2P START! Live!: Is The End Near Now? Edition


RayIn this episode, you’ll hear: Ray and Tim’s thoughts on the future of 2P START!; Ray’s interior decorating tips; a Black Doom Award difficult to replicate; fan-made 2P START! themes; Tim butchering a comment; and what Ray’s sheltered eyes saw at Fred Meyers.


Links Used In The Podcast

2P START! Target Test

2P START! iPhone Theme

Smash Bros. Brawl Wallpaper


Pictures Used In The Podcast


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  1. Wyrm says:

    GWAR, first ^^ again!

  2. D3vin says:

    GWAR, first ^^ again!

    I suggest if there is a post like this, Delete it. It adds nothing to the discussion. I liked the comic, but it wasn’t really much of a comic. It was more of a leaflet you read when you are bored. I was bored and it worked. Too bad none of those houses were for sale. Mom is on her last nerve and is ready to kick me out of the house.

    The Rika-Rika-Remix this week brings something to mind that I hated about NewSuperMarioBros, the little “bwah-Bwahs” in the music that the enemies hop to. You don’t know how many times I died because I go to jump on a goomba and it Jumps and hits me half way. I also hate how the POWERUPS do that to, I have run UNDER a fireflower just because it hopped over my Mini-mario…

    I like the “Ray’s adventures in Inferior decorating” segment, just because even though the layout looks artsy, It takes up the whole wall and is in no real order(that I can tell of).

    Way to massicure the German guy’s comment, Tim. If you really read it right, read it in a German accent

  3. roadjcat says:

    Okay comment time:

    1. The Zelda house was drawn very well, I just still have no idea what it is…

    2. I think one of you should play Punch-Out!! I don’t know what you’ll find, but I anticipate there to be some comic material in it.

    3. Oh and you guys can pick comments that praise you…just not every single week. šŸ™‚

    4. Holy crud, that was a lot of grave rising. That was like the longest segment!

    5. Wolverine’s claws were the least of my worries during Wolverine…

    6. Multiplayer? That’s what you decided to give the BDA to? What about the fact that after you complete single player you are given access to a mode that unlocks a secret character and another mode, but you can only play it once and if you don’t unlock those two things the first time…too bad. Gone forever.

    7. I think every once in a while Tim should pick a Musical Misfit. šŸ˜›

    8. Okay, no offense to anyone but I hated that Musical Misfit. It sounded like radio static combine with a bunch of squeaking. I really do hate music from Gameboy games, the quality is just so bad.

    9. BTW, how many Musical Misfits of UltimateDK’s have been chosen. I’ve had 2, I know that, has he had 3 or more? It does seem like his get picked a lot. Or maybe it’s just because he picked a song from a Sonic game. *cough* Bias *Cough* Yeah, kidding. šŸ˜› And hey, while we’re on the subject of Sonic, it’s the perfect time to mention Rouge. šŸ˜€

  4. roadjcat says:

    I really do hate music from Gameboy games, the quality is just so bad.

    Actually, you know what? I lie. The Phoenix Wright trilogy were GBA games first. So I guess not all music from GB games are bad. I withdraw my previous comment.

  5. A) New Terminator movie not good? That’s not a spoiler; I think they gave that away in the previews…

    B) Punchout!! IS a good game. I was pleasantly surprised. Being able to fight as the other boxers would make in interesting I suppose… the only this is, it’s considered to be a puzzle game as much as it is a boxing game (perhaps more so, even) and being able to fight as the other characters would detract away from what makes Punchout be Punchout – i.e. learning the right combination of buttons to conquer your opponents. Take King Hippo for example. If you were to use him in a multiplayer fight all you would have to do is not jab and you win.

    C) Curious about Wednesday now…

  6. Being able to fight as the other boxers would make it interesting I supposeā€¦ the only thing isā€¦

    Grammar: 1
    Me: 0
    Curse you Grammar… I’ll get you next time…

  7. BadnikHunter says:

    Awesome, my theme in the podcast. If anyone downloads it tell me what I can add or anything i can do to make it better. Btw the theme was made for the iPod touch, so there isn’t any icons for phone ,SMS, and other things on the iPhone that aren’t on the ipod touch

  8. CKcheeseboy says:

    GWAR, first ^^ again!

    I suggest if there is a post like this, Delete it. It adds nothing to the discussion.

    Seconded, although those posts should *hopefully* not be made in the first place.

    Being able to fight as the other boxers would make it interesting I supposeā€¦ the only thing isā€¦

    Grammar: 1
    Me: 0
    Curse you Grammarā€¦ Iā€™ll get you next timeā€¦

    Yeah, but didn’t you say you were a ChemE? Engineers don’t need good grammar. Also, bold and stuff doesn’t seem to work for quotes.

