2P START! Live!: Wii Storage Edition
June 23rd, 2008
In this episode we discuss the rumored storage solution for the packed-to-the-brim Wii. We also touch on politics and whether or not a forum is needed for 2P START!
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Decent Podcast! (At least the first part, I have to go get some lunch)
I love Tim’s messed up intro to Trivia for Two every single week.
I think playing off of an SD card is a great idea. I endorse this storage solution and put my full weight behind it.
“A few problems, all of which were Tim.” – Classic 2PStart
The reason copying to an SD card takes so long is because:
1) Nintendo uses a secondary encryption key for copying VC titles to the SD card in an attempt to stall piracy.
2) SD cards naturally take a longer time to write than to read.
3) Some SD cards have higher class ratings. A class 6 card is three times as fast as a class 2. See http://www.sdcard.org/about/speed_class/
Because of #2, once the content is on the SD card, it should read back at speeds much faster than it took to copy.
Thanks for the information, Jacob.
and by the way? what was supposed to be said at the end there?
I watch the credits once on most games I get, just to check the music really. Interactive credits are great too(GHIII, Monkey Ball, etc.).
Sarah’s gonna come by with her vast knowledge of “K-Soft” right?
Music is great as usual guys. I love piano. Violin, electric guitar, and banjo are great too.
SD Card is a great idea, it’s a nice solution without having to make a huge HD Drive add-on. Although if they could somehow make the HD Drive just like the Wii stand, and you could sit the Wii on top of it, that would be sweet.
RAY! We must put up a united front against the monstrosity that is this alleged “Forum”.
Hey, I though that Eddie the Elephant only appeared as an Assist Trophy? And they forgot all about Paulie the Platypus, darn you Chief Executive of Trivia!
Originally I said, “And by the way…. I finally got a job.” But the way I said it was kind of weird, and I thought it would be funnier to leave the “and by the way…” by itself.
Yeah, when
is the comic going to start declining in qualityare you gonna start working? And what company are you working for?Tomorrow.
What do they do? And what are you gonna be doing?
The ironic thing is that only otaku know what an otaku is. (I guess that makes me an otaku…)
Also, you know sonicteam is going to make Benny the Badger a character in the next sonic title. SPOILER ALERT! Curse you Nintendo Trivia Center!
Ray: LuthorCorp, like Lex Luthor?
And I think, for the storage problem I see the flopwii disk (floppy disk).
And about the new Sonic characters. Does anyone know about Dexter, Amy’s “boyfriend”?
Yay, I was mentioned! I’m now famous…ish
I googled + wikipedia LuthorCorp, and the only thing that came up was from smallville. So I’m guessing Ray’s official job is to draw anti-superman flyers.
Congrats on the job. I’m surprised my banter from the last podcast didn’t win the suggestion box… Now that Ray has a Job, I can make a guest comic…
* evil laugh *
Forums? No thanks, I go through enough of those things in one day. These comments are enough for me.
Someone should make the badger on their new copy of SEGA Creature Creator and promptly get sued by SEGA for using their software to make their creature without their consent.
Yay! I’m in the podcast! um I knew would happen but bwahahah wasn’t meant as Bwa ha ha ha ha it was meant more as a bwa aah aah aah if you’ve played TWEWY its what Beat does all the time thank anyway
But then it won’t be any good. 😕
Yay! Now there’s three of us 😀 !
Gooooooood podcast.
One thing though, people making music for video game companies usually don’t retain rights or royalties. But yeah, he did come out a bit like a douche but many artists do the same thing. From a personal standpoint, it does suck when you see someone using your artwork to promote something you stand against whether the rights were legally obtained or not.
sheppy, I agree, it may suck for him, but he lost the right to complain about it when he agreed to take money from EA to compose the piece for the game. Likewise, I can write a computer program for my company and see them sell it for millions or obtain a patent on it, and I can’t do a thing about it. That’s just how it is.
I do have this great idea,and I’d want you to be a part of it, but I already have 89% of it done and I don’t want to dissapoint you by having you do almost nothing like last time.
