Tim Reviews Scrabble for the iPhone!


TimHere’s review number 2! Check out my review of Scrabble for the iPhone and iPod Touch by EA Mobile! I hope you appreciate my hard work as I am now unemployed with a huge vocabulary due to countless Triple Word Scores. One more review later today!

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  1. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Nice review! I was wondering, are there any differences between the iPod Touch and iPhone (other than the fact that one is a phone).

  2. roadjcat says:

    Again good review. Is this the first review of yours that’s been posted?

    Anyway, after reading both reviews it appears I was right when I said that the iPhone had those ‘just one more time’ games where there isn’t a whole lot of depth, but it’s pretty addicting. Now I see why the DS was left alone for so long, but when they come out with a Metroid game for the iPhone, then call me. XD

  3. Tim says:

    I did an Elebits review a LOOOONG time ago, but yeah, it’s been awhile.

    As far as the game goes? No difference except the iPhone has an external speaker whereas the iPod Touch only has the headphone option. I reviewed the game on an iPod Touch, but I reference ‘iPhone’ typically for the sake of consistency.

    There are many other differences between the two though (3G data, bluetooth, camera, GPS, battery life, capacity, et al).

  4. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    So, can you have the internet browser on the iPod Touch, and if so, how much does it cost?

  5. Tim says:

    The browser comes with the iPod Touch, but you have to be in range of a WiFi network to use it (unlike the iPhone which uses the phone’s data plan). The iPod Touch starts at $299 for the 8GB version, but I believe they will be updated in the next couple months, so hold off buying one for a bit.

  6. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Alright, sounds good. I’ve been meaning to get a music playing device, but unfortunately I’m not with AT&T, so I can’t get an iPhone.

  7. D3vin says:

    Wow, by these two reviews you can surely see who is more of a casual gamer than the other 😉 I like Scrabble too, I just lose all of the little letter tiles by the time we actually want to play it. I guess that goes with all boardgames too… Wait until the electronic version comes out, it saves time, space and you don’t have all the little pieces to lose.

  8. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Um… Where is the third review? Were you guys just really busy and didn’t have enough time to write/put it up?

  9. roadjcat says:

    Um… Where is the third review? Were you guys just really busy and didn’t have enough time to write/put it up?

    Yeah, I was wondering as well. I kept checking until like 10 at night…then I stopped. Shows you what kinda life I have huh?

  10. Ray says:

    Um… Where is the third review? Were you guys just really busy and didn’t have enough time to write/put it up?

    Sorry for the delay. Tim planned on having all three up by Friday, but somehow became to busy to finish his other review. I don’t know when he’ll have it up, but I hope today. Can’t blame me… I’m busy editing the podcast!

  11. roadjcat says:

    Can’t blame me… I’m busy editing the podcast!

    Wow…I’m smart. I thought you recorded the podcast on Sunday. Apparently not. Again, shows how much I pay attention!

  12. sheppy says:

    [QUOTE]I hope you appreciate my hard work as I am now unemployed with a huge vocabulary due to countless Triple Word Scores.[/QUOTE]

    Ummm, please say this is a joke. I do know of someone who lost their job due to Solitaire…

  13. Tim says:

    yes, definitely a joke. I just got a little loopy from the busy review extravaganza week.

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