Not Much of a Stretch
Sorry to be short, but I’m on vacation, but due to my dedication to you guys, I’m still posting the comic today! Sonic fans should enjoy this one as Ray has included 25 character references in his Sonic MONSTROSITY. I probably couldn’t name more than 3 myself, but go for it Sega nerds, try to name them all! Ray will put up a list of the references later in the week. I also wouldn’t be surprised if this was similar to the tool Sega actually uses when creating new, lame characters to water down the Sonic franchise each year. Also, let us know of any cool Spore creatures you create in the Spore Creature Creator (there is a demo available).
Yeah, you’re going to have to be a serious Sonic freak in order to name all of these characters….
Of course, I don’t know hardly any of them… Sonic, Tales, Black Doom. You know, the regulars.
Love the logo.
Wow, that’s a lot of charecters! I see Sonic, Tails, Eggman, Silver, Black Doom, Chaos, Charmy, Vector, Espio, Marine, Knuckles, Emeral?, Rouge?, and Shadow.
On a related note, I really want to get the Spore Creature Creator, but I’m worried because it installs SecuRom. I’ve heard that it can cause computers to crash.
Sonic, Chaos, Knuckles, Silver, Charmy, Blaze, Jet, Tails, Rouge/Chao, Amy, Shadow, MAYBE Black Doom’s Eye, Big, Marine, Eggman, and 10 others.
Btw, I’m not just guessing,
Sonic: A chunk of it
Chaos: The liquid arms
Knuckles: The… knuckles…
Silver: The whitish/silverish spikes/forehead
Charmy: The antenna thingies
Blaze: The red gem thing on the forehead
Jet: The green… butt part and the beak
Tails: The tails
Rouge/Chao: The bat wings
Amy: The headband
Shadow: The chest part
Black Dooms Eye: The black spikes
Big: Big’s Belt
Marine: The tail coming out of one of Tails’ tails
Eggman: Eggman’s mustache
Let’s see…
Head / Upper Torso: Sonic
‘Stache: Eggman
Tiara: Silver
Head Jewl-thing: Blaze
Antennae: Charmy
Horns: Black Doom
Goggles: Storm’s on top, Waves’ underneath
Headband: Amy
Chain: Vector
Cloth-neclace thing: Cream
Chest: Could be either Shadow or Silver, I believe they both have that.
Left arm: Chaos
Right Arm: Emerl
Hands: Knuckles
Badge thing: E-102 Gamma
Wings: Rouge
Belt: Big
Tail: Tails / Marine
Lower Torso: Bean (This one I had to look up…)
Feet: Chao
And all but Bean were identified by memory. I’m easily a serious Sonic freak…
Why did Tim quit with the “Name That Game” games?
Bean and Jet look extremely similair though… how could you tell who’s who? I mean… not from just looking at parts of them…
And on top of that, Vector’s chain, Emerl’s right arm, Wave’s sunglasses, Beam’s (or whatever that duck was called in Fighters) ass and legs and… Bark’s scarf?
I’m also pretty sure that the metallic item in the chest is from E102-gamma.
Heh, this is kinda entertaining.
So THAT’S how they make new Sonic characters.
My hat idea was WAY off.
Arg, noticed a few more after editing time was over: New list:
Head / Upper Torso: Sonic
‘Stache: Eggman
Beak: Jet
Tiara: Silver
Head Jewl-thing: Blaze
Nose horn: Espio
Antennae: Charmy
Horns: Black Doom
Goggles: Storm’s on top, Waves’ underneath
Headband: Amy
Chain: Vector
Cloth-necklace thing: Cream
Chest: Could be either Shadow or Silver, I believe they both have that.
Left arm: Chaos
Right Arm: Emerl
Hands: Knuckles
Badge thing: E-102 Gamma
Wings: Rouge
Belt: Big
Tail: Tails / Marine
Lower Torso: Bean
Feet: Chao
I didn’t quit, I just sort of…got really busy and forgot! I’ll try to put one up next week for you!
P.S.: You Sonic freaks are crazy!
Jet is feathery. And I don’t think he has yellow legs…
I’m not sure, but it looks like Knuckles’ crescent chest-mark is also underneath the Shadow / Silver Chest fur…
I can see the plot for the next sonic game now sonic drinks the DNA of all his frinds and turns into that
Tim and Eri- Ray Awesome Sho- Comic Great Job.
