A Conversation


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April 1st, 2010

A Conversation

TimOnce a year, we have every right to torture our audience and not feel the least bit guilty! Ok, so I’d feel a bit guilty if you took the extra time to read the comic, were late to an important meeting, got fired, and the rest of your life was a downward spiral. Other than that though, GUILT-FREE!


RayIt’s a trifecta. The comic tests the site’s bandwidth, your patience, and my sanity.


  1. mrpineapplehead says:

    ha ha very good can’t believe i read and looked at every pannel….plus…i don’t get it

    • LOL. says:

      I really laughed out loud~~~ hahaha made my day 🙂

      • Frozen says:

        Oh, I get it deary. Your name reflects your reaction to the comic. How so very charming of you. I ought to change my name to “impressed” so everyone will know my reaction. Such a darling little poster you are.

  2. TAYREL713 says:

    I have no idea as to how to respond to this. It’s funny at the same time annoying. But that’s the joke so “success”?

  3. blaster says:

    …. Is it me? Or there are some identicle panels here and there?
    And I forgot to count how many panels are there… 78? seriously?
    But not much work involve I assume.
    Only a little thing change from panel to panel.

  4. JapyDooge says:

    Awesome comic guys 🙂

  5. Maks says:


    That was long.

  6. GX Echidna says:

    Ah, April Fool’s Day, the day where nothing is sacred and nothing can be trusted. I look forward to hearing from a few Nigerian bankers.

  7. Batty1580 says:

    Wow. That was……um…….

  8. Retl says:

    To quote my last sent IM message:
    “AHahahahah oh man. I laughed to tears. 2PStart live has created THE LONGEST INDIVIDUAL VERTICAL COMIC [that I have seen] EVER. And I mean one that isn’t the whole entire comic in one go. I mean it’s an individual comic from the set, but it’s just one really long one. It’s awesome”

    It’s a really silly idea, but it’s pretty nice to see some Tim and Ray comics every once in a while. I’m about to head out really soon, so I didn’t have a chance to compare each and every panel, but I like how if you look at the panels during the down period as Tim left, Ray’s expression continues changing panel to panel until it looks almost like he’s going to have a breakdown simply because Tim left. And at first I thought it was just my netbook, but I’m getting pretty certain that the panels get slightly darker and darker as time passes getting into the afternoon. I had fun with this one. NCG!

    • Retl says:

      With just a pinch more thought it becomes more apparent to me why Ray becomes so distraught during the wait. He’s at the computer ready to get moving, but neither is given an idea. As it gets later and later and pushes into the next day, Ray knows how much less sleep he’ll be getting to make it through. Compounded with the feelings that ending the comic would be an idea, it starts to weigh heavier than a large sack of bricks left on top of one’s toes for hours. The battle to quit, start with his own plan, or keep waiting for Tim’s plan. Considering most of the artists I’ve worked with are obsessive types who can’t bear to stop before their project is complete “the right way”, it’s probably just as complex a decision as that of a programmer’s to either keep optimizing working code or move on to the next piece of code that needs to be created.
      Or something.

      Oh no! How did half an hour pass! I’ve gotta go. Now.

      • steve-ohs says:

        Why does your avatar say ban Yoshi??

      • Retl says:

        It’s because Yoshi is too awesome and we have to remove them all to prevent the end of all entertainment media being overtaken by the sheer awesome that is Yoshi.

        Nah, it’s just a one day icon for April Fools. I’m not very fond of the pranks I’ve seen when I was younger, but I figured if I did something tiny like changing my own icon, it wouldn’t be too problematic. Mostly to get response out of friends like WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL RETL/KILO/TRAVISUPED.

        By the time I go to sleep, it’ll be back to a yellow Yoshi about to pound a red balloon. Unless I make a new icon by then. I’d sorta like to.

        (Why don’t see a reply link to Steve-Ohs’s comment?)

  9. Ratheronfire says:

    There was something strangely entertaining about this comic. I especially enjoyed how long the portion of the comic with Ray alone was. Nice comic, guys!

    (Yeesh, it’s hard to type something on the internet that doesn’t sound sarcastic. Trust me, there isn’t supposed to be any sarcasm in this post. I really did enjoy the comic.)

    • Ratheronfire says:

      I just noticed that the comic gets slightly darker over every panel. I went through it so slowly that I didn’t even notice until the next time I looked over the comic.

  10. Zsy says:

    I expect next week’s comic to be atleast twice this length, ya know, now that you’ve set the standard and all. XD

  11. cos says:

    almost crying scene is epic 😀

  12. MorbidGreymon says:

    Wait… I stayed up until 4 in the morning for THAT!?! JK Great comic guys. This is my second attempt at grave-rising, and just realizing that I did stay up until 4 in the morning waiting partly for this comic means that I probably should have done this ago. Maybe 100 comics ago, or before the podcast has existed. Yes, I’ve been around that long, and if I commented back then I probably would have gotten comment of the week. Regardless, I’ve had fun scrolling up and down the comic just to see what little detail has been changed between them.

  13. Deathsnate says:

    Great comic guys Ray.. Did you draw those all?! Some of them were the exact same thing!!!!!!!!!! Whatever… keep up the insane work, as I will keep reading them. If you decide to end them, at least you lasted this long, right?

  14. FireSpark says:

    Okay, so I’ve been in Lurker-mode for a while but this one deserves another comment from me. And that comment is: dah-yum.

    When my eye caught the motion of my scroll bar rapidly shrinking to some unknowable scale of small I was already laughing. By the time I managed to make it to the bottom, which consisted of no fewer than three glances to the scroll bar to see how close to the end I was only to find it was barel moving, I had deemed this: A Great Success.