    As for the actual podcast, I enjoyed it but don’t remember anything of note to actually comment on, besides the end, which I thought was funny and agree with.

  9. Zoltan says:

    YAY, you said what I wanted you to, for that I think I’ll leave at least one comment for your comics. Sorry about the misspelling, I always seem to get College wrong for whatever reason.

    PS I really liked the terminator movie, the action kicked my ass so hard I couldn’t sit, I’d get mad at you but I’ve thought myself long ago not to get mad at people’s opinions.

  10. CKcheeseboy says:

    Actually, looking at the pics, I can say I appreciated the detail/accuracy of the first house. I noticed that it was pretty much the same as in the game, even the grass/path to fishing hole/etc. So the effort was not wasted.

    Now I’m intrigued for Wednesday, though. Oh, and if you guys feel like things aren’t going well, feel free to take a month or whatever off to maybe regroup and try to get back into things if needed. It would break your streak, but no comics for a while would be better than crappy comics for a while. And I’m sure most of your fans would understand.

  11. Zoltan says:

    Also, in my defense of my misspellings, we do live in the age of spell check.

  12. sheppy says:

    Okay, I know… I know, the new Terminator movie looks stupid. But truthfully, sit back and ask yourself. Was there ANY terminator movie that wasn’t mindnumbingly dumb? Everyone will jump up and say Terminator 2 but seriously go back and watch it. It’s horrible Action Flick #337 in which a boy teaches a robot to love…. awwwwwwwwww STUPID. Seriously. To me, Terminator Salvation looks to satisfy my two main desires. The first is to be a mindless action flick. The second, I’d like to see the various evolutions of robots Skyney designs along the way and how many of those designs stay true to Stan Winstons original concepts.

    ANYWHOOOOOOOO, yeah. I can see what you mean about time. I work fulltime, recently started getting back into an exercise regiment, trying to learn C# and XNA (which runs primarily from C#), trying to build 3D assets for my game, trying to balance my latest obsession with Demigod, AND possibly going to start dating more…. it is exhausting which is why MY webcomic that’s been about 6 months in the making will likely NEVER go live.

  13. Tacos says:

    Theres booty on the Internet????? Amazing! Woah!! Actually, I just found my new wallpaper. Well, the size isn’t perfect but it’ll do.

    “Such time issues all the time” Well said Tim. Well said. But if you always need a few more days, just make it update every week and a half!! Except you may end up into a VGCats problem where you update whenever you want and that ends up once a millennium.

    So maybe the last two weren’t perfect, but honestly, you had “Living the Dream” and “Ray’s Adventure in Dating” within the past month, which were both spectacular.

    Well, if you shut down, the forums will still keep going potentially. Also, if you’re worried about new-comers only seeing the most recent comics, maybe make a “Best of” where you put 10 – 15 comics that were praised. Maybe even make it a user choice so new-comers see what they’ll potentially like. Just my humble suggestion.

    Hmm, Remix is a bit too…. how to put it… squeaky. That’s it. It’s like Mario got a rat suit.

    Variety is the spice of life (even though hunger is the best spice), so being unpredictable is a good thing. Mixing stuff up once in a while will definitely help you.

    I think the Germany comment is legit. Living overseas, you kind of get used to this type of thing. Plus, numerous words are spelled how they sound. That’s what I think though.

    Woah, Zoltan dealing out the hate. You guys, CAD, and VG Cats all got ripped on.

    HEEY-OOO, called it.

    Woah, that was a beastly “Mwahaha.”

    That is the worst BDA ever. I mean, that is terrible. I almost feel sorry, but it seems like you should replicate a few and then test them. And the worst Wolverine scene was when he was by the mirror. DON’T go to the mirror boy.

    Well, imagine you’re playing New Super Mario Bros. and one of the options for multiplayer is a Goomba. It wouldn’t make sense because you never play a Goomba in the game, but you do control Mario and Luigi. Since you only play Little Mac, you can only control Little Mac even in multiplayer.

  14. ultimateDK says:

    9. BTW, how many Musical Misfits of UltimateDKā€™s have been chosen. Iā€™ve had 2, I know that, has he had 3 or more? It does seem like his get picked a lot.

    Umm..not that I’ve counted, but I thought that was my 3rd. I dunno…I don’t feel like I’m doing anything different than other people…just picking songs from games I played before. And I am a Sonic freak so yeah…I’m the one biased in posting the Sonic game music, not Ray for choosing it (there are plenty of BAD Sonic game music I’m sure Ray would not put on his podcast, like the Sonic R OST ;))

  15. FireSpark says:

    Now I feel all bad for starting an avalanche of angry comments. šŸ™

    But now I am really eager to see what’s coming on Wednesday. ^_^

    As for Ray’s BDA, that was a little bit of low shot, don’t you think? I mena, production errors do happen(just ask SONY), and sometimes they are beyond human control(don’t bring this part up to SONY though). However, I agree that they should of been sampling the product before shipping it out. Y’know, one of those “just in case” things that the industry tends to be prolific with.

