2P START! Live!: New Kid on the Block Edition
August 11th, 2008
In this episode, recorded entirely in Oregon, Tim and Ray discuss the iPhone as a gaming platform as Ray’s new iPhone 3G and Tim’s new iPod Touch compete for our gaming hours! Don’t miss our other regular segments too!
I miss “catch the chikens”.
Hooray for someone liking Speed Racer. I completely agree with your review of it. If you took out the monkey and the kid, would’ve been so much better but I still enjoyed it.
I also agree with your review of Shadow. As in, it’s awful and tear-inducing. Charmy the Bee still gives me nightmares, even though its name is Charmy. Doesn’t that seem terribly ironic?
And hey, the Olympics are pretty awesome. Granted, I don’t watch Last Comic Standing so maybe it really did ruin the show.
And how about Dark Knight vs. Black Knight?? You could have Sonic and the Joker as the sidekicks. And then Rachel and Amy Rose could be “damsels in distress”
Great podcast guys! Man I really want an I-phone.
It finally clicked in my head when you mentioned the Dr. Pepper at dinner. You guys remind me of the Mythbusters! Tim’s like Jamie, and Ray is like Adam. I could picture the entire conversation being on an episode of Mythbusters, although it would probably have something to do an upcoming myth.
That movie theater sounds vaguely familiar. Is it called Harkins Theater? There’s a Harkins Theater here, and it also has an area with tables and drinks. I could be wrong on the name, I’m still half-asleep.
Ray! You need to send me those replays! I love funny replays!
Tim! We need to get on Brawl at the same time so it can register and I can send you awesome replays!
Finally, you guys just had to bring Charmy up. I never got very far in Shadow the Hedgehog, but that level was burned into my mind, and it was starting to fade away. I really want to beat Shadow the Hedgehog, it’s just sitting on my shelf, taunting me.
Jamie [of Mythbusters] reminds me of the Pringles logo guy.
Remix is awesome, I love Techno/Trance
I kinda sorta messed up my iPhone while trying to update it to the next custom firmware >.< , I’m gonna have to tinker with it when I get home.
Tim/Ray, the screen does flip upside down if you’re viewing pictures, it just doesn’t work in the browser.
I’m glad you guys finally realize that iPhones are awesome.
You guys need to jailbreak your iPod/iPhone. Cause almost any app that’s in the store(pay or not) is free on the Installer or on Cydia(another Installer).
You should try to get the I am rich app. I saw it on AoTS. It costs $1000 and all it does is give you a wallpaper of a red gem. If you can use the Installer to get it free, then you can show it off to your friends and make them think you’re rich!
I hated how Charmy was butchered in Shadow. I really liked him in Knuckles Chaotix.
I want the Replay’s! Por favor?
The Dark Knight is at #3 on the all time box office. Wow……It might just do it and beat Titanic. It’s almost beaten the original Star Wars!!!
*NOTE* Yeah I accidentally had to post in two parts cause I’m an idiot.
It actually is on the Cydia installer for free.
Oh, wow! That was quick, Ray! Thanks! I loved those replays! I’m in an extremely good mood now. Which one was the one that you made you laugh a whole bunch? Because I was really cracking up at the end of your DK vs DK match.
Okay. I actually took notes on this one and I have no segway from topic to topic so…yeah.
1. Dr. Pepper story made me laugh…and that’s about all I have to say about that.
2.Phantom Hourglass…meh. Easily the worst Zelda game I’ve finished. I’m still shocked that I finished it. I want to know who came up with the idea for the Temple of the Ocean King and I want to know what other staff members thought it was a good idea, because all of them are nuts. I can understand if that’s why it’s stopped you from finishing it, but the final boss wasn’t really that hard, so why’d you stop there?
3. You mentioned how you pretty much always have a gaming system with you now (Iphone). I know what you mean, but it’s not like you are going to get games like…I dunno (wow I almost said Phoenix Wright, which actually does happen to be on phones) Metroid Prime Hunters or Trauma Center(dunno, why that popped into my head) on the Iphone.
4.I like how the basic podcast formula returned.
5. When I mentioned that I liked the detail on the Wii…well that shows how much I pay attention.
6. You also mentioned that more people read the comic than watch the podcast. I personally really like the podcast because the formula is pretty much the same, so if I liked it once I’m going to like it again. The comic almost always makes me laugh, but if by some odd occurrence it doesn’t, than I always have the podcast to fall back on.
7. I’ve never heard of XKCD, should I have heard of it?
8. I made the mistake of not posting in my original comment that it was in fact my first comment and that I’d been lurking for a while, that probably would’ve gotten me comment of the week, but nooo….I tried to pretend to be a normal commenter. That kinda blew up in my face.