    Loved the little details of change, like the slow degredation of looks on Toon Ray’s face as he slips into a hidden depression, or the fact that sun seems to be setting (A metaphor perhaps?). And being one that has done massive amounts of repetive tasks for seemingly endless amounts of time, I can only imagine Ray sitting, caopy/pasting frame after frame after frame, sighing aloud to his empty room, “Am I done yet?”

    NCG. The only downside is, that if you want to outdo yourselves in this regard, you’re going to have to a comic that is no fewer than seventy-nine panels in length. Way to knock the bar into the Mesosphere.

    PS: Don’t let Tim choose this as his comment of the week. The two previous times he did me style and word choice made him stumble over his own tongue, and it made me feel bad. Sorry Tim.

  15. steve-ohs says:

    Entertaining comic guys.
    All the small jokes worked well together, I loved the slow transition of Ray getting sadder. THe knife joke was funny, but it suprised me for being in this nice family friendly comic. And knubbier elbows? I want to see that.
    And i didn’t just skip to the end, so don’t sell my info.

  16. TheLupineOne says:

    You aught to send this to Guiness to see if it breaks the world record for “Most Panels in a Single Webcomic”.

    And, I think your elbows WERE knubbier.

    I almost cried. I thought this was The End Of 2P START! I thought having no Special Logo for this week was a giveaway that this comic was Serious Business.

    Well anyway, what day does April Fools’ fall on next year? Are you going to change the day the comic goes out to that? Heh heh heh…

    P.S. Now I see why you said “It’s going to be a long night…”. And I thought you were talking about completing a Perfect Run of Mega Man 10.

    • Cheeseball701 says:

      If they keep on putting the comic out on Thursday, we won’t have another ridiculously long comic until 2021! If Ray makes a panel every day until then, we will have a 4,013 panel epic. Do it Ray!

  17. hippieguy2 says:

    I love this, it starts out not funny then becomes funny from the repetition. That in turn makes it not funny at a point, but the end is the best. Overstating the joke is such a great move.

  18. TheNinjaMouse says:

    Whew! I read it all the way through; I’m safe from Tim’s spammers.

    Great comic guys, although I was very worried for Ray when it appeared Tim had abandoned him. Wonderful job creating Toon Ray’s expressions, Ray. There’re so many frames here, this could easily be animated. This is why you’re the artist and Tim’s Take should be reserved for emergencies.

  19. Uber Spycrab says:

    I guess it’s better late than never to “Rise from my grave”.
    I’ve admired your comics for quite a while now, and i have to say, all this scrolling is what made this one so great.
    Love the podcasts, they make my day so much easier to survive.

    Anyways, NCG, and keep up the good work!

  20. Supersonic24 says:

    Gah! My precious scrolling finger!! Curse you 2PSTART! CURSE YOU!
    Nah, just kidding, I loved it! The almost crying part was hilarious, and the punchline was also really funny.
    For an opinion, how many of you guys actually like the Tim and Ray comics more than the usual comics?

    Tim and Ray – 1
    Regulars – 0

    • Talduras says:

      Mostly the recent ones, yes (recent meaning the ones where Tim has a black shirt instead of the silver one). There’s something about the two-person conversation dynamic that adds more to the comic when the core joke is good.

      Granted, the comics that don’t have Tim & Ray help make things a little more different and the joke more able to run wild. After all, I wouldn’t want this to turn into Penny Arcade. *shudder*

      Speaking of webcomics at large, has anyone seen this particular Strong Bad Email? I thought it was hilarious, and thankfully none of it applies to 2PStart.com (although I’d love to see 2PStart do a comic like the epic one for NEXT April Fool’s Day, if only to poke fun at overuse of special effects 😉 ).

  21. mrpineapplehead says:

    ok this is a tat boring but read it

    [spoiler] ok there are 54 panels in this comic

    tim is in 53 of them

    ray is in all of them

    there are 34 speech bubbles in the comic

    18 are by tim

    14 are said by ray[/spoiler]

    wow can’t believe i did that and that took up my free time!

    • steve-ohs says:

      I’m not counting, but you said there are 54 panels, and Tims in 53 of them. Something is off, maybe you just mistyped, but there is a 10-20 panel section where Tim is off getting a dr. pepper while Ray cries his little eyes out

  22. spamwise says:

    I had been resting peacefully in my grave since comic #131, “Purely Subtle”. Upon reading #161, “Heart Man”, I tried to break free from the shackles of silence. However, there was no podcast on 3/15, so I remained in a semi-animated state until the next week. Episode 118: “I’ve Gotta Bad Feeling Edition” kicked off and I thought I would join the undead army, but alas, with 2 comic’s worth of commenters, my corpse wasn’t summoned.

    Again I languished, partially unearthed, uncertain of my place in the universe. As Episode 119: “Controversial Edition” began, I so hoped to finally take my place, but now with 5 comics piled upon my disturbed grave site (#162, “Tim’s Take: Taken Too Far”, #163, “How to Train Your Dragon”, “Tim’s Bonus comic”, “Waluigi’s Origin Story” (the BrawlInTheFamily guest strip), and the re-imagining of #163, “How to Train Your Dragon: How Dare They Edition”) I was once again passed over.

    With this latest comic (hilarious, by the way), I’ve begun to accept that I may forever remain in an un-undead state. Know that I continue to enjoy your comics and podcasts, though now each delivers a sting, as yet more dirt is hewn upon my tomb. (And today was a lot of dirt.)

    Restless in Reanimation.

    • MiMGodfather says:

      Honest to goodness, I hope this one gets picked for the next podcast. That was an epic grave rising sequel. You sir, are the Dawn Of The Dead remake of grave risers.

  23. LiancoZ says:

    Man that made me laugh loads it must be funny to make me laugh more then heart man. And the look on Rays face was really funny and creepy as it when on. Great comic guys! (Rise from my grave again)

  24. Swimming_Bird says:

    Scrolling through after reading was the best part…it made me feel like I was watching an old, silent filmstrip. I’m looking forward to the next week’s “talkie”.

