2P START! Live!: DSi-sion 2008 Edition


TimTim and Ray kick off their political careers without polarizing their audience, and also discuss Nintendo’s new announcements – including the new Nintendo DSi. Criticism about their coverage of E For All is defended and the Black Doom Award is just about as horrific as you could imagine.


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  1. Tacos says:

    New intro music??? I like it. And Candidate Tim, that was a moving speech. It’s a shame there were about 10 seconds of “silent laughter” but you made it further than I could’ve.

    Here goes Ray. Way to speak the truth about Sonic… and waggle… and red rings of death.

    Ahhh, theres the intro music I love. Good to see its not gone. Except I guess Tim would want “change.”

    Umm, Punch-out, Sin and Punishment 2, Mario and Luigi 3… nothing too gripping. I’ll end up owning Punch-out I’m sure, but mainly for party appeal.
    DSi is another matter though. I’m still on the fence since my Lite is still fine. I’d rather get some good DS games and play on my lite than play on the DSi and play the games I already own.

    Mario Power Tennis is an abomination. The power shots were potentially the cheapest thing in the world, and some of the powers seemed out of nowhere. And I agree, Waluigi had the worst powers ever. Nintendo hasn’t fleshed him out enough for him to have a decent move even.

    Any of these would be nice on a tshirt. Color would be an issue, but if it had pyschadelic colors like the Q-Bert game did, I would definitely buy it.

    Fair enough on your assessment of Sheppy’s comment. But what if Nintendo had a Pokemon MMORPG?? Would that make you attempt the genre? (Partly rhetorical, partly serious. That’s just my fanboy dream)

    Starcraft 2 is a trilogy, but thats Blizzard. Yea, you caught it. I forgive you. But that does deserve a Black Doom since its just money hogging. At least multiplayer is gonna be there, which is why I’ll buy it.

    Don’t trust Metacritic, just read individual reviews and see what they say. Sometimes, games with high grades just aren’t for everyone. GTA IV got a 10 at numerous places, and its just not my game.

    The music isn’t awful. They’ve got the syncopation thing going, but the fact thats its purely midi is pretty sad in itself. Kinda sounds Baroque at moments as well. Ok, nevermind, that remix is atrocious. And that enemy killing noise is too long and too ridiculous. But would you rather have this music or Crush 40?

    I’m surprised that you didn’t choose the Sonic and the Black Knight trailer as your Black Doom award though. None of it is gameplay (except potentially one quick sequence) and Black Knight looks terrible. He’s this giant guy riding a malnutritioned horse. WTF???

  2. D3vin says:

    Vote for Tim in 2k8!
    I vote for Tim because his is for change(mostly in quarters), so I can play games at the arcade! Lemme guess, Ray was filmed in front of a greenscreen and stock footage was added later… 😉

    Wow, what a long intro….. If i knew anyone can run for GamerPrez, I woulda ran for the RetroParty, “who needs HD when 16 bits would do?”

    D3vin, Tapping into the full potential of our resources,

    I’m D3vin and i approve this message.

  3. Anon says:

    Heh heh, Timocrats and Raypublicans…

    And Ray doesn’t play for franchises…
    Ray has definatly sacrificed a lot of games.
    Ray 08!

    Wait, who are the VP candidates, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    And the Nintendo 09 line-up looks pretty good.
    Aaand being the Sonerd I am, I think that SatBK looks pretty good. It’s fast…at least.

    Tim cuts out the middle man (food) and just eats his money!

    Mario and Luigi, rpg 3! Wait, you guys didn’t like it! Those games were great!

    I’m excited for the DSi. It’s definatly an upgrade from my DS-phat…
    Plus, I get internet withdrawal symptoms so the Wifi will be cool.
    And the downloadable DS stuff looks cool.

    Finally, Club Nintendo in US. I really hope the NOA doesn’t skimp out on the prizes. I’ll defiantly join.

    The Wiimakes don’t excite me that much. The Wii already has backwards compatibility and like Ray said, there cheaper for the GC.
    Granted Tim has the point about the new controls so they could feel like new games.
    And also, the sequels to the Pikmin and other IP’s will/already have Wii controls so I might as well buy the new games instead of the old.
    And Nintendo does not mess around with there main franchises.

