2P START! Forum Open for Business!
It is with hesitant joy and restrained jubilation that I bring you the new 2P START! Forum! The hesitation comes into play because forums are magnets for spammers, trolls, and the entire underbelly of the internet. I’m happy to provide a place for 2P START! fans to socialize, but scared at the same time for what other elements it might bring. We’ll just have to see what happens. There are certainly rules that need to be followed in the forum, and I’ll need moderators to help enforce those rules, so if anyone is interested in helping out, there are two things you must do. First, start being an active member of the forum. This will help me to trust that you will indeed frequent the forum enough to monitor a section or two. Second, shoot me an email through the Contact page and we’ll start talking about the responsibilities and benefits to being a moderator.
For everyone else out there, enjoy the forum. If you’ve registered before to leave comments, you’re already registered for the forum; it’s the same account! Feel free to let me know of any bugs or annoyances with the forum so I can sort those out. I’m always open to suggestions on how to make the site better, so your feedback is very much appreciated.
Finally, here’s what the forum is NOT. It is NOT a replacement for our comment system. Any feedback directly related to a comic or blog post should still be placed as a comment if you want me and Ray to read it. The forum is for you guys, and while Ray and I will poke our heads in and join the discussions, we likely won’t be reading or responding to everything there. Think of the comments as directed towards us, and the forum is directed at you guys. Have fun!
Bout time! Just kidding. Uber-First! Me being the first one on the forums
Well, I came second.
dj, how do you have 18 posts. I don’t count that many.
DJ helped me test the forum over the weekend, which involved some posting. I’ve since deleted the test posts.
Ditto what Tim said. I was also wondering if anyone was gonna notice.
Cool. I’m a member now, so I’ll definitely use these forums.
It won’t let me post messages from my Wii. I’d have put this in your topic, Tim, but my problem prevents that.
To mods/admins: Brawl code section in Wii forum?
Or are we going to use that other thing on extras page?
Yay. Now the comments won’t be a horribly jumbled mess of comments and side-discussions.
Now all you need is a expo gathering and you’ll be quickly on your way to completing your lifelong dream of being just like Penny Arcade! Might I suggest naming it, 2PX?
Oh, how I kid. 😀
Do you know what 2PStart needs? An IRC chat.
OORAH! Achievment Unlocked!
http://mmahhryfhguwjjwjwjuyjhyy.com mmahhryfhguwjjwjwjuyjhyy