    Good show guys, and a nice MM to go out on to.

    PS: Look, I commented on a podcast. I am now complete.

  16. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    That was some pretty sweet Internet Loot! I’m defnintely checking out that SSBB wallpaper. The 2P targets in Target Test was a really nice touch.

    I don’t want 2P to end. If nothing else, you could drop to a comic every two weeks, if it gets that bad. But Wednesday sounds pretty sweet! I’m looking forward to it. šŸ™‚

    I had actually never played Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! until just a few days ago. I decided to emulate it on my Wii to see if I’d be interested in the new Wii Punch-Out!! Wow. I can’t believe I was missing out on such a great game. It’s actually my birthday today, and the only other game I’ve asked for other than RE5 is the new Punch-Out!! I liked Tim’s idea of Mii integration, but playing as the bosses just wouldn’t work out.

    Anyway, Great Podcast Guys! It was really solid this week.

  17. Kyzin says:

    Thanks for the comment of the week Ray! And, I’ve got to say, I’m not sure if I like you more or respect you less for saying “Blabbity Bloobity Blarf.”

  18. DrOswald says:

    1. Am I the only person that likes text heavy comics? Am I the only person who doesn’t mind spending 5 minutes and a bit of effort with a comic to get all the humor out of it? Is everyone else lazy, or am I weird?

    2. I liked last weeks comic because it is a clever concept, not because it is laugh out loud funny.

    3. Why does everyone hate the “first” commenters? As many have pointed out, it adds nothing to the discussion, but the discussion hasn’t started yet. They were first. There is no discussion to derail, interrupt or contribute to at the time of the post. I say we let them have their little game. It’s no skin off my back.

    4. @ sheppy: I like Terminator 2. I think it is one of the better action movies out there. but I guess you are entitled to you opinion.

    5. Mii integration would have been a good idea for multiplayer for Punch Out.

    6. @ Roadjcat: What are you talking about for your #6? I am confused.

  19. TomX says:

    Nooo if you guys quit the comic, I will never visit the site again! šŸ˜›

    But seriously, Tacos already said a lot of what I was going to say, if you guys need to adjust your comic schedule to fit your potentially changing situation, please go ahead. (just so long as you don’t go the every other month route of VG Cats.) But with the exception of the Megaman Pun last week, I haven’t noticed any drop in quality of the comic. Maybe I’m just more easily pleased by things (liked Wolverine, liked Terminator, love Lost AND Heroes equally, didn’t even entirely hate the megaman comic so yeah I’m easy to please.)

    But yeah upon even hearing talk of 2P Start possibly coming to an end I got more depressed then I thought I would. Could be because I’ve been trying to listen through the podcast archive after going through the comic archive for a second time. Just maybe…

  20. Supersonic24 says:

    I don’t understand this… was the Mario Steroids comic really that badly received? That one was actually one of my favorite comics. Not a joke, I bust out laughing at that! What is wrong with you people?

  21. mocliamtoh says:

    1. Am I the only person that likes text heavy comics? Am I the only person who doesnā€™t mind spending 5 minutes and a bit of effort with a comic to get all the humor out of it? Is everyone else lazy, or am I weird?

    I enjoy them too, so either you’re not weird, or we’re both weird.

    Was that the Skies of Arcadia boss music playing in the background of the black doom awards?

  22. D3vin says:

    3. Why does everyone hate the ā€œfirstā€ commenters? As many have pointed out, it adds nothing to the discussion, but the discussion hasnā€™t started yet. They were first. There is no discussion to derail, interrupt or contribute to at the time of the post. I say we let them have their little game. Itā€™s no skin off my back.

    It is like this, You are going on a road trip and your tire blows out RIGHT AS YOU PULL OUT OF THE GARAGE. You have to go back and repair it. It sets you back some, and it is really annoying… Mostly it is really annoying.

  23. 3. Why does everyone hate the ā€œfirstā€ commenters? As many have pointed out, it adds nothing to the discussion, but the discussion hasnā€™t started yet. They were first. There is no discussion to derail, interrupt or contribute to at the time of the post. I say we let them have their little game. Itā€™s no skin off my back.

    It is like this, You are going on a road trip and your tire blows out RIGHT AS YOU PULL OUT OF THE GARAGE. You have to go back and repair it. It sets you back some, and it is really annoyingā€¦ Mostly it is really annoying.

