
Electric Boogaloo!

D3vinThis comic is of Ray’s (and his doppelgangers’) frustrations while trying to trade for Pokemon with others around the world. Before any of you say this was a ‘copy and pasta’, Remember that this (except for the text and speech bubbles etc.), was HAND DRAWN and the scene was re-drawn painstakingly to re-create the first panel almost exactly. Some of you may find that it lacks color, so blame me not having any coloring utensils at my house, but look on the bright side, you can use this as a FREE coloring page! I couldn’t figure what stereotype to use for Ray’s Japan counterpart, so I just made a more manga-looking Ray instead. Hope you guys like it!


  1. Tim says:

    Very nicely done D3vin, I really liked this one.

  2. Ray says:

    First I have a cartoon doppelganger, then I have a cardboard cut-out of myself trying to murder me, and now I’ve got a french and japanese version as well?!

    Hmm… I suppose I do love having doppelgangers, though…

    Nice work, D3vin.

  3. roadjcat says:

    Ray, I wouldn’t be the one complaining. Tim is the one who went from a Mime to a Samurai. XD

    Yeah, this comic certainly rings true, and good job using Treecko, Treecko is the epitome of awesome.

    I’ve learned that you need to offer your own Pokemon, and some ridiculous person will trade with you if you just wait. I’ve gotten a good amount of pokemon from trading a Wurmple. XD

  4. Rokai says:

    First I have a cartoon doppelganger, then I have a cardboard cut-out of myself trying to murder me, and now I’ve got a french and japanese version as well?!
    Hmm… I suppose I do love having doppelgangers, though…
    Nice work, D3vin.

    Oh yeah, Raybox is so cool.

    Nice comic, I’m a Japan-fan so you get a 5.

  5. tustin says:

    Nice comic. Great copy work. 🙂

    Hey! Ray got Author’s Comment now!

  6. lwelyk says:

    I hate it when things are like that on the GTS >_>

    I just learned that Spirtombs are considered more rare then they are. So I bred about 20 and got legendaries from them. Pretty sweet deal for me.

    Good comic.

  7. Num says:

    Wow. I liked the comic, and I could swear you just copy-pasted the first frame for the others (nothing wrong to that, it’s part of the comic’s joke). But now that you mention it, I checked and indeed the panels are all distinct, making it even more awesome. Good job!

  8. tustin says:

    Nice comic. Great copy work.
    Hey! Ray got Author’s Comment now!

    (Note: I hadn’t listened to the Technical Difficulties podcast until now…) *embarrassed drop, such as one you see in anime*

  9. Tacos says:

    Nice. I love the French stereotype, except if you want me to nitpick, no one really says “Sacre Bleu” but thats just me critiquing it because I live there. Either way, nice job. As a Pokemon fanatic, the comic hits home. Oh, and I love the logo. Easily my favorite one of them all (sorry Tim and Ray).

  10. Narnian says:

    Nice job D3vin! Double the guest comics.

    Nice. I love the French stereotype, except if you want me to nitpick, no one really says “Sacre Bleu” but thats just me critiquing it because I live there.

    A guy who’s username is Tacos and lives in France…

  11. Tacos says:

    Nice job D3vin! Double the guest comics.

    Nice. I love the French stereotype, except if you want me to nitpick, no one really says “Sacre Bleu” but thats just me critiquing it because I live there.

    A guy who’s username is Tacos and lives in France…

    Yea, and I’m American!! It is rather strange I will admit

  12. D3vin says:

    Wow. I liked the comic, and I could swear you just copy-pasted the first frame for the othersP>

    I don’t have anything to say but this:

    Before any of you say this was a ‘copy and pasta’, Remember that this (except for the text and speech bubbles etc.), was HAND DRAWN and the scene was re-drawn painstakingly to re-create the first panel almost exactly.

    Sigh, If only people read my comments next to my shiny avitar

  13. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Great comic D3vin! The logo is also really awesome! The different Tims really cracked me up.

  14. D3vin says:

    Great comic D3vin! The logo is also really awesome! The different Tims really cracked me up.

    Yeah, that was more along the lines of a “joke-within-a-joke” type of thing.

    I wonder what Tim liked better? Being a Mime or a Samurai?

    I was originally going to have an Australian panel and have Tim be a kangaroo wearing a beanie… thank god I couldn’t figure out the dialog for that one… “British” and “Australian” English is confusing.

    as for the logo, [spoiler]I wonder If anyone has noticed that the “2” is still the one from my last comic, only without the black lines and colored differently[/spoiler]

  15. Unclever title says:

    Madness? No… No I won’t do it.

    Clever though, I like it.

  16. Saturn2888 says:

    Very nicely done D3vin, I really liked this one.

    I am in agreement.

  17. CKcheeseboy says:

    Um, I’d just like to point out: if Treecko is the last Pokemon he needs, wouldn’t that mean he has Grovyle/Sceptile already? So couldn’t he just breed a Treecko?

    I like the logo though, although the text looks a little distorted. Did you shrink it or something? I like the idea, though.

  18. D3vin says:

    Um, I’d just like to point out: if Treecko is the last Pokemon he needs, wouldn’t that mean he has Grovyle/Sceptile already? So couldn’t he just breed a Treecko?
    I like the logo though, although the text looks a little distorted. Did you shrink it or something? I like the idea, though.

    No, He also needs those ones also, it was just easier to write than “the last one and his or her evolved forms”

    I think the logo is because of my Emulator settings, I just edited it to say “2p Start” instead of “*insert low level Pokemon’s name here*”

  19. CKcheeseboy says:

    Um, I’d just like to point out: if Treecko is the last Pokemon he needs, wouldn’t that mean he has Grovyle/Sceptile already? So couldn’t he just breed a Treecko?
    I like the logo though, although the text looks a little distorted. Did you shrink it or something? I like the idea, though.

    No, He also needs those ones also, it was just easier to write than “the last one and his or her evolved forms”

    Ah, I see.

  20. Noodle says:

    Australian and British english being wierd?

  21. Jericu says:

    It’s always a rarity to find a good offer on the GTS unless you offer it yourself. I did find a mesprit for a rotom, though. That was pretty cool.

  22. chriskatching says:

    First I have a cartoon doppelganger, then I have a cardboard cut-out of myself trying to murder me, and now I’ve got a french and japanese version as well?!
    Hmm… I suppose I do love having doppelgangers, though…
    Nice work, D3vin.

    HAHAHA Ray…. You sure are a prime subject of cloning… O_O

  23. shyguy22 says:

    I think the Japanese version of Ray looks AWESOME!!!


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