    P.S. I still haven’t got my t-shirts. Not that I want to rush you guys or nothing…

  4. Tim says:

    P.S. I still haven’t got my t-shirts. Not that I want to rush you guys or nothing…

    You mean T-shirt (singular)? It has been shipped, but shipping is a little slow. You’ll get it, I promise!

  5. Ray says:

    Tim bases his campaign on promises he can’t keep.

    Vote Ray ’08.

  6. Tim says:

    Ray’s despicable accusations are simply untrue. Clearly, this is a sign of desperation due to his low poll numbers in every battleground state. My promises are intentionally vague enough for me to keep EACH AND EVERY ONE!

    Vote for Change, Vote for Tim.

  7. roadjcat says:

    Ray was filmed in front of a greenscreen and stock footage was added later…

    Who gets to be Stephen Colbert? XD

    Anyway, on to my wall ‘o’ text comments.

    1. My reaction to the intro: 0_o

    2. And Ray, it’s not polite to laugh during a presidential speech. XD

    3. Were those speeches totally improvised or were they scripted…I seemed like a bit of both.

    4.Tim your “middle name” literally made me start laughing.

    5. Do we really get to send it questions for a debate?

    6. Oh and must we continually bash E3? I mean really haven’t we had enough?

    7. I’m not too interested in Punch Out, but if it gets good ratings, I’ll probably pick it up.

    8. No new Wii games? I have to say that Harvest Moon Wii is freaking addicting! I played for 9 hours straight one day.

    9. Sin and Punishment 2…meh. I played the first, it was okay, I might get it.

    10. New Mario RPG…kinda interested. Partners in Time was pretty fun, though I never finished it. I’d prefer a new Paper Mario though.

    11. Why was there mention of Endless Ocean? That’s the only game announced at the Media Summit that I know I will be getting.

    12. I’m still confused…is the DSi and new system with new games, or just and update? If it’s the former I’ll get it, but not if it’s the latter.

    13. I didn’t really care about the lack of a GBA slot either…

    14. Oh, and I hated New Super Mario Bros, but that’s just because I was so awful at it.

    15. I’m VERY interested in Club Nintendo. I use to register my games all the time, but there wasn’t really a point, so I stopped…hopefully this will supply a reason.

    16. And I believe I’m the one that buys all the Nintendo published games. XD

    17. I’m pretty excited for the Wii remakes. Mainly Metroid Prime and Pikmin 2. I love the original Prime and the second Pikmin (though I’ve never owned it).

    18. Pikmin 1 was horrible IMO. 2 was awesome though.

    19. Not too interested in the Power Tennis remake, though I did very much enjoy the original.

    20. Could not care less about any DK game.

    21. No one mentioned Chibi Robo. I believe that is also being remade.

    22. I’m really excited for Motion Plus, and it better launch soon. I want Sports Resort…

    23. And correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Conduit is using Motion +. That comes out in March, so it should be out by then.

    24. To be honest, the Q-Bert panel was the only one I didn’t like.

    25. Kinda random, but if DSi has Ace Attorney, then I know I have to get it.

    26. I was interested in Sonic Chronicles…should I still get it?

    27. And yeah, I agree. Music really is important. Metroid Prime has like the best soundtrack ever, actually it’s probably tied with the AA series…but yeah.

    Okay, so that’s it this time. No real opinion on the politics…I was kinda zoning out there, I’ll have to listen again and give my opinions. I’d mention other political stuff, but that’s probably not appropriate.

  8. D3vin says:

    Ray was filmed in front of a greenscreen and stock footage was added later…

    Who gets to be Stephen Colbert? XD

    I am D3vin and so can you!(poses with his self-titled book)
    I am D3vin and so can you!(another pose while taking off his immaginary glasses)
    I am D3vin and so can you!(glares into the camera and points)

    If you write the first book good enough, you don’t need to write another…

    *I am introducing a ‘contest’, you take the aforementioned footage and make Ray more exciting!*

    Mail your entries to me! 😉

  9. Loooca says:

    Thanks for the funny and well-made podcast, you guys. I’ve been in bed all day, and it has definitely cheered me up.

