Email Your Valentine Now!



TimAs promised, you can now email your favorite Valentine to your friends and enemies! Just click on the thumbnail of the one you want to send and fill out the form. Enjoy, and thanks for all the positive feedback on the cards, we’ll definitely do more next year!

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  1. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Awesome! I’ll definitely be sending these to a few people. 🙂

  2. D3vin says:

    I sent one to myself to see if it works, and it does! Don’t be afraid to send this to an ex-husband or ex-wife or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend!
    (man that’s a lot of people to hate!)

  3. roadjcat says:

    I don’t think anyone would get them…oh and if you do make some more next year, there should be one about Metroid…if you’re really lazy, you can just take Kirby and replace it with a Metroid, but keep the caption. XD

  4. Moonjuice7 says:

    I will definitely be sending these out to friends that will get them. These are too good to pass up. i especially enjoy the Megaman card just for the vehemnece in the last line. Its great.

  5. Oliver Strano says:

    Cool. Would’ve loved some yoshi though. They look awesome.

  6. Tacos says:

    Do they print out nicely or should they stick to a digital format??

  7. Ray says:

    They were created specifically for digital format, so I would recommend you keep them on a computer screen. Of course, nothing’s stopping you from trying to print them out yourself, so feel free if you’d like.

  8. Tacos says:

    Alright thanks. I’ll give it a test run shortly and let others know how it goes.

  9. steve-ohs says:

    Cool. Would’ve loved some yoshi though. They look awesome.

    Yeah, we need some yoshi. Have you realized you have never have yoshi in a comic. The only mention of him was that Super Mario Galaxy wasn’t that great without him in it.
    So, by that logic, this comic isn’t that great until we have a yoshi in it.

  10. ultimateDK says:

    Cool. Would’ve loved some yoshi though. They look awesome.

    Yeah, we need some yoshi. Have you realized you have never have yoshi in a comic. The only mention of him was that Super Mario Galaxy wasn’t that great without him in it.
    So, by that logic, this comic isn’t that great until we have a yoshi in it.

    Yeah. This particular comic used to be good…:-p

  11. fierce diety says:

    the yoshi guy has a point but you need a zelda comic (more specifically a majoras mask comic)
    zelda is far superior to yoshi

  12. FluffyPanda says:

    I don’t think anyone would get them…oh and if you do make some more next year, there should be one about Metroid…if you’re really lazy, you can just take Kirby and replace it with a Metroid, but keep the caption. XD

    Next year should be positive ones. So for Metroid they could have something along the lines of:

    “When I stick with you, you give me life”


    “Wait ’til you see me in my zero suit”

    Or even

    “Screw attack?”

  13. roadjcat says:

    “When I stick with you, you give me life”

    I like that one. 😀

  14. ubuntun3rd says:

    Nice, thanks! My only suggestion (only a minor one) is that you would have removed the numbers in the lower-left corner. If I’m sending them, people wouldn’t know what the numbers mean and they wouldn’t really help. Anyway, great job on the cards, Ray and thanks for letting us email them, Tim! Later, are you going to give us high-rez ones to print, perhaps (like in png or pdf format)? If you weren’t planning on it, I think it would be cool.

  15. ubuntun3rd says:

    By the way, did anyone see today’s shirt.woot? It’s amazing! See the picture here. It sold out for today, but you can get it for $15 starting tomorrow (2/13) If you’re unfamiliar with shirt.woot, they sell one shirt for $10 until it sells out or the next day comes, then you can buy it for $15 as long as it’s popular. See more about the whole operation here.

  16. TomX says:

    This was an awesome idea. I only wish there were more. Metroid and Sonic definitely would have helped me satisfy everyone in my address book. And maybe something about Luigi being unloved. Poor Luigi

  17. CKcheeseboy says:

    This was an awesome idea. I only wish there were more. Metroid and Sonic definitely would have helped me satisfy everyone in my address book. And maybe something about Luigi being unloved. Poor Luigi

    You mean the king of second bananas?

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