Decisions, Decisions…


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October 10th, 2007

Decisions, Decisions…

TimI believe this is very close to an accurate picture of how Sony makes decisions regarding the PS3. I almost titled this one “More Adventures in Marketing” as a semi-sequel to our “Marketing 101” comic. I’m always blown away by the decisions that Sony makes and the justifications they come up with to tell consumers why they are better off that way. When rumble went away they told us that it was a ‘last-gen’ feature. LIES!!! Why did they bring it back then? Not including BC with the new 40GB model of the PS3 is the latest example of this decision-making process that upsets gamers. Unfortunately, this one may not be reversible as certain components that allowed PS2 BC are no longer in the PS3 (and software emulation has been ruled out). BC was one of the aspects to the PS3 that drew me towards it. I considered buying one over a 360 because I was attracted to the still-relevant, enormous catalogue of games the PS2 carried. Touting your system’s “over 65 games” isn’t exactly a great selling point.

Ray You guys are all lucky I got this comic done. There I was last night, working on the comic and minding my own business, when the internet starts to light up about Sonic being confirmed in Brawl. Well, there went my night of productivity.


  1. ajvizz says:

    Haha, this one amazing. Great job guys!

  2. Myxo says:

    “Will next year be better for the PS3?”

    The Magic Eight-Ball? Maybe.

  3. Ryan says:

    When I saw Sonic was confirmed, this is the first site I thought to visit. I can’t WAIT to see what you guys come up with! Seriously, it better be good.

  4. Dj75728 says:

    Me being a die-hard Sonic fan I hope ya’ll do something nice to commemerate him being in Brawl. BTW, nice job on the comic; now do one for Sonic and Brawl!…..Please ^_^.

  5. Defenestrator2.0 says:

    Well, you see, they didn’t want last gen rumble. Now they’re introducing next gen rumble.

  6. Defenestrator2.0 says:


  7. RM says:

    Sonic… ?


  8. chriskatching says:

    *Falls over* Hahahaha

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