjoy the comics and more recently, the podcasts. Keep up the good work.
Brawl Code: 4639 8628 0631 (Clem.)
Clem: I added you to Brawl.
Hey Ray, those matches were fun (I was Hika (obviously)), and the fight where I was Mario I chose random, and I usually suck as Mario. Well… it was fun until I lost my connection or whatever happened…
My Brawl code is 5241-2194-0802. I have only Tim so far.
OmegaLord: I added you to Brawl.
I can’t tell if it’s registered you for Dr. Mario. It shows that your name is your friend code. I’m guessing that it hasn’t yet.
I would’ve been on yesterday but my little cousin came over and we played Halo. But I’ll be on tonight(name=DJ757) š , and I’ll be adding all the people who posted their codes in here.
@Hika: I want to play you tonight(preferably one on one), okay? I’ll be on at about 7:30 Central time.
P.S. Ray, you should also put what people’s advertised names are in the friend code lists. Cause it’s weird when random names show up (like Tiger, I still don’t know who that is). So to start, mine is DJ757, or King on Mario Kart I think, but I’m gonna change that one to DJ757 too.
Where are your friend codes posted?
Here are mine, I’d be happy to add yours as well.
Mario Strikers Charged Friend Code: 3480-1385-0968
Super Smash Bros Friend Code: 2406-4805-4517
Mario Kart Friend Code: 1075-1506-0059
I’ll also add the people that post their codes here.
I mistyped my Dr. Mario code last time, ill add everyone later since I’m at work.
WW: Dr. Mario Online Rx (5557 8824 0680)
Mario Kart Wii (2105-9039-4246)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (3136-6257-6662)
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (373776786669)
Mario Strikers Charged (107480 898334) Wii (7021-4089-2520-8526)
I have DS codes too if people wanna trade them as well
Brawl codes are in “Extras->Smash Bros.->Friend Codes. I’m not sure of the other ones.
That’s… 8:30 Eastern. K, I’ll be on. If I remember.
GG’s all who played with me.
Ok, so Ray has added me to Brawl and Dr. Mario and it still says awaiting registration. I’ll try removing them and entering them again. Might as well give it a try.
Take that back, I’ll be on at 6:30 Central(an hour earlier), cause at about 7:30pm I’m gonna go pick up the new Jordan Countdown Pack, and afterwards a friend is coming over. So I’ll be on from 6:30-7:30ish or so.
Ok… then in an hour.
I’ve added everyone on here in Brawl who posted their FC
Wiibien: I added you to Brawl and Kart.
Thrillho: I added you to Brawl and Dr.Mario and the Wii. My Wii console friend code is 6603-6619-1750-5306.
Alright… Dj, Ray, I’m wierded out by our game where we were all Falco… why? Because not only have I used Falco under 10 times and I somehow won, but I was using random.
Hey dj75728, do you want to play Brawl sometime? It’s about 9:30 pm here, I’m not good at time zones.
Sure, maybe tomorrow evening(saturday) or sunday if your free. It looks like you’re in central too(like me). So were in the same Time Zone, so whatever time it is where you are then it should be the same time where I am(Texas). Which state are you in though, just to be sure?
@Hika: Yeah, that was really weird, I don’t usually use Falco either. And as you can tell, I suck at 3 people brawls(4 is okay, just not 3). And that I’m good with Fox and Pikachu(especially Fox
). Piece of advice, with Ness use his back-air more, it’s one of his strongest attacks. And you’re really good with Bowser, that’s a rarity. Good job.
@Ray: I’d really like to play you one on one sometime, so that my skills can really shine. Name your time, just not before 6:30pm Central on weekdays, cause I’m working then.
It finally registered Ray for Brawl, I think. Do you not have a signature and have the default avatar?
Oklahoma. The times should be same. Hopefully, my Brawl connection will work. I can’t tell if my connection makes my matches laggy or if all of the matches I’ve been in had bad connections.
Oh, and to everyone who added me, my name is Jacob in Brawl, Mario Kart, and Dr. Mario. It wouldn’t let me put MetaRidley or even Ridley.
We’ll see. The idea of going one-on-one while dealing with button-pressing delays caused by online woes send chills down my spine. But if I’m up for it, I’ll try to give you a heads up on what time.
Eh, I was gonna switch to random after my second fight using Bowser but I hadn’t used my old main (Lucario) in like a month because of I Wanna Be The Guy… and No More Heroes… and VC games that I haven’t gotten around to so I used him… and sucked. š It was just pure coincidence that I ended up getting Lucario twice with Random. As for Ness, I use him sometimes but not much because I mostly just play on Wi-Fi ’cause it’s funner fighting real people and because of button lag… and sometimes normal lag… his PK Thunder really sucks so since I don’t play normal much I don’t use him much. Although Ness is awesome solely because EarthBound is a great game.
I posted my codes awhile back, and added everyone that as on the list, at that time. Over half on Brawl and Mario Kart are still awaiting registration.
This is the second time i mistyped a code, sorry
Mario Kart Wii (2105-9039-4248)
i’ll add you to kart, brawl and my wii so we can trade some mii’s
Ray, can you add me to your Wii friend list? That would make it easier to schedule times to Brawl, Kart, or uh drop pills.
Anyone else who wants me to add them just needs to ask so I’ll know to add them.
Wii FC: 7809-3104-7507-9442
MetaRidleyR27: I added you to the Wii.
Thrillho: I added you to Kart.
Hey ray, we just played (I’m Num). Whoah, that was awfully laggy indeed. I wonder if there’s something wrong here, that wasn’t usual. Hopefully the games got a bit better later; on the first match (as Ike) my timing was completely off and I did terribly bad.
I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t get into any of Ray’s matches. I would get to the waiting room and then it would disconnect on me. I guess we’ll fight when it actually works.
I’ll add you Meta. My Wii# is 6937-9145-2609-2912. I can play any weekday 6:30-9:30 or so. Just send me a message the day of(or leave a comment as I’m constantly checking them), and I’ll try and let you know what’s going on. And on the weekends Im not sure. Give me a day or two advanced notice and I’ll let you know. Anyone else who wants to add me let me know(Hika?).
MK 1032 2097 9074
smash 3909 7184 6412
well, i’ve watched your entire webcomics (hilarious, by the way), but since i haven’t posted a thing, i’ll add you to the Brawl FC.
Mine’s 0817-4449-3260, i’ll wait for a battle if you want.
heres the friend code please add me š
1590 6187 6067
oh and whatever happened to that wii uk site you used to do, coz thats how i found out about 2pstart back in the day
oh yeah and i still can’t login….
also my xbox live gamertag is FierceDeityTom (yes i know its lame but i didnt want numbers in my name. and its taken from Zelda Majoras Mask not just some sad name i created)
Hey ray i know its kinda late to reply to this but i was in italy visiting my family so here is friend code:
Mario kart wii: 4167-5204-1996
oh and ray nintendo is using your mario kart wii box art I shaw it in italy
and i also have tim so if could regiter me to that would be great
You’ve been added. Thanks!
I also added Dr.Game as well.