Big Announcements
It’s always funny to me that when Nintendo drops the littlest hint about the next title in a big franchise, the internet starts to really buzz. It’s just sad that a single image is all we get to see, probably until next year’s E3 (wow, that’s a long time from now). And it’s almost like we’re going backwards with Pikmin because we got zilch this year! But that’s Nintendo for you, release as little information as possible and make billions of dollars doing it!
Calm down everyone, it’s just a single image of concept art. I know it’s Zelda and everything, but please stop analyzing it like some kind of poster for Cloverfield.
Ha! You know, I could actually see Miyamoto as a guy who actually would carry around a box of crayons and a sketchpad.
I wasn’t disappointed that Zelda and Pikmin weren’t there. They showed off enough new games to wet my appetite for a while, but I was just disappointed that they didn’t hype up some of the games that they already had announced. Sin & Punishment 2, Spirit Tracks, Professor Layton. Where were these games in the conference?
dude i totally thought that is what they do its like they showed a video of a new and improved final fantasy 7 like 3 years ago and they have done nothing with it since they probibly will have it out by like 2012 or something
To his credit though, it’s a pretty cool picture :p
I still think they announced Pikmin 3 last year just because people were bugging them. I don’t think they’re far enough along to show anything.
I must say, I certainly laughed out loud. Which is rare for me and webcomics unless they are really twisted. Good job.
They did something with that. It’s the epilogue to Crisis Core…
That’s because that was just a demo, not a game in development.
The final version of the concept image has been leaked. Let the speculation begin!
😀 HILARIOUS!! I can see the comic in movie form too, with the sudden jump cut to the side in the very still room! Then someone coughs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Brilliant, Ray, Tim!!
It’s whet. Whet my appetite. </grammerNazi>
BTW, still love the preview feature. 🙂
Very nice. Miyamoto’s facial expression is priceless.
And that is the Internet for you. I must admit, even I’ve been caught up with that one picture, but that’s also partly because I’m bored.
I thought the comic was pretty good, not great, but I think it’s because I really could not care less about the new Zelda game. XD
Ok. First things first, NCG.
Alright now, based on this comic and the inevitable “NCG’s” we’ll be seeing all across this page, I have a Black Doom Award for this week…It goes to everyone who didn’t like the comic “Baddest Company”
Honestly, I thought that it was a pretty funny comic, but it wasn’t generally well-received, and I think even you, Ray, mentioned in one of the podcasts the same sentiment, that it wasn’t funny. But I don’t get how that wasn’t funny yet today’s comic, which utilizes the same comedic style in panels 3 and 4 as the “Baddest Company” did in panel 4. Was there something I missed? Why did that comic do so bad? I demand answers! 🙂
Maybe I’m wrong, and this comic won’t do as well as I thought it will, in which case I’d have to retract the BDA, but I have a feeling that won’t be the case. And I hope it won’t be the case either.
Anyway, long story short, great comic. Can’t wait ’till the Special “Crap” Comic coming in 2 weeks 😉
Yeah, I definitely don’t think it was the best comic ever, but it was pretty good. The art looks a bit different than usual, but it was a good comic.
I also think that Baddest Compamy was an okay comic.
The say least funniest comic has to be the April Fools Day version of the Wind Waker, Heart Breaker comic(well, considering there isn’t actually a joke on it…)
Notice the two silhouettes in panel 6. The one to the far left looks a bit like Daniel Suarez, the executive producer for the Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay game. The one to the far right, of course, is Vin Diesel, the actor who plays Riddick in both the movies and the games.
Could this mean that next week’s comic will be about The Chronicles of Riddick?
Excellent comic! Best one in a while.
The thing about 2P Start, to me, is that the humor behind the comic seems to change every now and then. Every time I’m starting to understand the formula, you guys mix it up and come with a totally unexpected joke again!
(Or maybe that’s just me.)
Miyamoto prefers drawing with his left hand, by the way. But he’s actually ambidextrous, so I’ll let it slide.