Also, all you guys beat me to it.
I did’ent even try to name them
I can name almost all of them. I am also a huge sonic geek. Everyone has already beaten me to listing them.
Eew… no. BAD. That sentence is the single worst thing in existence. EEEEEEWWWWWW. That show is horrible.
um wow I’m with Tim I don’t know that much of the parts….. but I’m thoroughly enjoying the spore creature creater. yeah you can see my first two um here (i think)
Somehow, the mustache is the creepiest part…look out for this guy in a dark alley.
And sorry if this is being repetitive and annoying, but I just realized that the podcast probably doesn’t get so much traffic by late Tuesday night, so I’m gonna say it again…
To anyone on here still doing Brawl, I’ve finally added everyone on the 2P Start list, and I’m on there now under Adam, so please add me if you’d be so kind. Thanks again!
Wow. You guys are good. I could only spot 10. Well, back to learning all of the characters in Sonic the Fighters…
wow….I only spotted 4
Of course I’m always playing the old ones with Just sonic and occasionally tails, so….
eh,whatever, funny comic!
Well if you want to keep only those happy memories, don’t play beyond Sonic Adventure 2.
What he said, I am actually looking forward to Spore, the idea seems like a cool one to mess around with. Too bad I’m not much of a Pc gamer and the DS version looks extremely watered down compared to the Pc version
Where do you hear that? And why would a downloadable demo install SecuROM? That’s for CD copy protection.
Oh yeah, and great comic guys. My friend (who likes looking at the comics every once in a while) isn’t too pleased with it, but I think it is amazingly clever. 🙂 He really liked the last two comics (with the story and everything).
Looks like it.
Yes exactly. Darn me having fun yesterday with my friends. I should’ve waited for the comic to go up and claim 1st.
I do belive the Sonic series just got owned.
I see with my little eyes LOTSA’ SONIC NERDS!
I love Sonic. Now I’m going to watch the series! May I have it as background on my computer? 🙂
What series.
I wanna watch too.
Sonic Underground
! Damn I hated the theme for that series. And the series too, but the theme is still etched into my mind.
That reminds me. Spore, EA, and Microsoft all suck until I get a new graphics card or computer, which both will probably be never.
Ok, so here’s what happened:
My online friend (Zephrion) downloaded the Spore trial when it came out and put a few videos on You-Tube yesterday. I decided to download it. So I do that and it takes a few minutes. I click on it to install it, and 10 minutes later the thing comes up. I go through and click the install button and it installs. Now I have to install some other crap, so I click yes to install it and it turns out I don’t have the right crap to use the thing that I just installed to use the Spore trial. So I go to Microsoft’s download place through a link and download crap and insert a code from what I downloaded to continue then I clicked X. So then 10 minutes of wondering how to do crap later I figure out I didn’t finish installing that thing on the Microsoft site. So I go and I already put in the password and I download and install the thing I needed to install. So by now I’m really annoyed and I’m FINALLY gonna be able to play it. So I click on it and it says… wait for it…
“Sorry, your graphics card is below our min spec, the game will not run.”
I just wanted to commit some crimes against the laws of nature. D:
That show was horrible. Worse than the aformentioned horrible show that Anon stated clearly.
lol NCG I know the antenna is from charmy, and the spikes are from sonic and the tail is from tails but that’s all.
I wouldn’t mind playing as that in the next sonic game.
It also can be your next sonic character to mention instead of black doom.
hilarious. 😀
lets see…
sonic (obviously), tails, maybe marine, bean, big, knuckles, amy, charmy, espio, silver, eggman, shadow, maybe wave and maybe storm. and maybe emerl too.
thats all i can think of off the top of my head. i’d like to say im a sonic freak, but im not. :l
Maybe they should have done that instead of Were-Sonic…
Yeah right now Sega is like: “Damn! How did they figure out?”
Lets see….