No hard feelings bro, Maybe next week.
Glad to know you guys read the email we plebes send to you. I felt so important when you mentioned the song I suggested.
So wait, are you developing new and inventive ways to kill Superman?
Yay! You’re considering forums! It’ll make the comments much less messy. No more long back and forths within the comments if that happens.
And you could easily get regular commentors to moderate the forums for you if you were lazy.
And a good overall podcast and good luck with your new job, superman killer.
Hey you guys should have a politics section on your website.
Sonic Monstrosity the Abomination should be in brawl instead of
NellieEddie the Elephant.And you should once listen to Powerglove and put it in the remix section it’s really cool.
It’s one of those messages that when played backwards, it says a cryptic message. It either must be a Satanic message or another one of those Beatles-esque “Paul is dead” hoaxes 🙂
It won’t be called Wii 2. They will probably choose something crazy like “Wii Both,” along with the “Wii Both would like to play” commercials.
The thing about a forum is: When people come and look at your site, do you want them to see 1000 threads of random “civilized debate?”
On the other hand: Would a forum fix the off topic comments on each comment/post?
I love Tim’s Black Doom award. What is even better is that the composer couldn’t use the song to support Obama, even if he wanted to.
That’s cool man, don’t sweat it.
Oh, and Ray, I support you and your new occupation. Down with Superman I say! Three cheers for Marvel!!!
P.S. I’d make a great moderator ( 😉 *nudge*), and if you are gonna do a forum, please make it Iphone friendly if it’s not too difficult
Or “Yuu”.
I thought that was the name of Soulja Boy’s new console…
Nice podcast guys. I completely agree with the SD card reader idea. I recently maxed out my Wii’s internal memory and had to move Mario Kart 64 to my SD card (like I care, the controls are horrible). This isn’t a problem now, but will be soon. Wiiware complicates the issue even more. These are high quality games that take up a good deal of memory. As it is, what does the SD card really do? I just use mine to save backup data and other various things that only take up 1 to 2 blocks of memory. I would also be fine with getting an external hard drive, as long as it didn’t cost too much.
As for a forum, I’m sitting on the fence. I would only want one if Tim and Ray kept doing what they do now. I really like this website because they are so personable. I wouldn’t want a forum if they stopped doing that.
That’s a good point too, like they said, they probably wouldn’t be involved in the forum too much, so it would just be us commenters, although that isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. And it wouldn’t be the same if we had conversations/topics in which Tim and Ray weren’t involved. Wouldn’t that be the main idea of having a seperate 2pstart forum?
Oh Meta, I added you to my friend list on Wii and Brawl, my codes are:
Wii: 6937-9145-2609-2912
Brawl: 2277-6318-4438
Send me a Wii message about what time you wanna Brawl, any time from 6:30 and later on weekdays, and weekends pretty much any time.
Well maybe instead of a forum, Maybe an official Irc chatroom that people can pop in and out and just talk.
I added you to both, dj75728. It just has to register now.
Cool, see you on the interwebz.
That could be cool. With a couple of rooms(2 or 3) that could be pretty cool. Maybe 😕 ……..
BTW, yesterday I forgot to mention that it was Sonic’s 17th “Birthday”. Sonic The Hedgehog was released on June 23, 1991! Happy B-Day Sonic
That could be cool. With a couple of rooms(2 or 3) that could be pretty cool. Maybe ……..
I think that would suffice.
Really? Oh crap. Then Wiiboycube.
The reason we need a forum is so we can just post our friends codes on one page where WE can easily add to it rather than having it spread out across the entire website.
That F-Zero is beautiful, I can semi play it on guitar.
Tim do a forum, you guys come too and comment. It’s fine. We really want one.
The problem with an IRC channel, is people are less likely to connect ‘briefly’ over a forum. Someone at work just before the end of their break, oh why not look at the 2PStart forum? See any new posts, rar rar rar. It’s also a lot easier to leave someone a message on a forum regarding ‘add me on Brawl.’
