Sega Monstrosity Answer Key Revealed
June 20th, 2008
Ray was kind enough to put together this answer key for his Sega monstrosity in this week’s comic. Click the image above to reveal each and every Sonic character reference in the image.
76 queries. 0.490 seconds
First! I didn’t notice (Tikal’s)Bracelets, (Amy’s)Headband, or (Cream’s)Split Tie.
I’d say I guessed quite a few even though I only have 9 games. Wait, 9?! That’s the most I have of any series, I think. I might have more Mario games.
Ugh… I forgot that Black Doom has those eary horny thingies. I was thinking that those were from his Eye…
Yes! Exactly what i thought! Seems like I’m the winner.
There’s actually such a thing as “Cream the Rabbit”?
Damn, Sega leaves the jokes out in the open.
No, wait. I have 10 Sonic games. Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Gems Collection, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Advance 3, Sonic Rush, and Sonic Rush Adventure. I used to have Sonic Battle or whatever the game with Emerel and Sonic Advance. I feel bad now 🙁
wow i never realised the sonic series had so many characters… you guys obviously did your homework.
oh yeah have a look at my awesome creatures in the spore creator quite a few nintendo related ones
anyways brawl is out in the UK in a few days so i’ll add my friend code up, spect the rest of thw rold is bored of it by now :(……
Ugh… I have 11 Sonic games. I forgot about Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Oh, the bracelets were what I missed! Wow, now that I read that, I can’t believe that I missed that. Eh, I guess hindsight is 20/20.
I’m still amazed that Ray fit all those characters onto one person…
2PStart needs a forum!
I put forth a movement to bring a forum to the masses…
Yeah. That way I won’t have to spam in the comments.
Forum 2Pstartum! We really need one.
Never! >.> , Cause I wouldn’t be able to get on from work T_T ……..I guess I’m fine with it as long as 2pStart doesn’t become entirely blocked from work. As long as I can still read my comics and comment then I guess I could be ok with it. Although I still don’t want one. Seems kinda silly to have a whole forum dedicated to a webcomic(no matter how great
) where only 20 people or so are going to reply/contribute.
I don’t think accessories counts as evolution
I would be quite happy with 20 people. It’d mostly be a fanservice to us commenters who want to actually discuss things with eachother. : P
It’s not that I don’t want to engage in intelligent forum conversation(if there’s such a thing) with other 2pstarters, it’s that 90% of the time I’m on the site it’s from work, and 98% of Forums are blocked from my job. One of the few that isn’t is
whatever Fire Emblem site Hika goes I can’t think of any other’s that aren’t blocked. So if it’s not blocked then I’m okay with it, I’ll even help moderate it. But then again, if we get a forum then all the comment boards are going to become bare. Whatever, if it’s not blocked then I’m coolie cool I guess.BUT! whose nose is that! you didnt label it. hahahahahhahahahahaha.
It’s Bennie the Badgers, duh!
I agree, when a forum has to many people ( especcially one such as this one would be) It becomes quite difficult to discuss alot of topics…to much of a gaming/non-gaming mix.
Now, ya see, if your an originals only player (such as myself) you wouldn’t catch a whole lot of those…..which is why I only saw 4…
It may sound like I’m bragging, but I seriously would have named all of them if it not for me having forgot the actual NAMES of the characters. But I may be the ultamite Sonic freak…
If you don’t know the characters names then how could you possibly be the “ultimate sonic freak”? Besides, that’s a throne firmly held by Ray. But then again you said you were the “ultamite sonic freak”, so you might be right
If you don’t know the characters names then how could you possibly be the “ultimate sonic freak”? >
I was just thinking the same thing….
now, as also said,I believe ULTAMITE sonic freak position I believe is still open
That’s Sonic’s nose. Because it is Sonic’s head, it has the spikes, nose and eyes. You just can’t see anything else. Mystery solved.