    Speeches: Tim, you’ve got my vote.

    The DSi: Some people still have their old and bulky DS’s.

    I bought mine in early 2005, and it went through brainless kids, countless falls and lost-and-found cases, and it STILL works so perfectly well (Three PSPs in the past three years, though. I don’t even know why I bother).

    So, yes, I’m one of those who is getting a DSi because they are the uncool kids with the scratched DS ;p And I’m sure the games will eventually show up… erm, soon. I’m more concerned about the DS Ware — GB/GBC/GBA games, perhaps? Think of the possibilities.

    (Oh, and they’re called Nintendo Points now, not DS points. Something about making them “general”, IDK.)

    GC games making their way to the Wii: A very, very smooth move by Nintendo. Like Tim, I haven’t played Pikimin, even though I always wanted to, and this will be my chance to do so. And, erm, Wind Waker’s lost and I would really like to replay it. Also, over at my place, GC games aren’t around all that much anymore, unless you drive for an hour or two into the city. Big stores like Virgin are all about the current generation.

    Sonic Chronicles: I’m shunning Sonic for the next few years. Honestly. See, unless that snippet at Kotaku about a Sonic 2D, which I can’t seem to find right now, but I don’t see it happening. Why when all the crappy Sonic games are bringing them cash, no? Which begs the question: WHO THE HELL BUYS’EM.

    [The site has been eating my comments for a while now. I sure hope this one passes through.]

  10. Ray says:

    Were those speeches totally improvised or were they scripted…I seemed like a bit of both.

    The speeches were both scripted, but neither one of us knew what the other had prepared.

    Do we really get to send it questions for a debate?

    Heck yeah, you do!

    I’m still confused…is the DSi and new system with new games, or just and update? If it’s the former I’ll get it, but not if it’s the latter.

    I consider it just an update.

    I was interested in Sonic Chronicles…should I still get it?

    If you have quite a history with Sonic games, then you’ll be impressed with how well they merged the storylines of both the Sonic Adventure series and the Archie Comic series / SatAM. Otherwise, you’ll probably find the game to be a pretty bland RPG.

    I’d mention other political stuff, but that’s probably not appropriate.

    Yeah, please keep all of your political opinions strictly about the campaigns that Tim and I are running.

  11. roadjcat says:

    Do we really get to send it questions for a debate?

    Heck yeah, you do!

    Where are we to send them? Post them here or e-mail you guys? Also, what kind of things should they be about? I’m going to get into this. XD

  12. D3vin says:

    I would like to bring a question forth for both candidates:

    What will you do about the Wii crisis? There is not enough supply to go with the demand. If there were more to go around, Obesity would be a thing of the past!

    I would like to make a motion
    *D3vin moves in a robot-like dance*
    for a short recess followed by lunch

  13. Anon says:

    P.S. I still haven’t got my t-shirts. Not that I want to rush you guys or nothing…

    You mean T-shirt (singular)? It has been shipped, but shipping is a little slow. You’ll get it, I promise!

    Yes, I meant singular… and thanks for the update.

    And I have a question for Ray:
    What do you plan to do about the recent decline of Sonic games.
    What do you think about the Sonic Unleashed and Black Knight games?
    What do you plan to do about the Casual Gamer

  14. LoliconKato says:

    NPG. Although for your big Season 2 launch, not enough new content!
    That being said, good ol’ Ray and Tim is all I really need to start off the week.

    Ah, and Tim: many have said that you don’t have nearly as much experience with video games as your opponent. When a tough situation arises, how can we trust a newb such as you with the fate of the video game world?

  15. tustin says:

    NPG. I listened to it last night and forgot to comment. Now I forgot the intracate details of what you did – but that doesn’t matter because I can read the WALLS OF TEXT that other people write to refresh my memory on every single little freaking detail!!! >.<

    Anyhow… 🙂 I have a question for the canidates:
    As early as the Wii’s release, the game companies have all but dropped their hard core gamers and have pandered to the casual gamer more than ever before. As a result of this, the game market has been crashing and nary a new game that hasn’t been released already ten years ago has seen the market. In short, the casual and retro gaming seems to be taking over, and I would like to ask you, what will each of you do to help the crisis hard core gamers are facing?

