D3vin & dj75728
I have slaved over this comic for hours… even though I didn’t have the timeline these guys do, making this comic wasn’t easy. My scanner was broken so I used this opportunity to brush up on my flash skills… The Tim and Ray in comic looks like the Tim and Ray you have grown to love, just drawn only the slightest bit different… If this was hand drawn i’d look a whole lot better. My Boxart and Screenshot looked better because it was a simple style that fit better with my lack of digital drawing skills…
Thanks for the comic guys, now you get an idea of how much time Ray spends drawing each week!
Thanks for the hard work, you guys. I look forward to seeing what your hand-drawn work looks like when your scanner gets back in shape.
I liked the use of old material. Lots of in jokes from the site made it a fun read.
Good job Devin. And whatever DJabcdef did was probably pretty good too.
On an unrelated note, Ray and Tim: Please never miss a week.
Cool, two comics in one week! 😛
Yeah, my scanner is fried and I need to get a new one. The only thing that bugs me is that the Printer that is attached to it still works…
Can you get all of the in-jokes I tried to squish in there?
awsome. 😀
the first thing my eye saw (besides the boxart) were the “quotes.” i loved that one alot.
also, is it just me, or is tim reading a manual for two sonic games at the same time?
So this is the mutiny…
This is a great comic – though the art needs to be brushed up a bit I suppose. I love all the misquotes (so those marketing people did work on a game…) and the title of the game is brilliant! 🙂
Yes, I couldn’t find any game magazine covers so I made do with some Sonic boxarts that I had laying around…
Also, you can’t see it in the ‘ad’ but Tim makes a cameo in the screenshot.
I wold buy that game
Same as what Dr. Mario said…
Just too much to it to resist.
Yay! Our comic is up! And the one thing I have learned from making this comic is that…..Tim hardly does anything other than site maintenence
! I mean really. My contribution to this comic was like 30%. All I did was comment, come up with some of the material(MK vs DC qoute was mine, among other things), and commenting on how to polish the text for the final product. But still, if Devin is up to it I’d love to do some of our other comic ideas since we had a good number. And I’d like to contribute more if we do some more comics.
Yeah, how about I draw half the panels, you draw the other half… we will split the comic right down the middle… I call the left side.
Ummm…….Not sure if that’ll work. Although it would be interesting. Guess that’s something we’ll have to chat about later then. Besides, I’m lefthanded, so I should get the left side 😛 .
It’s the ‘2’ from Sonic the Hedgehog 2! Can’t believe I knew that. Now, where do the ‘T’s come from?
Sonic: Triple Trouble for the Game Gear… It also appears as the front cover for the ‘magazine’ that Tim is holding in the last panel. In a way, I may be as big of a Sonic Fanboy as Ray…
I appreciate how all of the screenshots are in japanese, making it seem more realistic.
They’re not, the text just looks crappy >_<
fixed the quote for the reason that there is only one screenshot…
I should of done that, as I have one of those ‘traveler’s reference’ guides on how to speak Japanese… too bad the only thing I can get out of it is ‘how ask for the toilet’s location’ and ‘when does the train leave’
I don’t think that “Floatzel used tackle” is in there…
The best part is that I would totally buy that game! XD
Best Part? Reference to Marketing 101. “Hot as hell”… LOL
I like how the screenshots actually look real.
That’s great!