    NFBG (Nice Flipbook Guys)

  25. The Gastronomic Gamer says:

    Ray was depressed, yet his ski slope was high in the sky! The podcast informed me of otherwise…

    I…I actually didn’t find this comic torture. I thought that this was one of the better ones. And hey, you didn’t even need to draw any drastically new art! Everyone wins! Except for people on iPhones.

    • Dry Bones says:

      I was thinking the same thing about the “ski slope.” Shouldn’t it have drooped more and more as Ray got more depressed?

  26. Snifit says:

    Sad Ray looked so pained.
    Wasn’t sure where this was going until I realized it was April Fool’s. Then it got hilarious.

  27. roadjcat says:

    I found the constant scrolling quite funny actually. SCG!

  28. SkyRazor says:

    wow, I wanted to read a webcomic a few weeks ago, and I got here. I really like your work guys!

    And this comic… let’s just say I laughed out loud… in class.

    So this comic got me an hour detention, but it was definitly worth it.

    thanks guys!

  29. Quin says:

    Can’t read this in chrome, obviously the size of the file nukes something.

    • MiMGodfather says:

      That’s peculiar… I use Google Chrome and I’m not having any troubles. Maybe there’s something screwy with your settings, or maybe your computer needs reset? Mine tends to act strangely if I just go to standby instead of turning it off for days (sometimes weeks) at a time.

  30. Nebula427 says:

    Nice timing on this one. It’s so awkward. Good stuff.

  31. blaster says:

    Dude DUDE! I knew what Tim really was doing while Ray’s getting depressed!
    He’s out there grabbing some chicken!

  32. Dominator_101 says:

    Once I saw the tiny scroll bar on my browser, I knew something was horribly wrong… You and your 78 panels have made me lose faith in all that is good. I’m never visiting this site again…

    On another note, I totally expected Ray’s ski slope/hair to start drooping during the panels where Tim was away.

  33. MiMGodfather says:

    I have to admit I forgot it was April Fool’s Day when I was reading most of this. Nice touch with the subtle changes panel to panel, Ray. I’d have to put this one in the category of “so annoying it’s funny”. So without further adieu, I say…

    AFCG (Annoyingly Funny Comic Guys) = SUCCESS!

  34. ­ says:

    I am rising from my grave to say that this comic wasn’t nearly long enough.

  35. NintendoNaut says:

    Meh, the joke never really went anywhere for me. Sorry.

  36. Anon says:

    Wow, this prank is better than Topeka’s!
    Happy April Fools guys.
    Also, you might have to explain it to your foreign readers.

  37. Curaga says:

    This comic made me bored, amused, depressed, annoyed, disturbed, and scared…then I laughed. Great comic for April fools guys!

  38. Koopabros64 says:

    I thought you were going to do a fake site closing. Seeing how alot of people didn’t like the last comic, and you mentioned taking a break in one of your podcast.

  39. s1h4d0w says:

    That actually annoyed the hell out of me haha.

  40. Miki Suzaki says:

    Great comic guys! *goes back to watching an extended version of Dune for the third time today*

  41. Apkinesis says:

    Today’s occasion or otherwise, that was epic. I went through every panel, so I guess I’m safe… for now :O

    “Turns out the can wasn’t actually empty yet” was random-humor win 😀 And I liked the little references to “emo Ray” of recent Podcasts.

    Also, I’m glad I discovered using the down-arrow to scroll — otherwise if I had use the scroll-wheel my finger would be so exhausted that I wouldn’t be able to take notes in class for the rest of the day, and I’d forget the important tidbits of information in today’s lectures, fail upcoming exams, get kicked out of college, and have my life go completely down the drain from there — so no need to feel guilty 😛

    • Apkinesis says:

      After reading through the comic twice, I read some comments and noticed how people were mentioning the panels gradually getting darker, so I skimmed the comic for the first time (seems ironic to fully read twice then go back and force myself to skim) and finally noticed it for myself. Very nice touch!

      Also forgot to mention in my first comment that I also snickered at how long Toon Tim took to think (unintended alliteration) and how Toon Ray kept glancing over at him.

  42. Sebby19 says:

    I like how there is a sense of time passage since everything get’s darker.

    But seriously, reading this comic is like reading through all these comments. I get bored after comment ten, and just skim through the rest until I see something blue or red.

  43. Bobipine says:

    Ray’s deteriorating happiness when Tim go get some Dr.Pepper went pretty well, not sure if it should, since it shows an individual getting more and more depressed… one’s misery make the joy of another I guess

  44. Jarkes says:

    Well… THAT took a while to read… lol. I was expecting another badly-drawn Tim’s Take… no offense.

  45. Zacko says:

    Haha. NCG. I loved Ray’s slow descent into the emptiness of his own soul. Count on 2P Start to make the best of April Fool’s Day. (Well, you guys and Blizzard. 🙂

  46. Static40 says:

    After all that dramatic and almost depressing buildup through the 77 panels, Ray’s subtle smirk in the last panel was pure genius.

  47. GMaster7 says:

    I thought this was pretty awesome, guys. I scrolled through it slowly, and just like some other commenters, I didn’t notice the changing light until I checked the comments section (I was too busy inspecting the panels for changing facial expressions, and the almost-crying Ray had me laughing almost as much as Ray sitting awkwardly waiting for Tim to say anything at all). It was certainly a comic for the fans, what with all of the references to this past week’s podcast, and I appreciated the fan shout-out. Keep up the great work!

