2P START! Live!: Unwrapped Edition
January 1st, 2008
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! We’ll kick-start 2008 with a fresh podcast guest starring Eddie Hargreaves, Ray’s brother, a veteran podcaster in his own right. Unfortunately, you’ll have to bear with our technical problems, but I promise it will be better next week! This Christmas, Tim got an Xbox 360, and Ray’s brother received a Wii, so both describe their experiences with their new consoles. Plus, Trivia for You, Comic Talk, Black Doom Award, and some… technical difficulties. Check it out!
Happy New Years guys!
Hope your resolution is to banish the rainbowy colours of death!
And those weird LEGO people.
Tim’s completely right, you could easily spend 20-30 hours on demos with the 360……..well at least downloading them, with how long that takes >_< . And Tim, as far as Live Arcade goes check out Bomberman Live(one of my personal fav’s), Alien Hominid, and Super Puzzle Fighter Two Turbo High Definition Remix(or Puzzle Fighter HD for short). And I sent my submission for ‘Trivia for You’ through e-mail.
Aww I was hoping you would mention me getting Trivia for you #2 right. I wanted you two to try to pronounce my username. It’s always fun to hear everyone’s versions. : P
Funny, I like your bro. Next time you decide to put your girlfriend back on, pick him instead. She’s great if she cuts in every now and then. But for a whole session, she just sounds like an idiot. No offense to her of course. (I’m gonna get so much crap from her if she reads this.)
What was with the whole technical difficulty? Couldn’t you have cut that out? Seems kinda unprofessional. =/
Oh Eddie 🙂
I knew Crash from PS1 … got it still… Lol
But… I’m kinda late in listening haha
Nice gift Ray!! 😛
When I heard the Trivia for You song in this one (Podcast 11), my fanboy kicked in and I very nearly shouted the game’s title. Now I know what game I’m going to be munching fruit in tomorrow.