9. Compared to Sonic and the Secret Rings, Shadow the Hedgehog is pretty awesome. I really don’t think Shadow was THAT bad. The controls were fine to me, the guns were a bit over the top, but what really bothered me was the constant swearing. Now I think I’ve said this before, but it seemed like Sega was trying to make a mature game or something, but ultimately ended up with the same rating as the Neopets game. Also the other thing that bothered me was the endings. Shadow said practically the same thing in every one.
10.I happen to kinda like Charmy. Of course not as much as Vector and Espio, but I think Charmy is a cool character.
11. I also happen to like the different characters in Adventure 2. I thought that was pretty fun. Granted some of Rouge’s and Knuckles’ stages were a bit annoying.
12. And they should have a game about Rouge. She is awesome. If you ask me a game about her would have been much more interesting than one about Shadow. She was a spy wasn’t she? I’m sorry, but to me, being a spy for the government sounds a bit more interesting than being some dude running through various places for no apparent reason other than an alien wants him to.
13. Speed Racer. Meh. I never liked the show and thus and absolutely no intentions of seeing the movie. Looked kinda stupid anyway, but whatever.
14. Then you guys talked about single player in SSBB. I’m one of those few who actually likes playing SSBB by myself. SSE was a disappointment because of the lack of stages from each characters games, but it was okay. Classic mode is still fun, and I still find occasion enjoyment in fighting against computers.
15. Spongebob…for a second I thought the rating thing was like censoring him or something because he wasn’t wearing pants. IMO, that would’ve been WAY stupider than just having a giant rating.
16. And you guys did NOT just bash Nintendo’s E3 showing again did you? Gah!
17. Interesting bloopers at the end. Is that why Tim said it this time?
EDIT: Oh and I just read all the previous comments. I need to get more into the Wi-Fi group here at 2P START! Everyone is everyone’s friend. I need to get my FC up.
Random comment: I forgot to mention, you guys got new background music right? ‘Tis pretty awesome.
Gave a listen, good podcast. Although I do have to say since you’re pimping the iPhone as a gaming platform… how much longer until a Sony product enters the house. Or is it like vampires and the safest bet it to just not invite it in?
Also, wonder why iPhones aren’t everywhere? Well, because unlike Razors, you HAVE to go with AT&T for iPhone and they have only one service plan. First, AT&T doesn’t get signal in my apartment… so I could only use the phone when I’m not at home… Second, I pay $25 a month for my cell phone. My friend who has an iPhone pays $90. Therein lies the problem. Until iPhones get carried by every carrier and has some flexibility to their service plans, it will remain an obscure corner of the iCult.
Roadjcat: You’ve gained points in my book for not going “Hey guys I’ve been reading all the comics and listening to the podcasts, and just wanted to say NCG!”.
Thanks, but no offense, you aren’t the one running the podcast. XD
Oh, and I really like the picture for the podcast, with Ray peeking over the table at his iPhone.
Same here.
@Little Metty: None taken. It’s not like comment of the week is all that anyway. Now if you get a Black Doom award! Then you’re awesome
Okay, you can keep telling yourself that. XD
I recently got myself an iPod Touch too (thanks to a rebate with purchase of a Mac, thus making it “free”). It is fun and easy to use. Though I’ve held out on upgrading to 2.0 to get apps until better stuff comes. In the meantime, I jailbreaked it, and put an NES emulator on it. But shhh on that part. 😛
Where’s the background music that played during the “Highlights from Tim’s Visit” portion from? I’ve heard it before, elsewhere, I think.
You guys gotta post those Brawl replays. Just figure out some way to record them off your TV and get ’em on the net, quick!
Actually, it was the podcast that made me take notice of this place (yes, an ex-lurker — hello!). The comics are nifty, they’re the highlight of this place, but the podcast + comic make a great combination. Most video gaming podcasts lack any depth or humour, and you guys have both, plus other interesting add-ons.
Apple didn’t see the need to provide my country with the iPhone, but I wouldn’t play games if it ever made it over here. Especially Tetris — if its not on my Game Boy, in black and white, or on my TV, then I won’t enjoy it just as much. It’s all about the controls and “feel” of it.
And thanks for the remix rec! All of the pervious remixes left me cringing, but this remix rec did not. Gerudo Valley has been mixed and remixed a couple of thousands of times, but this one here is quite good.
“Shadow the Hedgehog” is a terrible, terrible, terrible game. Words can not describe the pure anguish one must suffer through while playing a single moment of that abomination.
On the other hand, I too enjoyed the the other play-styles in “Sonic Adventure 2” (my favorite 3d sonic game by far). The problem with adding two additional play-styles meant you only played Sonic levels 1/3 of the time.
