Share your PSN Names Here!
January 11th, 2010
As revealed in the podcast this week, I now have a PS3, so I might as well make some friends, right? (So far the only multiplayer games I have are Modern Warfare 2 and Resistance: Fall of Man). If you’d like, feel free to add me as a friend (PSN Name: wilef). Also, leave your name in the comments to make friends with other 2P START! fans as well!
Mine is Cramill. I have Burnout Paradise. Its a pretty fun game.
me 2 i have burnout paradise
PSN Name: MechaRidleyR27
Oh, believe me, there’s a very exciting story behind why my PSN name isn’t MetaRidleyR27 filled with bad customer service, terrorism, and Nazis. But that’s a story for another day.
As for the multiplayer games, I currently only own LittleBigPlanet and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
I’m planning on getting LBP soon. I really enjoyed the demo!
When I heard the story, all I could think was “wow, Sony is really, really stupid.”
the comment you have put about what your name is all about sounds quite funny and hope you could post how it all started ? 🙂
Can’t say our PS3 gaming libraries intersect as of yet, but sure.
My PSN name is “gxechidna”
Now if only there was a way to hide how much I put into getting the Sonic Unleashed trophies…
Well I don’t have a PS3, but I’d like to know what you think of Modern Warfare 2 and if I’m the only nuts one for having no problem with the terrorist scene and liking the game MUCH better than the original.
PSN ID: Yams
I would agree that Uncharted 2 is worth a purchase. Definitely a great multiplayer experience. Little Big Planet is also an excellent game. Plus, for PSN games, I would highly recommend Fat Princess. It’s pretty darn hilarious.
I tried adding yours and it said your name wasn’t registered?
Chocolate_bob1. I’ve got LittleBigPlanet, both Modern Warfares, Fat Princess, MGS4 (Although I’ve never tried online) and Grand Turismo 5 Prolouge.
Mine would be KingdomGeek.
I suggest getting Super Street Fighter IV when it gets out. I still love Street Fighter and the notion of even more gets me giddy. Also, you can spend years working on strategies on just one character, working out intricacies. I think that I found my love for the game when I learned how to block (thumbstick in opposite direction of opponent). It extends fights beyond repeated face-punching matches and gives you an actual chance against the computer.
ANYWAY, what I’m trying to say is I’d be happy to play anyone from 2P Start! at any time I am free.
Dominus_ Seph
I play on and off with the PS3 as I prefer the 360, but on occasion I can get on for some online fun! 🙂 Gotta love MGO and Uncharted 2!
If you see anything in my trophy collection or see me playing something you might want to try multiplayer, just let me know,
Well I do believe mine is “Marunabe”. I have both Modern Warfare 2 and Resistance, among others. I’m on during weekends and my internet connection should be working fine now. I can easily recommend Uncharted 2 and LittleBigPlanet. If you’re into superhero games, check out inFamous and for more shooting fun, try Killzone 2. So yeah, everyone give me a ring.
Mine is Pieninja14. Really wish I could change it, but oh well.
Mine is TaySavesTheDay. I’m playing through the downloadable content for Fallout 3 right now but definitely have been tossing in Modern Warfare 2 whenever I have time. I have a large selection of games so anyone can add me and play some multiplayer with me 🙂
my psn is rationalthinker.
i don’t have many multiplayer games iirc, but i do have littlebigplanet
PSN ID: twigwolf
(not capitalized)
Hey I love the comic and the podcast. I’ve been listening for a long time and I can’t wait to add Tim. Go PS3. These are my online games. Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, GTA IV, Burnout Paradise. Add me. Ray should get a PS3. Finally I can listen to PS3 talk. Yay.
My PSN ID is attackraccoon (surprise!)
I just finished a ton of Fallout 3 so I’m looking to play some online games. What I have is LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Rock Band 2, I think Brutal Legend is online… and I have Resistance: Fall of Man but haven’t played it much. Also, Resident Evil 5 and Marvel vs Capcom 2.
