Oil Panic Wallpaper Now Available!

Oil Panic

TimRay heard you loud and clear as the call for a wallpaper of the Oil Panic comic is now a reality in a variety of resolutions. Be sure to let Ray know if there are any other wallpapers you guys are looking for!

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  1. Ray says:

    Be sure to let Ray know if there are any other wallpapers you guys are looking for!

    No! Don’t do it!

  2. D3vin says:

    Be sure to let Ray know if there are any other wallpapers you guys are looking for!

    No! Don’t do it!

    Yes! DO IT! I want one of this comic 😉

  3. roadjcat says:

    Be sure to let Ray know if there are any other wallpapers you guys are looking for!

    No! Don’t do it!

    Too late. I officially request the Crazy Nook wallpaper. XD

    But I think I’ll stick with my wallpaper of the PA meeting. It has a Metroid! 😀

  4. CKcheeseboy says:

    I still think the Frogger/Pan-Man one would be a good wallpaper.

  5. Tacos says:

    How about this one?

  6. Dominator_101 says:

    How about this one? I think the 4th, second to last or last would be good. 😛

    Oh, and also the Tom Nook one.

  7. moonjuice7 says:

    Tom crook panel three…

    Or else I’ll demand A BAJILLION BELLS!!!

  8. roadjcat says:

    Be sure to let Ray know if there are any other wallpapers you guys are looking for!

    No! Don’t do it!

    Now my wallpaper will give me a pleasurable fantasy.

    After the comments from the last comic…that sounds so wrong in so many ways…maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s supposed to sound like that to coincide with the comments from last week…

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