Very, very NCG! I thought that it was stupid that they go and hardly announce a new Zelda with a drawing! A pretty and stylized one at that, but still! And Pikmin has made no progress, or at least not enough for the show? I find that hard to believe. Maybe they’re just into pacing. You know, releasing **** one year, nothing (save one) the next, and awesomeness the next year. I think they’ll announce Pikmin 3 for 2012, if you get the pattern. ((;-)
P.S. Those are eyebrows.
was he really sitting on a mushroom chair? well it’s a high chair, so that makes him actually ”bigger”
alas I didn’t see the fullsized zelda drawing, all I know is there is no sword… hope it looks like Majora’s mask a bit, twilight did resembled Ocarina in my oppinion…..
aaaaaanyway, good comic as always (or close to always) don’t really have anything to say actually about the comic
Alright, I love the 3D Zeldas as much as the next guy, but WE ALREADY HAVE A ZELDA TITLE DUE THIS YEAR. Can’t we, you know, focus on that one? This is worse than Final Fantasy XIV speculation.
There’s the GameStop guy! How many jobs has he had? Gamestop, Best Buy, Sony spokesperson, Priest, and now journalist. Have a missed some?
That’s actually Matt Cassamassina of IGN…Gamestop guy has black hair.
If I’m wrong then…whoops!
Miyamoto’s neck/left arm is awkward…like stick figure animation from newgrounds awkward.
*awkward turtle*
You’re both right. They’re both in this comic. Plus two more…..
I suspect that gameplay is similar to that of Drawn to Life, where you have to draw everything.
So, will the logo include a drawn picture now? 😀
Ok, so Gamestop guy is in the front of the audience in panel 3….and is that TiMii coughing in the same panel? That would have to mean the other person is Raymii?
well, i’m rising from my grave this week for a comic that’s almost as funny as the last two control alt delete comics. nice job.
Wait a minute, one of those silhouettes in the fourth panel isn’t the monkey from “Who reviews the reviewers, is it? And is the other one the dude from the antiques road show?
Nice work, Dominator_101. Seriously.
I did a little working with the colors and contrast, and ended up with this. The monkey was the easier of the two. For the ARS guy, I basically looked for people with that bump in their hair…
Oh, and by the way, nice comic. I thought it would end after the “any other questions”, but then there was the Pikmin joke too.
Great Comic Guys! I love how Miyamoto starts to draw a Pikmin right on the spot.
God, pikmin 3 can’t come soon enough. I wanna see if there’ll be some kind of 3 player mode or green pikmin!
Miyamoto’s last panel is just priceless, love it. And the crayon? Oh, he would totally.
I understand the fuss and drama, though. We didn’t even think we’ll get to hear “Zelda Wii”, let alone see an actual picture (and a pretty one, at that). Too bad it shows what impatient 5-years-olds we can be.
Also: Microsoft, lol.
Heck, even if Miyamito had just drawn a concept sketch there and then, you know the internet would have gone nuts for it.
I’m a big Nintendo fan anyways, so the art for the new Zelda game is good enough for me for now.
Nice comic guys, especially with the last two being below 2P START standard. Podcast remains excellent however.
I’ll try and get recognized for rising from my grave too, though this is my third post on the site, but I’ve just had no mention.
I have to say, I didn’t think the joke of the comic was that great, but that last panel was priceless.
But no Pikmin 3 news = 🙁
I find it interesting how Tim and Ray have become drawn better, but the side characters will always look the same. The GameStop guy has a weird-shaped head.
Hey guys!
Wow, this one had me laughing. The finger up thing is hilarious, as well as the blank faced panel.
Have you guys thought of doing animation for your comic? I mean, it SO fits.
Hello Tim and Ray,
I am rising from my grave to tell you I enjoyed your comic this week. The overall message of Nintendo’s fan ignorance got me laughing, and I had a grin on my face when he started drawing another picture. No complaints here, the joke was supposed to be short but I enjoy your longer comics…
Hilarious. I particularly like the crayon. Also, I find it funny that people are analyzing the comic in a similarly meticulous way as they are the new Zelda art. Great job!
The trick, I believe, is to have the first thing you say be about rising.
Also, good comic.