    Oh, and I feel like I should say something, having just listened to the newest 2P Start! Live podcast last night, about the future of the comic. This is obviously something that a lot of people enjoy, and even if some people hate on certain comics, the consensus here just has to be that you two have done a lot of great work together and have created lasting characters and jokes that we look forward to every week. Some readers are more vocal in their discontent than others, but I think that you need to realize that the majority of us are huge fans who just look forward to seeing some great art and being entertained each week. Granted, you guys have your own lives, and it makes sense that you would question the future of 2P Start!, and none of us could say that you owe us anything, or that you absolutely can’t take a break or anything, because you’ve given us a lot of entertainment over the past few years. Still, I had the thought while listening to the podcast last night that 2P Start! is something a bit more than a weekly comic by now… it’s a community, and I think a lot of people come here to hear from Tim and Ray (in your postings and, more specifically, in the podcast) each week. If you ever take a break from the comic or decide that you want to work on some other projects, please make an effort to keep the podcast going if you can. It’s a lot of fun, and we love hearing from you guys. I still don’t understand why you think that taking even a one-week break from the comic would spell the end of 2P Start… I think that we all enjoy seeing work that isn’t necessarily comic-related, and you already have an audience here on the site. 2P Start could be a jumping-off point for whatever else you wanted to do, and you could run things from here. Want to do more serious work, or some different art? I think that people here would support that. It doesn’t always have to be funny – like Tim, I enjoyed the Yoshi art last week, and I’m not always disappointed if the comic isn’t laugh-out-loud funny. Just keep doing the comic if it keeps making you happy!

    Hopefully, if I pick up a 360 or a PS3 in the coming months, we can play some games together. In the meantime, good luck with the comic!

  48. Kvb says:

    “Turns out the can wasn’t actually empty yet” made me laugh out loud. That’s my kind of humor, right there.

  49. MrMystery says:

    I Have Decided to RISE OUT OF MY GRAVE! I have been following you since Brawl In the Family Did their geust strip for you, And i have read every comic that you made. But you guys did Horrible… I mean, two weeks in a row did you guys make crappy comics!!! I mean, I might as well leave now… April Fools. Have a good Day.

  50. Teengamer says:

    Wow…..April Fools?

    ……Well, if you have the right to torture us with EXTREMELY LONG comic, I have the right to torture you with extremely long comments! 😉





    ……Tired yet?


  51. DrOswald says:

    That was actually a very clever April fools comic. I really liked it.

  52. BooCwis says:

    Ray, was that computer on the whole time? And how long did it take to copypasta those panels? And how long did it take everyone to scroll down? I mean, you’re spiking everyone’s electric bills, man. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. THIS IS NOT A JOKE, MAN!

    (Way to be conservative, Tim!)

  53. Lottel says:

    Best comic in a long while, guys.
    This is the type of stuff that I come to expect from 2P Start.
    The pure unbridled hate for the life and the readers of the comic.
    See what Sega drives you to? Do you see?
    By the way, I love how panel 44 looks. Very emotive eyes

  54. Zegres says:

    Awesome comic. I was laughing so hard the whole time. Ray’s face changes while Tim are gone are hilarious! Loved it guys, keep up the good work!

  55. Severed Cat on Fire says:

    I thought this particularly unfunny comic would a great time to RISE FROM MY GRAVE.

    I’ve been following your stupid little site since the Undisputed Champion comic, and I’ve hated every comic you’ve posted since. The art is terrible. My 3 year old sister could draw better. And that’s particularly pathetic, because I can tell you actually trace all of your drawings. On top of that, your comics are way too huge. I have to wait all this time for my 56K connection to download the comic, only to see that it’s just more crappy art copy pasted from previous panels or comics. Thanks for wasting my time, dude.
    That wouldn’t even have been so terrible if the jokes had been any good, but they’re absolute garbage. There are never any references to drugs, alcohol, violence or any of the other good things in life. Instead you keep giving us these forced jokes that are completely watered down so even the little babies that visit your site can read it without having their precious little feelings hurt.
    Go read Ctrl+Alt+Del for a while, so you can see what a REAL webcomic looks like.

    I’ve also listened to the podcast, which is just as bad. It’s just some stupid show about a high pitched idiot and a monotone moron whining about Sonic games, like anyone still gives a crap. Get over yourselves, jerks. Shadow the Hedgehog was a great game, and Black Doom is the freaking man, alright!?

    …This comic used to be good.

  56. Burnflare says:

    By the time the knife joke came, I was expecting an April Fools about 2P Start ending. I was wrong. But that just made the comic all the more hilarious. NCG. 😀

  57. Shifter says:

    I hope the comment above me is a joke because I have the exact oposite feelings. I found your site through a grand chain of events. I will know bore you to death whith that chain. This is my grand grave rising adventure (just in time for easter ;D )!
    I follow a podcast called ChatterBoxRadio, they led me to TotalyRadShow about 4 months ago, they had a background of WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaalawigi, witch reminded me of BITF, which I used to folow since 1, but stoped after they insulted mario 64. I went back and re-read all of there comics, found out he did a guest strip for you (that sounds very vulger), and found you!
    um…. so… ya… that was it… I love that what you guys do, but…. BITF rules just that much more than you, but your podcast is what hooked me, and that is why I refuse to rise from my gave for BITF. Go 2P Start!

    • Shifter says:

      ps… I have realy bad spelling, so…
      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAluigi time!!!!

  58. Dry Bones says:

    Nice work, guys. 78 Panels?

    *uses Brawl announcer’s voice*

  59. Talduras says:

    The question I have is is this comic mostly the way it is based on comic day landing smack-dab-squarely on April Fool’s Day? Or is this more of a “retaliation” (or retort) for last week’s controversy? Or maybe a tasty helping of both?