    So… does that mean that calling attention to the fact that someone posts “first” is like going

    “Are we there yet?”
    “Are we there yet?”
    “Are we there yet?”
    “Are we there yet?”
    “Are we there yet?”
    [spoiler]”Are we there yet?”

  24. roadjcat says:

    6. @ Roadjcat: What are you talking about for your #6? I am confused.

    Now, I haven’t personally unlocked this mode, but apparently, once you go through each boxer twice in Punch-Out!! you unlock a mode that can only be played once. Progress in this mode unlocks a secret boxer and another mode, but if you fail to get either one on the first go, you don’t get another chance unless you copied your file onto an SD card.

  25. Snifit says:

    That target test is AWESOME. Nothing quite like Toon Ray and Toon Tim teaming up to take those targets out.
    Nice podcast and I agree about Punch Out. Playing as some of the other boxers would have been a great addition. Still a good game.

    *waits patiently for Wednesday*

  26. sheppy says:

    I like Terminator 2 as well, I just don’t pretend it’s the Citizen Kane of action movies. A movie CAN be dumb as still be entertaining.

  27. Ryman says:

    GWAR, first ^^ again!

    I suggest if there is a post like this, Delete it. It adds nothing to the discussion. I liked the comic, but it wasnā€™t really much of a comic. It was more of a leaflet you read when you are bored. I was bored and it worked. Too bad none of those houses were for sale. Mom is on her last nerve and is ready to kick me out of the house.
    The Rika-Rika-Remix this week brings something to mind that I hated about NewSuperMarioBros, the little ā€œbwah-Bwahsā€ in the music that the enemies hop to. You donā€™t know how many times I died because I go to jump on a goomba and it Jumps and hits me half way. I also hate how the POWERUPS do that to, I have run UNDER a fireflower just because it hopped over my Mini-marioā€¦
    I like the ā€œRayā€™s adventures in Inferior decoratingā€ segment, just because even though the layout looks artsy, It takes up the whole wall and is in no real order(that I can tell of).
    Way to massicure the German guyā€™s comment, Tim. If you really read it right, read it in a German accent

    Way to massicure the word massacure XD

  28. DrOswald says:

    I like Terminator 2 as well, I just donā€™t pretend itā€™s the Citizen Kane of action movies. A movie CAN be dumb as still be entertaining.

    Ok. I guess I just misunderstood you previous post. I actually agree the plot was fairly stupid if you stop to think about it, but it is still a fun ride.

    6. @ Roadjcat: What are you talking about for your #6? I am confused.

    Now, I havenā€™t personally unlocked this mode, but apparently, once you go through each boxer twice in Punch-Out!! you unlock a mode that can only be played once. Progress in this mode unlocks a secret boxer and another mode, but if you fail to get either one on the first go, you donā€™t get another chance unless you copied your file onto an SD card.

    I don’t know if I believe that one. first of all, I am only seeing this in forums, which we all know are unreliable. Second, it just doesn’t seem like a Nintendo thing to do. I may be wrong though. If you can confirm this, let us know.

  29. Way to incorrectly correct incorrect spelling XD

  30. roadjcat says:

    I donā€™t know if I believe that one. first of all, I am only seeing this in forums, which we all know are unreliable. Second, it just doesnā€™t seem like a Nintendo thing to do. I may be wrong though. If you can confirm this, let us know.


    Well here’s the scene after you lost 3 times in the mode I mentioned. Seems like people were telling the truth to me.

  31. Rokai says:

    “Sprecken” Sie deutsch? What a bad accent.
    I think that Zoltan is Hungarian. It’s a Hungarian name. Cool, I’m not the only Hungarian.
    And GWAR rules.

  32. Ray says:

    I like the ā€œRayā€™s adventures in Inferior decoratingā€ segment, just because even though the layout looks artsy, It takes up the whole wall and is in no real order(that I can tell of).

    Oh, I meticulously charted out the order of characters ahead of time. They are most definitely in a very specific order. I highly doubt anyone could think of a better layout. Also, keep in mind the photo is only a photoshopped representation.

    Was that the Skies of Arcadia boss music playing in the background of the black doom awards?

    Yes. Nice catch.

  33. moonjuice7 says:

    1. Am I the only person that likes text heavy comics? Am I the only person who doesnā€™t mind spending 5 minutes and a bit of effort with a comic to get all the humor out of it? Is everyone else lazy, or am I weird?

    I enjoy them too, so either youā€™re not weird, or weā€™re both weird.
    Was that the Skies of Arcadia boss music playing in the background of the black doom awards?

    I’m weird three!

  34. sheppy says:

    My suggestion for Musical Misfits comes from one of my favorite PSP games….

    Oblivion – DJ Max Portable series

  35. jOnah says:

    excluding postmortem shows,there will be exactly 45 episodes from now until 2pstart! is over

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