  16. Tacos says:

    Alright, got some questions for the gamer candidates.

    If you could only own one game for the rest of eternity, what would it be?
    Mario Power Tennis or Mario Super Sluggers?
    If you could add a single player to Brawl, who would it be?

    These are the matters the people really want to hear I tell you. This is what counts.

  17. sheppy says:

    Wow, I got comment of the week. And it was a negative comment too. I do have to say, after hearing you guys talk about it, it does seem rather shotty. After all, I was picturing something like GDC or TGS where the people near the games KNOW the games. They are trained to teach people how to play and figure out the experience so hearing basically all they did was set up demo kiosks is kind of hoped you found fun is really irresponsible and would sour my opinion of the title. After all, my first exposure to Guitar Hero was at a concert where they were demoing the game and explaining everything about it. Just hoping people find charm in a game isn’t very good marketing.

    I think, for E3 for All to survive, they need to ignore the ESA roots of the convention and embrace the ECA roots. Start focusing on gaming as a culture rather than a product and no, I don’t mean douche of the year Fatal1ty and liquid pizza products. Could be just me. Seems like they opened something for “everybody” but had no clue who the convention was for. After all, Digital Unrest is a LAN party. It doesn’t try to reach anyone beyond that and likewise, QuakeCon focuses on that breed of gamers. Gaming has a very rich culture and it’s a bit of a disappointment to see no one embracing that aspect, well, except Pax but I’m not going across the country for a convention.

    I’m torn on the Starcraft 2 trilogy thing. Part of me hates it instantly since I used the campaigns to learn a race and the new units and that will now be removed. But the other part of me sees the Terrain campaign being a whopping 26 missions and admitting that’s certainly no slouch as for content (since most RTS campaigns range from 15 to 32). And as long as they promise campaigns 2 and 3 remain just as long and hold to their concept of being expansion packs, it’s really no different than the tons of expansions for Dawn of War PC gamers already see. But they HAVE to be like expansion packs, discounted and everything.

    Also, kind of shocked to see the DSi backlash everywhere. Seeing negative impressions on anything Nintendo is a shock (seriously… Virtual Boy had great launch press) but this movement seems to almost be building up steam.

    As for my questions for the candidates:
    Given the deficit of innovative and completely new concepts being introduced to gaming rather than the refinement of previous conventions, how do you feel this deficit should be addressed in the future or more importantly should it be addressed? As an example, would you prefer a completely refined Open World game showing years of polish (Yakuza 3) or something completely new and tragically broken because of how untested and refined the concept would be?

    Do you feel Nintendo MEANS the third pillar promise of the DSi this time or do you think NOA is simply giving DS Lite another holiday to dry up supplies? Likewise, how do you feel about the region locking at the potential for DSWare stores to be every bit as barren of quality product as WiiWare (aka, promising at first then 5 straight months of Food Eating Competitions)?

    And finally, how much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck was buffed with a +3 Aura and given Mighty Chompers of the Infinite epic gear?

  18. Anon says:

    Good news, the shirt arrived today, and it’s perfect!

  19. D3vin says:

    AAAAhhhh, What is a campaign without those attack ads that blow things out of proportion?


    There is no sound yet, I will later post one with it.


  20. Tacos says:

    After watching that, I realized (even though this is pretty much unrelated) that I would vote for Tim if he put his Super Sonic Racing mp3. That would seal the deal. Just sayin’

  21. steve-ohs says:

    me being so busy, it took me like 5 different sessions before listening to the whole thing (actually still listening to it, so it could still be more). Good podcast, though I forgot some of it. I love the presidental portion. They were both funny and awesome.
    hmm questions…
    Many people think the war has been going on for too long. What are your opinions on the console war, do you have any plans to end it?

    question for Mr. Harding, many gamers today face a money crisis that make them barely able to afford necessary great games, but you were quoted as saying you do not even know how many swimming pools of money you have, how do you respond to these accusations?

    and Mr. Hargreaves, many people have accused you of unequal advertising by cutting out Tim’s times in podcasts and having him in less comics than you, how do you respond to that?