    Anyway, I love this one! At the shallow surface it may seem like a boring conversation, but at its depths lurks… (hold up, my MacBook trackpad froze up)… at its depths lurk much more, bearing one part inner turmoil, one part sadism, two parts progressing insanity, three parts bizarre humor that pokes my mind’s eye with a stick, and 3.141592654 parts blatant obsessive use of even many more extra panels. This all mixes together to create a large raspberry cheesecake with swirly colors that will hypnotize pokemon and motivate Aperture Science test subjects. It’s like insanity beckoned, and I enjoyed the entire ride.

    So, good job.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go lie down. Much scrolling through panels and consuming of swirly cheesecakes make me have much dizziness…

    (Almost forgot to detail real reactions here. Much of the comic gave me a wry grin, and I think I laughed at a few points too, though when I cannot remember given the sheer size of the comic. Probably somewhere in the middle. I love how the punchline was more of a stab at the fact that the “meat” of this comic is in the middle… or the cream, if you prefer Oreos).

    • Talduras says:

      Oh yeah, and this was better use of overkill amount of panels compared to comic #139 (for the record, I kinda liked 139). For one thing, the use of dialogue compared to “empty” panels works really well, and the use of lots of “empty” panels with no dialogue and little change makes this seem like a mix between flip-book animating (forgot the real term) and making my cup runneth over with insanity.

  60. C.Olimar788 says:

    Ahaha, too amazing. XD The way the lighting goes from day to night is perfect. Also, the last panel, in general.

  61. tustin2121 says:

    I simply LOVE this comic! It’s hilarious because 1) you guys told us you’d never do the comic that’s just a conversation, 2) SCROLLING!! 3) The subtle differences in each panel, like the changing daylight and the faces Ray makes during the waits…

    All of it is just HILARIOUS!!! 😀 😀 😀

    • tustin2121 says:

      Also, if I adjust my browser window just right I can get the page down button to go one comic frame at a time. Why does everything move around so much Ray? You can’t seriously tell me that you did this by NOT modifying the last frame just a little bit and saving it as a new file, and then later compiling all those frames into a single comic? I mean, given the way everything moves around from frame to frame, it’s like each frame’s contents were separately copy-pasted and dragged down to the next frame’s location! That’s be a nightmare!

      Unless you were going for a handy-cam effect, then I applaud you. 😛

  62. Peofin59 says:

    Huh… If I scroll down really fast, it sorta animates it.

  63. mkava says:

    I liked the subtle degrading of the sunlight in the panels as it progressed but other than that, meh. Ray’s little expression differences were good (from a small smile to a smirk in the last two panels for example), can tell that Ray had fun with those. The last panel was good though. A joke about something that I’m certain you’ll never do. 😛

    But really? Still using the knife/razor blade jokes? This is a family-orientated style comic right? Hrm. :/

  64. JohnW says:

    Well, that was… long. Yet entertaining! Plus panel number 5987 through 7862 makes a good avatar! Ray, could you please clear up how many panels there are?

    Now whenever I post on 2P Start, I’ll imagine Ray crying as Tim looks through the fridge for Dr. Pepper.

  65. Daecious says:

    panel 45 would make a great wallpaper

  66. shadowhog says:

    Grave riser.

  67. Highwater Trousers says:

    Hey, now that was funny and well worth the time it took for me to scroll through! But you know, I got to admit something. Because I took the time to read this extra long comic, I was set behind a good hour. I read the comic first thing in the morning and once I realized I lost an hour, I had to rush through everything else. I skipped breakfast, grabbing nothing but coffee on the way to work. Then I jumped in my car and found it wouldn’t start. Continuously trying to start the engine, the car finally came to life and kicked into reverse. Unfortunately, my poor dog was in the path of the car and was hit. I then tried to revive my dog with CPR, but alas to no avail, he passed on. I stopped to bury my dog and hold a quick funeral, but work was calling and I was much too late. When I finally got to work, the boss was waiting for me, since I was a good two hours late. I was immediately fired and forced to give my desk to the new guy who constantly uses all the ink in the company printer without replacing it. Cleaning out my desk, I cut myself accidentally on my plaque and stubbed my toe when trying to move my boxes to my car. Luckily, the stairway wasn’t that long when I tripped down the stairs – 165 stairs? Getting back to the car, I found it wouldn’t start again and had to carry my boxes all the way home… through the rain… and the snow… and the hail… then a bit of sunshine… but then back to the rain. Finally getting my stuff back home, I found a note from my wife saying that she was leaving me. I didn’t show up to help her prepare for one of her work meetings and was therefore useless. Crying, I went to the local bar and proceeded to purchase as much beer as possible. Finding nothing was worth living for, I then went home, went into the closet, and removed a box. Taking out the contents I then prepared myself for the end… I took the hammer and smashed all of my memory cards! All my life’s work, down the drain. My life was ruined all because of a long comic!

    And Happy April Fools guys! Hope everyone realizes this was a joke and none of it is true! Yeah that’s right, I don’t drink coffee! Anyways, I thought that this comic would have been great animated, but each facial expression was priceless!

  68. Rusty says:

    I think it’s time that i RISE FROM THE GRAVE
    I believe the first comic I read was ‘From dawn till Dusk’ because I was linked by Joystiq’s Webcomic Roundup. But I started following like a loyal survant a few comics later with 103’s debut of Pixel Vision! I love that pixelated girl so much. I started listening to podcasts when you interviewed Matthew from BifF.

    I also love Ray crying. Do more of that.

    PS. I never skip to the end for the “punchline” I enjoy the whole thing

  69. yeah568 says:

    That was awesome. Especially Ray’s expressions. Ray crying is always funny. 😀


    Also, today marks one year of following 2P START! I found out about his site not through the Weekly Webcomic Wrapup, but from a list of April Fool’s Day jokes I found somewhere on the intertubes. Answering questions live on a podcast fail. >.>

    Finally, you should make a wallpaper out of all those panels.No, seriously. Okay, fine just the ones with Ray crying. (that sounds… awkward.)