So far, I only have one friend on PSN, so I hope this thread changes that!
PSN: Webshot64
I barely ever play LBP, but some invites might change that. I have MGS4 too. The game I play the most though is Dragon Ball: Raging Blast. I look forward to playing you guys.
Just added everyone.
Please accept it.
As in, if I sent you one, accept it. That whole sentence felt awkward.
Username: Obilink
I currently have no multiplayer games (I did not like LBP), but I do intend to get ModNation Racers.
PSN Username: MiMGodfather
I don’t have a ton of online multiplayer games for the PS3, but the ones I do have are:
1) Resident Evil 5
2) Little Big Planet
3) Soul Calibur IV
4) Resistance: Fall of Man (though I haven’t played it yet… lol)
Hey, does anyone know if the Turtles In Time remake is online-multiplayer capable? I have the demo and am probably going to buy the full version… that would be a fun game for a bunch of us to get together on.
PSN ID: nthngsnghtmr
I have very few multiplayer games, but they are listed in order of most played:
1. Brutal Legend
2. Borderlands
3. Wolfenstein
4. Resistance 2 (have not started playing yet)
I won’t be buying MW2 for quite some time, just to let the hype die down, but a few friends of mine have recommended COD:5. Thoughts/opinions/advice?
Well, I haven’t played COD5 myself, but I think that game wasn’t developed by Infinity Ward, so I say looking at a few reviews first, because the team that made that game was also responsible for creating the monstrosity that was COD3.
get cod2 cus its better detailed and more ppl play it
Too bad I don’t have a PS3,
It only does EVERYTHING!
blackscythe is my PSN. i have RE5, the orange box, resistance:FOM, rockband 1&2, LITTLEBIGPLANET!!(severely addicted), GTA IV, and metal gear solid 4. feel free to add me.
Mine’s Dr_Disaster (huh fancy that.) I have Warhawk and LittleBigPlanet for my multiplayer games.
Mine’s Apkinesis, though I rarely use the PS3 (and when I am, it’s mostly downloading game trailers or watching movies) — I just have a lack of games for it at the moment 😛 Though I’ll probably eventually get Little Big Planet and/or Orange Box for it someday, as far as multiplayer goes.
Added everyone so far. Also, I forgot I have Pure and Quantum of Solace which are also multiplayer (not that anyone has those games).
I don’t have a PS3 quite yet but my dad is getting one soon so he can have Blu-Ray and stream Netflix without having to move my 360 between rooms every minute. I’ll post my PSN name once we the PS3.
Place a ‘get’ in between we and the in the last sentence…
psn: Carnivore_Apple
i never really posted a comment because i was too lazy to create a profile…
my multiplayer games are: resistance FOM , littlebigplanet , battlefield 1943 and team fortress 2 from the orange box.
PSN – ultimateDK
If you get Bomberman Ultra or Marvel V. Capcom 2 (I am in no way good at that game so don’t be afraid lol) those can be some pretty addicting multiplayer games. Can’t say no to a classic bomberman match!
Yeah and I forgot LBP, and some good ol DBZ, Blazblue, Soul Calibur IV….
PSN: Kilburn474
XBL: Cornholio Slim
I added both you and ray on Live and you on PSN.
Only multiplayer games I have for PS3 are MW2, Uncharted 2, and Splinter Cell Double Agent.
However on 360 I have MW2 (I have ALOT of friends that only have a 360), Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2 and a mess of Arcade games.
My gaming hours vary due to my odd work hours out at the casino but they usually range anywhere between 10am-5pm and 2:30am-4am.
My PSN is….Nveus…lol..surprised?
I’m on a MW2 kick right now…however, know that I am by no means a competitive player, I play PURELY for fun.
I.e. I’ll run someone down for an entire map just to knife them, lol.
Feel free to add me!
My psn name is, no suprise PSN:SuperSonicGoku with the SSG in caps. Anyone can add me, I also got a ps3 recently, and have MW2, Uncharted 2, and LBP multiplayer wise.
