Happy Valentine’s Day!





TimWell, there are no new Valentine’s this year, but that doesn’t mean the previous ones aren’t still great! If you wish, you can email a V-Day card to a friend or foe by clicking on the image you want to send and filling out the form. If you want to print them out, here are all the valentines zipped up. Enjoy!

P.S. – Today is the 4-year anniversary of our first comic. Hard to believe!

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  1. Corbin Brickhouse says:

    You should put up the logo you used for the ValentiNES comic.

  2. Laelaps says:

    Happy Valentines Birthday Guys!

  3. Mr. Saxaphone says:

    Any thing new on 2p start is approved by me, even if it sucks. would this not be the perfect time for a new postmordom comic! But as I said, you have starved me so much, that any scraps are heavenly. + Still no comic, I NEED MY 2P START OR I WILL EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….lolz

  4. Paper_Banjokami says:

    Woah, what happened to all the old comments? This has now become not only Single’s Awareness Day, but 2PStart Is Dead Awareness Day… 2PSIDAD

    Not even a Postmortem Podcast? *Sigh* You guys were good at some point.

    • Paper_Banjokami says:

      Nevermind, I didn’t realize this was a new post, compiling both of the old ValentiNES comics… ???

  5. Wolf5297 says:

    Pikachu, I choose you to be my Valentine!

    ValentiGBA? No?

  6. randomperson says:

    Is there any Postmortem comic for valentines day or even a podcast?

    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic
    please be a comic

  7. W says:

    please be a comic ?

  8. Well, anything is good. I’d still like a Podcast soon about Ray’s trip to Haiti. That’d be nice. But, still, we get a…………… sort-of update………………………… but still, better than nothing. Another Postmortem comic soon or is the whole idea DOOMED? That is, of course, you guys’ choice. We’ll see you after this commercial break.


  9. …………………..what have you been snorting?


  10. TheKickAwesome says:

    I feel like the fact that you now have TWO FREAKING CHILDREN has been sortof pushed to the side.
    and I wanna know how he and lily are, and how you are, and how sarah is, and yeah.

    *not creepy at all*

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