  70. Gadoink says:

    I too looked at every panel. Ray, you are MEAN.

  71. JohnW says:

    Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

    No new logo?

    This comic has just dropped from 10/10 to 1/10.
    This comic used to be good. Is the death of 2P Start nearing?

  72. Sir Bladington XIII says:

    Well, my arm fell off, my eyes melted, and my brain exploded because of all that scrolling, but I can forgive that. However, I think it’s absolutely despicable that Tim would think he’s out of Dr. Pepper when he’s not. I either declare 2PStart dead, or will start a petition about Tim’s Dr. Pepper awareness within the comic.

    Because I totally have the authority to do so.

    I’m so alone…

  73. GentlemanlySquid says:

    I thought I could quickly scroll down the page and it would be all flip-bookey like. Disappointing.

    Rising from my grave, by the way.

  74. GentlemanlySquid says:

    I thought I could quickly scroll down the page and it would be all flip-bookey like. Disappointing.

    Rising from my grave, by the way.

  75. Airknight says:

    You should animate this comic!!!

  76. Zoltan says:

    I swear, every time you guys talk about how you want to stop doing the comic and then just awkwardly drop the subject you remind me of the last time me and my girlfriend broke up. It starts of all joyous, you’re happiest moments are when you’re together and in joyous harmony, then time passes on, you lose that spark and the initial thrill is gone, then all the little annoyances of the situation that you were able to brush off before start rearing their ugly heads, then you start to wonder if you both were better off the way things were but the problem is you never want to go through with it, never want to shatter that bond in the hopes of being able to recapture those happy moments you had when you first stated the relationship.

    Then again, Tim’s married so maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about.

  77. 64Cheese says:

    Brilliant! Got to the end and broke out into laughter!

  78. SgtBlink says:

    Haha, you can kind of animate it if you scroll fast enough. Nice comic, I looked at every panel, epic. Keep it up!

  79. Shyamalan says:

    Oh man, this was great! One of the best April fool’s comics I’ve read! Plus it was hilarious when Tim left for SO long then came back and said “The can wasn’t empty yet.”

  80. ­ says:

    Some of you have a good point. Since the comic isn’t nearly long enough, we should add unesscary spaces. For those who dont think its to long ill put some of it in a spoiler
    alright spoiler time
    You are welcome for the spoiler

  81. ParodyKnaveBob says:

    and a little dark, oddly enough — that wasn’t expected

  82. Dr. Disaster says:

    Hey if you scroll fast enough the comic is animated! If I could bet my browser to scroll at 24 frames per second I’d be all set.

  83. BadnikHunter says:

    Haha, that was good, I guess. But considering it turns from day to night, then Tim took WAY to long to notice his Dr. Pepper still had some in it, and to think of a good idea. I mean, honestly, how could a conversation like this last a whole day?

  84. TheKickAwesome says:

    I had tears in my eyes by the time I hit the last panel. This has got to be the most epic prank of them all.

    Also: Ray, if you need it, I can find the suicide hotline number for you.

    • TheKickAwesome says:


      You can’t be emo with your perky ski slope. Get that thing down, we do not accept this kind of behavior!

      • BadnikHunter says:

        I was actually expecting the ski slope to go down over the course of this comic.

  85. charmy says:

    sad ray made me so sad. Too sad. I may never recover. Thanks for ruining my life with your emo-ness ray.

  86. NintendoNaut says:

    Heh heh, actually I got the joke on the second read. Not bad actually.

  87. lilman1101 says:

    you guys are hilarious! i love April fools day!

  88. Talduras says:

    Oh my word, I can’t believe I only now noticed that the comic gets DARKER! It’s like the Harry Potter books…

    …think about it.

  89. Laelaps says:

    I can’t believe how much I actually laughed out loud while reading this.

  90. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Haha, Great Comic Guys! I was expecting something similar to last year’s where it seemed like the site was messing up with the comic, so I was pleasantly surprised this time. Even for an April Fool’s joke, there were still a number of funny moments within this comic, with Ray’s drawn out depression of Tim’s absence only for him to return to reveal that he still had some Dr. Pepper left being a particular favorite of mine. The subtle shift from day to night was an excellent touch as well. 🙂

  91. Kyzin says:

    I just enjoy scrolling down rapidly, makes it like one of those flip picture books, except it becomed tainted by the darkness over time.

  92. KnucklesE says:

    I really liked it! I thought the long bit of the almost crying was actually an attempt to pull out a knife. But it wasn’t…

    Great comic! I don’t mind scrolling down anyway.

  93. twarner500 says:

    Guys. You have to view it backwards

  94. elah says:

    Oh my gosh, Ray! Those expressions made me tear up! I’m serious! You need to start hugging people. A lot.

  95. D3vin says:

    This comic needs moar dragons.

  96. turtleboats01 says:

    rofl, ncg

  97. SuperVegeta says:

    Ha. nice. I scrolled and looked at every panel. At first I thought the conversation between Tim and Ray was just switching back and forth between 2 identical panels. One where Ray spoke, one where Tim spoke, but I saw they were slightly different.

    The best part was watching Ray get more and more lonely and scared. Excellent job Ray on tweaking the sadness just every so subtly in each frame. Each one was just a bit sadder than the first. I hate to take joy in your misery, but it makes me feel better so that’s all that matters.

    This is constructive criticism! The ending joke wasn’t worded the best. I had to run through the whole joke a few times to figure out what it would be like for someone to skip to the end. It may have been funny for them, but having actually scrolled all the way down, it wasn’t the final bang I was looking for, but the comic as a whole was a “Success!”