PSN: tdh004
If you need help with Spec Ops (Just got my last STAR the other night.), let me know. I’ve beat all of them with 2 player on Veteran. Platinum Trophy earned last night!
Psn username:MNBV15 (im new to this site =D)
Online games i have: Modern warfare 2.
i just got mw2 ,add that to my list 😀
all those games and you only played flower lol
My name is Heavy-WeaponsGuy . The only multiplayer game I have is LittleBigPlanet.
Mine is SRJe.
It’s just Ocherstone.
Playing MW2, LittleBigPlanet, Burnout Paradise, Killzone 2, Battlefield 1942…add me, I may have it.
PSN ID: Cheeseluigi
I have MW2 and LBP as my main multiplayer games!
It’s MGN001.
MY NEW 1 IS drogbar90 got cod 4 6 grand turimso 5 frree to addd
add ma psn >> LilDee208
mine is gh192 i have LBP ps3 home (mr obvious to the resuce!) and burnout paridse if i can find again 😛 oh well
PSN: xXstardanXx I have tons of MP games so feel free to add me :). Its cool to add Tim to the Friend Roster.
Jiggle zombie add plez
my name is conormacmillan online add me gta nfs call of duty……
i have bad company and modern warfare 2
and gta IV
im thinkin of buyin little big planet should i get it or not?
Get it. It is one of the best platformers released in a while.
My PSN ID is Dest747, and I have:
Final Fantasy XIII
Burnout Paradise
Mirror’s Edge
Call of Duty 4
Wipeout HD
Ragdoll Kung-Fu
Noby Noby Boy
Eye of Judgement
Final Fantasies VII and VIII
Add me!
my psn is drkng18 i have super street fighter 4, modnation racer well i ordered it so its coming soon for multiplayer so far
Mine is FatPoundOfWeed (add me)
hey guys my psn is killeribi1,
im a multiplayer gamer i have games including Call of duty world at war, Uncharted 2, Resistant fall of man, Aliens Vs Predator, Motorstrom Persific Rift (not sure if splet right!) and Farcry 2 and well… thats it if u want to add be my guest!
mine is homieg567
i have mw2, killzone 2, army of 2, gta4, battlfield bad company1, rainbow six vegas, alien vs. predator
Mines i2ide_0f_i2egret 0 = zero
I have all cod’s mainly play black ops also have little big planet Resistance fall of man(hate it) burnout paradise fat princes basically a whole bunch of games online and off tons of dlc willing to game share also
add me the names my psn. i have fat princess skate 3 and unchafted 2
mine is youngahh26 plz add:)
Decided to finally get a Blu-Ray player, I mean, a PS3
Both PSN and XBL are: GewurztraminerX
I don’t play online multiplayer often but when I do it’s usually Rock Band on the 360
theaha0. Add me!
My PSN name Is Defiant_Murder
im looking for people to play with:)
Add me my PSN is RatedKB13 I got street fighters 4,GTA4,World at war,little big planet n split second
Mines actually – deb_rah86
Mainly play uncharted 2 and lbp.
Feel free to add, ive got lbp2, black ops,mw2, both bioshocks and fallout new vegas, i play mostly for fun 😀
mine is Phaymous33 add me , i have black ops!!
do you have mw2 🙂 ?
My psn name is my registerd name on hear if youj carnt see its : vDeMonx-ViiZiOn add me if you would like 11th prestige on mw2 and if you can record im looking gto start a montage 🙂
Mine is looey101
i play LOTS of black ops
my clan tag is SWAT
willing to join partys and pwn n00bs =D
BecherSTENT Mostly COD black ops
mine is joshtimms1995, i mostly go on fifa 11 and call of duty
Add me i have Call of Duty Black Ops. Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare, Infamous 2, and Dead Rising 2
my psn is : BrittanySachiko
i just bought a ps3 soo i’m looking for some friends to play with
Mine’s jman642.
I usually play COD7, MW2, LBP,GT5,COD4