The song is “Dream Gate” from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.
Are you saying you found the podcasts before the comics? If yes, how so?
Here’s the thing about all that. I’m not a huge Sonic fan, so that kinda stuff doesn’t bother me. I’m not playing for the nostalgia factor. I’m playing because it’s fun. I like Rouge and Tails’ stages and that’s really all that matters, IMO.
Yeah, you kinda need some capture device for that. I happen to have one, but I don’t have access to those replay. Although you just gave me some ideas for new videos…
I originally came here for the comics, sent to me by a friend, but then was quite amazed by the podcasts and the quality of them, and so drifted to them first. (Or maybe because I only get podcasts sent to my journal via RSS? I have to manually check for the comics, and am way too confused to sort that out.)
All in all — both complete each other, and I’m sure lots of people listen to them, but like my dear friend who linked me to this site months ago, some are just too lazy to give it a try and listen.
Well the new iPwnage is out(to update to 2.0.1 and keep it jailbroken). The only thing is that you’ll have to reinstall all of your stuff, but the good news is that most things on the installer are now on Cydia or the new Installer beta, plus you get full access to the new App store(NES is on Cydia BTW). If you have any questions send me a PM in the forums.
Ray/Tim: You two can also jailbreak your phone/ipod too. Ray you have a Mac and can use iPwnage, but Tim, you’ll have to use Winpwn since I think you have a PC.
No thanks.
To each his own.
Ah, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. That game was great. I had a lot of fun in its multiplayer and singleplayer. The other characters worked in that game too. It’s too bad it doesn’t have the same charm as in the newer games.
I still liked Heroes. Sonic Adventure had multiple characters right? That was still fun.
Yeah it was, but they were still fun and not totally gimmicky. The added characters stages consisted of running through the stage as fast as you could, so it was all good(except for Big, but we don’t talk about him). The difference between characters was that the stages took advantage of each characters abilities(flying segments for Tails etc.). SA1 was awesome, and the final battle with Chaos was also pretty awesome. Super Sonic was all super saiyan-ish and it was awesome……….awesome?
Okay, so which games were the extra characters a bad idea?
It wasn’t so much the characters, it was how gimmicky they were. SA2 was still okay cause Sonic/Shadow was awesome, Tails/Robotnik were more than decent, and Knuckles/Rouge was acceptable. But when it got to Heroes it seemed gimmicky with the whole character switch thing and the level design was pretty bad(I had unexpected deaths more in Heroes than SA1 and SA2). Plus you’re other two characters were basically useless until the game forced you to use them. Although I still think Heroes was half-decent.
Really? Sometimes I went through Heroes with the power characters, and swapped when I need the others. And if I was really feeling weird, I’d play as Rouge until I needed to switch. The only thing I didn’t like about Heroes is that I got stuck on one of Chaotix’s levels (before I was smart enough to use the internet).
Exactly. I could play through the whole stage as Knuckles, until, the game made me switch for a small segment, then I’d switch back. It’s unnecessary.
I kinda liked that. It let you choose which character you wanted to be. Sure, I suppose there were like two second switches, but there were also those that were pretty much the whole level. Did you ever play that one where you had to go through the whole level without any frogs seeing you? You had to be Espio in that one.
I was Espio anyway, so it didn’t make much of a difference to me. And yeah, I beat the whole game. The last boss upset me though, not the actual boss, just the fact that Knuckles and Tails just got yellow orbs around them, instead of actual super forms. I’m still waiting to see Chaos Knuckles(or whatever his name is when he absorbs the Master Emerald) in a game.
Hey Tim & Ray,
nice Podcast again.
I guess i can help you with your “little” problem with the text in the USK rating diamond in the box art.
German text: “Freigegeben ohne Alterbeschränkung gemäß § 14 JuSchG”
Translated: “approved for general audiences according our law for the protection of the youth”
When i see the game in the store, i will tell you, if it is an sticker or not.
Greetings Madc0w
well i usually comment only on the comic but to day i know what to say! You know how you recorded it in oregan… THATS WHERE I WENT FOR MY VICATION! I went all over oregan from portland to alot of places of course, the places i went were from the coast line.
any way is that sonic game (it will probably kill rayin bitter mouth if i mension the whole name. =D) out in the states. cuz its not out in canada.
Note: so far i listened to every black doom segment 3 times. just like to throw that out there…
I am ashamed to admit that I played through Shadow the 10 times it took to get the real ending…
And I didn’t hate most of it. It was a little fun sometimes. The story was total crap though. I also hated that the entire game is about shadow’s origins, but at the end of the game he decides that his origins don’t matter.
Good job tying 10 completely different endings together, Sonic Team. And by “good job”, I mean you’d be fired from any other development team.