  98. SuperVegeta says:

    Double post… i suck. 🙁 Ray and Tim’s house seems to be getting shabbier and more gloomy every time I see it. The wallpaper in the background is tearing at the top. In “Cel Shade the Hedgehog” it appears they have added a new West Wing for all their art, but it was designed by the people who made the Haunted Mansion Ride in Disney World. Even in this comic, the lights are being dimmed by a unseen force. (No windows means its not the sun). The two of them need to call 555-2368 for some ghost busting.

    Or it could be since this world is technically living in Ray’s head, being its visual creator, their house could be seen as a inner sanctum of his mind and his growing despair with the comic is being reflected in Toon Ray and Tim’s living space.

    Whatever the cause, I hope Toon Tim and Ray either remove the ghosts or hire an interior decorator to brighten up their lives. A nice bay window perhaps…

  99. jonre says:

    [spoiler]just to be in the momment …………………………………….

  100. yoyodoggy says:

    ]wow talk about long i mean its so boring i fell asleep after tim left to get more dr pepper and since you tortured us we tortue u now . mynameisbobiliveinabigmonsterofahousesoumthat
    comicsuckedlikereallysuckedisweariwantedtoripmyhairout, thank u for reading

  101. Oliby says:

    I don’t understand this comic, therefore it’s not funny. The artwork is nice though, so good job Ray, lame job Tim.

    Ok, everything above is a lie, except the part about the artwork. I really liked the subtle changes in lighting and Ray’s expression. The references to the “controversy” last week was just as good. It’s always entertaining knowing that a 2p Start! comic can always surprise you; I was expecting an April Fool comic about the death of 2P Start!

    And for your information, I was actually almost late to class due to analyzing the rate of change in Ray’s expression and attempting to derive an equation for this remarkable phenomenon.

  102. TomX says:

    Bahahahaha, the more I scrolled, the funnier it got. Not that I’ve ever found any before, but I do not intend to find anything hidden in any of those 78 panels. NCG

  103. BadnikHunter says:

    Oh, and knubbier elbows would definitely make a GREAT April Fools comic, Tim! XD

  104. Tadawan says:

    ZOMG!!! I had to scroll with my tongue by the end of this!! But it was worth it, except now my tongue is bleeding profusely… Oh wells. NCG!

  105. Abso1uteZero says:

    LOL love it

  106. Scissors says:

    So many directions I can take this……
    So first off: HA! I knew it! Ray’s totally emo! Although it would have been funnier if Ray’s hair gradually went down as he waited for Tim, and then snapped back up as Tim returned. I think the lighting thing was pretty cool, especially since I didn’t notice it until I was almost done reading the comic. And didn’t Ray have his computer in a room with a big Jeep poster (I think it said Jeep)? And, call me stupid for this, but I seriously just noticed this… WHERE THE HECK ARE TIM’S EARS?

    Oh, and by the way, I used to be that one person that couldn’t think of a witty nickname. So don’t think I’m graverising. I came up with a nickname, though It’s not witty, it’s just my nickname from school. Weird, huh?

  107. Artik_Skarab says:

    Before the comic stops, if it ever stops, I guess I would need to Rise From My Grave! (Gotta love the old Altered Beast sound effect).

    Anyway, I have been reading your comics since comic #80, Level Up!, and been checking out the site ever since. I wasn’t really interesed in the podcasts at first, thinking to myself “Geez, hearing two people talk for half an hour is going to be so lame…”. But, for the Three-Year Checkpoint Edition Podcast, I thought “Let’s see what this is all about…” And then, I was hooked. The podcasts are so funny and give a lot of information about how you guys feel about the comic or anything else in your lives. They are really awesome!

    Also, about you guys deciding whether or not to stop the comic entirely, it’s your desicion. Us, fans, can’t really decide for you! Of course, everyone, me included, would like you to continue the comics, but I can understand how the fact that putting up the comic week after week can be really harsh on you guys. I just hope that, at least, you guys will anounce us that the comic will be over in advance. I read other webcomics in the past, and now, only you and Brawl In The Family are still updating your comics. VGCats is slowly rotting in his tomb and RPG World Comic flatout died in the middle of the story. I don’t want to come to this page one day and see a giant banner saying “Starting of today, 2PStart is dead!”

    Anyway, you guys should discuss between the two of you what would be the best thing to do. Ray, keep up the superb work and Tim… well, I wouldn’t really call the Tim’s Take work, so…continue whatever you’re doing!

    Hope that the comic will continue!

  108. Crackin355 says:

    The First thing i thought was “Another Tim and Ray comic yay!”, then after the talking “Ok, Is that all?” then when Ray started crying “Wtf he crying about?” then near the end “If this doesn’t end right now, I will throw my DS at the Screen!!!!”. Luckily it ended, so now i can still play SoulSilver ona non-broken DS! ^.^

  109. Imaster says:

    Well, I realize that you guys have a huge back-log of graverisers right now, but I guess I should say my piece now or I probably never will.

    I got to this comic because of BitF’s guest strip (advertising works!) and have since worked my way through all of the comics and some of the podcasts. Needless to say, when I start up my computer each day and work my way through the 17 bookmarked sites I check for new content, 2PStart is one of them. Your comics are visually impressive and I love the clean and witty humour you employ. It’s sites like these that make the internet a great place to stay.

    Now about the comic. I love over-the-top humour, and the 26 panels of awkward pause halfway through the comic certainly qualifies. Naturally, it reminded me of comic #139, Tweet the Deets, which had me laughing for quite a while. Already looking forward to next week’s comic!

  110. Justbngoode says:

    haha. if u click and hold the down arrow thing in the lower right corner of the window, and put it on the part where tim leaves, its an ANIMATION!!!

  111. Retl says:

    After I reread this one, I had something to say, but I forgot what. Let me think for a sec.
    *At least an hour passes*

    I still like this one. The very strong sense of passing time really gives a neat feel to it. Makes me smile.