Agreed on the IRC channel. But there’s a problem with that statement, forum sites are typically blocked from the workplace. Some times the whole site is blocked and not just the forum(meaning no 2pstart for some at all). An easy way to avoid blockage however is to not put “forum” in the URL of the forum, use a .net URL, and not to include “game”, or any keyword relating to games in the URL(i.e. Nintendo, etc. cause game related sites get blocked too). Like 2pstart.net would work great as a forum site. And I don’t believe that URL is taken(or exists yet), so go scoop it up quick!
Wow, you really want Tim to jump through a lot of hoops so that you can goof off at work!
Shut up! Like they say “If you don’t ask, you can’t receive.” The worst he can do is say no afterall.
Hmm… I think a forum would ruin the simplicity of this site… just my opinion.
Also, when you jokingly stated near the end that people aren’t missing much, cause Brawl isn’t that great… well, I agree actually. I forced myself to play it for a few weeks, but just wasn’t having that much fun compared to Melee, so I eventually switched back to playing Melee. I still bust out Brawl occasionally, but only because I love Toon Link/Sonic/a few others… plus I paid 50 bucks for it. BUT, I get way more excitement and fun out of Melee even with it’s more limited content. (Thankfully the fighting seems to be better.) Oh and trust me, I wasn’t planning on playing Melee anymore, I wanted Brawl to replace it…
@Lava: You know what, I have to agree with you. Melee’s fighting does seem to be a bit better than Brawl’s. I prefer Melee’s fighting(especially with the way they dumb-downed Fox in Brawl), but I play Brawl because of the new content, and graphics(and the music, I LOVE the music).
I did notice that Brawl has slower gameplay. Everyone is slower and floatier.
I mean, Sonic is only barley faster then melee fox.
im in !!! ps. sorry
Brawl is out in the UK (now), my online friend said so. The twist? He’s in the UK.
Also, I’m the one who originally comment spammed. I also asked for a forum simultaneously, which may lead to 2Pstart getting a forum. If 2Pstart gets a forum thank me. THANK ME I SAID.
Either Duck the Jumping Bean, Duck the Bean, or Duck the BeanPaste for SU2! What? Sonic Unleashed 2 WILL happen. No matter what, there’s a 100% chance of it happening! Just like SSB4!
Also, NoseyBonk for SSB4! (You-Tube search…)
You sure? I mean, I can’t even think of how many times different people have suggested a forum. Actually I kinda want to know now, who was the first person to suggest a forum?
No idea. But… I was the first person who decided to start major comment spamming. You guys still suck for going to 390 without me though.
Wow, Hikarusa definitely does NOT deserve credit for the forum.
Also, sorry about the other domain name DJ, I didn’t realize you were just a kid. (Which on the one hand means you are a good, mature person, but on the other hand means I tricked a kid into wasting ten smackers.)
Well call this kid confused then. What makes you say that I’m a kid? I mean, I’m 2 months from being a legal adult, will be attending college in the fall, and have been gainfully employed for little over a year now. While I may not be as old as you are Andrew, I would by no means consider myself a kid. And don’t worry about the 10 bucks. I mean, we do have this idea after all, and it looks like we’ll be getting it off the ground. And even if we don’t, it’s still just ten dollars.
It’s too late now, but just so you know for future reference: don’t register with godaddy. They register the domain in THEIR name, not yours.
Thanks for the advice. I will heed it in the future.
Oh good, I suddenly had this picture of a high school junior spending the money he was trying to save up for a car on a random domain name…
Congratulations on college dude! Where are you going? I went to the Colorado School of Mines, which is the perfect school to go to for cheap Coors beer.
Thanks, but I don’t drink. Anyway, I’m going to University of Houston Main Campus for at least my basics. Then I may move out of state and finish up somewhere else(I’m thinking LA at the moment). I’ll be majoring in accounting, which is the department I currently work in with Shell Oil. And how would $10 affect me getting a car? And I already have one.
$10 is serious business.
*Crowd asks*: How serious is it!?
It’s supposed to be super obvious. Its a super easy question specifically desinged so that its not a lottery.