[spoiler]1. Sonic
2. Knuckles
3. Tails
4. marine
5. Amy
6. Silver
7. Nack(? I’m just guessing with the belt and all)
8. Chaos
9. Eggman
10. Emrill
11. Charmy
12. Shadow
13. Rouge
14. Blaze
15. Espio
16. Bean
17. Vector[/spoiler]
Thats all I can see. ;>.>
And now for where I saw’em! =D
[spoiler]1. Sonic head
2. Knuckles hands
3. Tails tail(s) o.o
4. marine tail
5. Amy head
6. Silver head
7. Nack body
8. Chaos arm
9. Eggman head
10. Emrill arm
11. Charmy head
12. Shadow body (and head?)
13. Rouge body
14. Blaze head
15. Espio head
16. Bean body
15. Vector body[/spoiler]
I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THAT FEELS! But atleast you actually DID Install Direct X…. *copy and pastes from another website*
“I……I don’t get it…
I install it, It says that theres a problem so that I need to reinstall it…
I uninstall then reinstall it….. Then it says I need DX9 (even though I’ve been trying to install that darned thing since June…2007) I say w/e and click the link, go through everything it tells me to……Then when I’m finally done it says it has the SAME problem as before and needs to be re-installed….I do the same thing as last time….And now it says I need DX9…..
At that point, I literally broke into tears..”
I feel for you brother…
I’m trying to get more informaton on this SecuROM thing to see if it’s actually going to be an issue or not. I’ll probably get it, eventually. I already know the first creature I’m going to make: the Vortigaunt from Half-Life 2!
Maybe that is were-sonic.
I just don’t want to see it when it goes super.
Hey How it been i was gone for a while i need to catch up How ya been anyways
We’ve been good. We have a new guy on the boards(Anon), he’s cool. And Dragonblader1 changed his screen name to Hikarusa.
Really??? what about TIM and REY
Search: Too fast for the naked eye. Sonic the hedgehog. I think you will find the series. Acctually I don’t think it’s the underground. Don’t know really though.
I know the series.
It was on saturday mornings some time ago.
There was the green and pink hedgehogs who were Sonic’s siblings.
And the two robot’s who were Eggman’s henchman.
Yeppers skippers! And what about them? They’re fine. Ray finally found a job, and Tim’s the same old same old.
Yeah, it sucked eggs. Spoiled, rotten eggs left over from last zombie jes- I mean easter.
wow. The biggest piece of Sonic/EA randomness ever. epic randomness. So random it will induce the yelling of “WHAT THE F***?!” to just about anyone who views it.
By the way, on the contrary to a past comic you guys posted, Sonic turns into a Werehog (the whole concept of a were creature isnt new, “Wallace and Gromit” featured a Were-Rabbit.), not a Werewolf. But then again, we didn’t know Sonic would turn into a Werehog at that time.
And Tim says he’ll make another “Name that Game” soon.
Were you about to say Zombie Jesus day. 🙂
You read Cyanide and Happiness too?
I just noticed… The comic logo sort of looks like a swatsikah, the Nazi insignia.
(I can’t spell)
Yes yes! One of the handful of comics I read.
Swastika. And yeah, it kinda does doesn’t it?
he looks old and scrawny with a jokers touch
who does?
Let’s see who I can identify…
Sonic, Tails, Charmy, Knuckles, Blaze, Shadow, Vector, and I think maybe Marine and Rouge. That’s all I can do. Cause I don’t know very many characters.
at the time of last comment: all i had really seen of sonic was Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure (and a tad of Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the PS2 in the waiting room for my doctor’s office).
Now, its Rush, SRA, a bit more of SMCP, and also….
I’ve seen Sonic X, and ive read the Sonic X COMIC. also, ive read some Sonic fanfics. lets see who i can get now…
Sonic: Most of the head
Shadow: Tuft of chest fur
Blaze: Jewel in forehead
Charmy: Antenne
Espio: Horn
Eggman: Moustache
Vector: Chain around neck
Knuckles: Fists
Cheese: Ribbon around neck
Tails: The… tails
Marine: Another tail
Rouge: Wings
Yep, much better then last time
It looks like an original character I’ve seen on deviantART earlier
Did anyone catch the Amy Rose headband?
No Mighty the Armadillo? DISHONOR! DISHONOR!
I know everyone says that the green part is Jet, but was I the only person who thought it was Scourge? Back me up here, Ray!
The green body is Bean the duck, as my answer-sheet provides. Sorry, Vaarsivius…