  112. MiMGodfather says:

    Happy Easter, everyone!

  113. Jumbif says:


  114. Jumbif says:


  115. Talduras says:

    Alright, newbie question. When and where was the first instance of “This comic used to be good”? Google shows there being 467 instances of that phrase (468 after I post this) on this website, which I’m not about to shuffle through all of those to find the first instance. Plus it doesn’t include podcast speech. =P

  116. jOnah says:

    i noticed you finally reached 100 comments!

  117. james says:


  118. BulimicKoala says:

    The best part of the comic was Ray crying but it would have been better if Tim drew it.

  119. BulimicKoala says:

    Its also surreal that when I stopped posting all the commenters were pros and now its actually scarce.

  120. shyguy22 says:

    Tim ,Ray .Can you tell me the info on how to make a website like this……….

  121. lillianaa says:

    I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing it 😛

  122. Macrosoft Windoors says:

    I’ll take this opportunity to… Rise from my Grave!
    I’ve been reading this comic and listening to the podcast for a while now, though I’ve never really bothered to comment or Rise from my Grave, so that’s what I’m doing today, Rising from my Grave.
    Rising from one’s Grave is an interesting concept. It’s a fresh concept in this big mudhole of webcomic clichés. Though, your entire comic and podcast (and not just this aspect) is a bright star in the puddle, so I guess it’s no wonder.
    Rise from my Grave.
    Rise from my Grave. Rise from my Grave. Rise from my Grave.

    April Fools!
    What? It’s already past April 1st?
    Keep up the good work!

  123. shyguy22 says:

    Does comic press work on Linux?

  124. Spritemaster says:

    Ray, I just listened to the podcast. First, I say I’m sorry. No, I don’t work for sega or sonic team, but think of this as a sorry for when your friend is dying of cancer or something. You’re right. This was supposed to be the one. But as the hype has gone on, as the little contests and the website have been put up, can anyone honestly say that excitement was coming from it. Here’s how it is. I participated in the first contest, for that whole name of playable characters thing. I signed up for a Twitter and Facebook account for them. I was expecting something incredible for our effort. A screenshot of an enemy that was made in Sonic 3. The reality just crashed down around me. If this was how they planned to hype the game, with a stream of disappointments and old ideas, then that was all the game could be. But the worst part probably is that absolutely no one will be surprised by this. I’m a young gamer, probably a decade younger than Tim. My first system was a N64, and then a Gamecube. My favorite game of that time was Sonic Adventure 2. Sonic was a hero of mine, and of millions worldwide. I understand that you have probably heard all this, maybe gone through it, but I just needed to rant. SEGA is going to die soon, and everything is only pointing towards a final whimper instead of a big bang ending. Their best seller in a decade was Bayo-frikkin- netta. Do us all a favor SEGA, just sell what you still own to Nintendo or something, and give what little pride these mascots have left to fester in a greater way. I’m sorry Ray, sonic fans, and 2p start fans. Thank you for reading.

  125. Great Byron says:

    Well, I guess it is time to- RISE FROM MY GRAVE!
    (insert cheap MIDI sound effect)
    Any ways, I was sucked in visited this site when Brawl in the Family did a guest comic for you guys.
    Since then, I have read every comic, (a massive undertaking) and have started on listening to every podcast (an even more massive undertaking).
    So far I have not found any bad comics, and I even find Tim’s Take allows me a (small) chuckle.
    Keep up the good work, and I also want to make a note that I read every single panel in this comic. Great pseudo-joke guys…

  126. Random Lurker says:

    I don’t usually say anything here, but this was really good. I thouroughly enjoyed it. It even had a punchline!

  127. Sam101 says:

    My finger hurts from scrolling down all the way just to comment.

  128. Unclever title says:

    Wow. 79 panel Comic. And yes I went back and counted, though not very carefully, I may have missed one or two.

    You should check.

  129. Mirby says:

    Hehehe…. took a bit to load, but I lol’d once it was done. I like the use of lighting to show that a good amount of time passed during this conversation. Great work. Also, if there were people who skipped to the end, they deserve it, I’m sure.

    Impatient jerks.

  130. Jumbif says:

    I DON’T LIKE THIS COMIC ANYMORE. Just kidding… but you probably caused some serious damage to my mouse.

  131. hey soul sister says:


  132. Val Varo says:


  133. Vlork The Mighty Wielder of Sheep says:

    reminds me of family guy, you know with the lame joke that goes on for way too long

  134. Bonzi77 says:

    Suddenly this comic seems much sadder.

  135. CAMURRAY says:

    Um, the image is broken… Can you please fix it? Thanks.

  136. Gamer Blue says:

    Reading this sure brings back memories…”Turns out the can wasn’t actually empty yet”. I laughed out loud at that. Too funny, guys.

  137. zeldadude says:

    wow, talk about late, but I JUST realised that the panels get ptrogressively darker, as if enough time is passing for the sun to go down and the moon to rise despite the fact that that is a common misconception. (I don’t know if this has been mentioned, but I’m not checking 182 comments to find out.)

  138. Luke Shmuke says:

    When tim left to get some more doctor pepper I thought ray was jerkin it

  139. GuyWithThePie says:

    Why are all of your longer comics in such horrible quality? Is it because I’m browsing on a phone?

  140. PinkieBrony says:

    This comic took a while to scroll through, but I finally finished it today, and I can’t wait to read the next one. (get it! that means I have been scrolling through this comic for years because of how long it is!) I Just noticed that the wall in the background of this comic is all cracked. I’m pretty sure this is a reference to the comic where Ray summons a landmaster from the sky and smashes the roof. In that comic the walls got cracked up in the last panel. That’s a pretty clever reference there! 🙂 I didn’t see anyone point that hidden detail out so I decided to take things into my own hands and be the first to say it.

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