Zip Chord / invincibility Music Video

TimWith the recent Lace comic and podcast, it seemed appropriate to share Ray’s old music video for “Zip Chord / invincibility” on his Pixel Vision album from 2005 which shows Lace in some high-speed action. For those who haven’t seen it before, this is about as close to Pixel Vision gameplay as we may ever see, but it sure does look fun!

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  1. Tacos says:

    Before its a game, you better nerf the invincibility.

  2. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    *thumbs up*

  3. FluffyPanda says:

    “Big Kahuna”… and he beats you around the place with his big brown balls?

    Not a wii game then 😉

  4. Narnian says:

    That does indeed look fun. Thanks for posting it!

  5. Arn says:

    I would totally play that 🙂

  6. The Gastronomic Gamer says:

    How did I miss this the first time? This reminds me of the times when I was in kindergarten putting together levels in my head. Everything in the level is just right and you’ve got to only beat it by the skin of your teeth… back when games were really like that…

  7. Mikallein says:

    Looks good.
    You can’t beat a good 2d platformer

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