  22. Tim says:

    After watching that, I realized (even though this is pretty much unrelated) that I would vote for Tim if he put his Super Sonic Racing mp3. That would seal the deal. Just sayin’


  23. roadjcat says:

    I’ve got debate questions!

    Since all of us here but me seem to have no interest in Animal Crossing, what would you guys do to make it more interesting?

    Also, if you could do a cross-over between any two Nintendo published games, what would they be? Or would you even want one?

  24. lwelyk says:

    Wow, second best fictional election ever.

    ^That’s the best.

    Oh, and I can see a movie theater from my home, can I be your VP Ray?

  25. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Yeah, I got to listen to the first half of the podcast yesterday, and finished it up today. And it appears that the minute I stop making long comments, it becomes the norm. So, what do YOU think? Should I go back to the way I used to post?

    The speeches were awesome! “Play with me! Play with me! Take off your pants and play with me!” Now I have a problem. I’m not sure who to vote for. On one hand, Ray is a worthy opponent in Brawl. And Tim on the other hand… has a 360? Come to think of it, I’ve never played against Tim online. So it looks like Ray has my vote for now. What are you going to do to change that Tim? :mrgreen:

    I might get Sin and Punishment 2, but I never played the orignal. And I guess I will get the DSi if there’s going to be new games for it. And I think that I’ll probably get all of the Wiimakes. I loved Metroid Prime 1 and 2, and Metroid Prime 3’s controls can only make them better. Other than that, I’ve never played the other games. That’s as good a reason as any to check them out, right?

    Oh, and what’s your deal with the word “frick”, Ray? Is that just your kid-friendly substitute for another certain F word?

    Wow. Just wow. Those sounds from Sonic Chronicles were shocking. I might buy that game just to see those sounds in action.

    Finally, great podcast guys! This is definitely one of your best. It’s now up on my Top 3 list.

    1. Sonic and the Black Doom
    2. DSi-sion 2008
    3. The Knubby Awards

    Anyway, nice job and keep up the good work!

  26. Comatose811 says:

    NPG! I love these things!

    I’m totally a Timocrat!

    Go Tim Achmed!!!

  27. D3vin says:

    Here is the first video again, with changes Tim suggested
    the board of directors needed..
    Here is a new one, Showing Tim’s charitable side…

    Still no sound, but that will change later…

    [spoiler]And No, I will not do one for the Raypublicans, That’s not my job ;)[/spoiler]

  28. Tacos says:

    After watching that, I realized (even though this is pretty much unrelated) that I would vote for Tim if he put his Super Sonic Racing mp3. That would seal the deal. Just sayin’


    Tim, you have my vote.

  29. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    I have a question for both candidates. We are clearly going through a phase in gaming where FPSs and party games are made much more often than other (and more deserving, IMO) genres. What direction, if any, would you propose that gaming goes in next?

  30. ig0rpwnwEd says:

    I have a question for both of you. In the last two decades, arcades have practically died out. If you were President, what would you do to bring them back, and how would you direct the high prices?

  31. tustin says:

    Here is the first video again, with changes Tim suggested
    the board of directors needed..
    Here is a new one, Showing Tim’s charitable side…
    Still no sound, but that will change later…
    Show ?

    And No, I will not do one for the Raypublicans, That’s not my job

    Not bad, not bad at all (though sound would be good, and the comedic timing at the end of the second one needs work). I would point out to the Timocratic campaign that technically, Tim and Ray live under the same roof in the Comic, so, technically, Ray would have dropped the tank in through the roof of THEIR house, and not just TIM’S house. 🙂

  32. Tim says:

    When more than one link appears in a comment, it’s held in moderation automatically since often times spam comments have many links.

  33. D3vin says:

    When more than one link appears in a comment, it’s held in moderation automatically since often times spam comments have many links.

    What?! Me spam? Why I’d Never 😀

  34. roadjcat says:

    Okay, so my first comment is filled with typos. What I meant to say is why WASN’T Endless Ocean mentioned?

  35. DrOswald says:

    If you are not already planning on it, you guys should put up a poll so we can vote for Tim or Ray on election day.

    As for my vote, I will have to wait until the debates so I can see were the candidates stand on critical issues.

  36. randomperson says:

    well you kinda ruined it because you were laughing

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