Right. Let’s give that a go then. *rises from grave*
Little late to the party this week (vacations will do that) but had to say this comic made me laugh out loud. Nice one guys and I agree that no Pikmin news is sad. But at least we have Miyamoto’s pikmin drawing to tape on our fridges.
That’s fantastic Miyamoto. You know what we’re going to do with that? Put it up here right on the refridgerator, so we can all see it.
True that…I was gone last week, and of all weeks it was one that had fan-submitted Musical misfits…and I couldn’t suggest one. Roadjcat had the only submission…drat!!
Nice comic, guys. It is so true to the sad fact of E3: that companies deliver what the fans don’t want. We want Pikmin…and there is none. We want more hardcore first-party games…and we get two. Ah, there is always hope…next year.
~ Obilink
I lol’d.
That was a good comic.
Awesome, where can I get a shirt like Miamoto’s, along with that chair. As for those silhouettes, were those to test the fans, or just Ray being lazy with the artwork? Either way, NCG!
Wow, didn’t even notice the chair. Now I want one too.
I’m pretty sure it’s another one of those “I keep expecting nobody to notice, but then somebody always does! It blows my mind!” things Ray talks about in the podcast (in fact I probably just stole what he was going to say).
Some picture?!?! this is what Zelda fans breath and live………that picture is what lets us sleep at night……..its the reason we exists! 😀
*Falls over and drools*
Well its happened so many times he’s probably gotten used to it. I say he was just lazy XD
This is exactly why I have little to no interest in Zelda games. Very often, the fans of a series can make or break a franchise (read: Sonic)
I’d love to see Zelda Kart Racing for the Wii. Maybe that’s why there’s no sword in the pic 😉
Medieval Wii Wheel, here we come!
I disagree. First, I am pretty sure that Some_Guy posted that in irony. Second, Sonic wasn’t ruined by the fans, it was ruined by crappy development. And if it bothers you that much, just ignore the fans and judge the game on its own merits. Some Metal Gear Solid fans annoy me to no end, but that doesn’t mean the Metal Gear Solid franchise is worthless.
I didn’t mean to get on anyone’s bad side…I was saying it with a twinge of sarcasm myself lol 😉 (although I was none too happy when they praised Twilight Princess as a 10/10 when it hadn’t come out yet)
And as far as Sonic goes, I’m saying the opposite…Sonic has such a huge fanbase, that despite the fact that the franchise has admittedly slipped in the past few years, had it not been for the fans and their ‘loyal’ support, we wouldn’t have seen the Sonic franchise continuing, and even getting to the point of having Sonic, a 3rd party character, put into SSBBrawl.
My favorite part about all this: I bought the same t-shirt before I even knew Miyamoto wore it all the time (or at least during a lot of conferences/expos). So I get random people telling me that I stole my shirt from Miyamoto, which at first was pretty confusing.
Hey, did anyone else notice Miyamoto seemed to have a “South Park Mouth”? “I want me my Mega Man!” “I know you’re poor, 2D BOY. You can get me the yellow one!”
Just to tell you Ray, in some monitors you can actually see the faces of the silhouettes, in others its just black. In mine you could see the faces perfectly fine, but on my friends you couldnt see the faces at all.
It’s really good! 😀
Wait a sec, no Podcast means more time to get a CotW! I got it! Ray, this is the awesomest, most well drawn comic EVER!!! Thats GOTTA earn me it. Lmao.
Nice comic, but Miyamoto is left handed.
Okay, just to annoy Ray, I’m gonna analyze this comic like people were analyzing that concept art…
1) The journalist in the beginning is not the same one as the one in the fifth panel, as the two text bubbles are different colors.
2) Miyamoto is wearing a 1-up shirt. At first glance, it may appear to be a design from an actual t-shirt, but, in fact, is not, as part of the word “1up” would be visible beneath the actual mushroom.
3) In the fourth panel, the word “*cough” can be visible above the audience. Miyamoto is also sitting on a giant toadstool.
4) The journalist in the fifth panel is our “buddy” Matt C. from IGN.
5) In the sixth panel, the Pikmin miyamoto is drawing has only one leg. Ray’s signature has a smiley in it.
Oh god, from all comics here this one made me laugh the hardest!